Sentences with phrase «diet replete»

When we look at the typical American food pattern, we find a diet replete with processed foods from which many nutritionally valuable components have been removed and replaced by too much salt, too much sugar, and too many artificially hardened fats.
This means a low - carb diet replete in protein can help control your appetite naturally.
While there is no clear - cut or ideal amount of macronutrient proportions a person should consume to maintain a healthy diet or lose weight, eating a «healthy» diet replete with a variety of unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, and lean meats is correlated with being healthier and more likely to result in sustainable weight loss.
Eskimos, for instance, who eat a high fish - based diet replete in omega - 3s and very low in omega - 6s, do not suffer from any of the diseases of modernity, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, diverticulitis, appendicitis, gallstones, or autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or ulcerative colitis (Sinclair, 1981; Nettleton, 1995; Calder, 1998).
Two, cow's milk... some babies have a sensitivity to the protein in cow's milk, so if mom has a diet replete with this kind of dairy, and the baby is susceptible, mom is going to end up with a very uncomfortable and gassy baby.

Not exact matches

When the iron - deficient pigs switched to an iron - replete diet from four to eight weeks of life, their brain volumes caught up with those of pigs that had never been iron deficient.
Giving the piglets an iron - replete diet for another four weeks did not appear to increase the iron content of these brain regions.
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 3, 2018 (HealthDay News)-- Your New Year's resolution diet should be based on a well - balanced eating plan that fits your lifestyle, rather than a weird fad replete with food restrictions.
While typical diets often yield lackluster results replete with weight regain, practicing IF fosters sustainable, automatic fat burning, often generating greater weight loss than typical calorie - restricted diets despite similar calorie intakes!
People suffering from obesity can greatly benefit from a fibre rich diet, which tends to make a person feel replete faster.
That will replete some of these missing nutrients as well as a healthy diet on top of that.
My paleo diet (a little less than a year) heretofore consisted of a lot of fatty cuts of grass - fed lamb, perhaps ungodly amounts of (usually clarified) pasture butter, at least two pastured eggs per day, half a pound of spinach per day, and enough potato to replete my glycogen stores.
That volunteer vegan ate an omnivore diet, replete with carnitine and choline.
Depending on your diet and digestive health, it can take 4 - 6 months or more to get nutrient replete, so patience is essential.
Your cat's diet should be a nutrient rich diet, meaning it should be replete with ample vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and Omega 3 & 6.
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