Sentences with phrase «dietary energy»

"Dietary energy" refers to the amount of energy or calories provided by the food we consume. It is the energy derived from nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are used by our bodies for various functions, such as physical activity, growth, and metabolism. Full definition
In the past, physicians and scientists have made an association between dietary energy from fat and body fat.
The abnormalities underlying Type 2 diabetes are reversible by reducing dietary energy intake (8).
Studies have shown that, once protein requirements are met, more muscle is gained by adding dietary energy (from carbs or fat) than from just plugging in more protein.
Food cravings and energy regulation: the characteristics of craved foods and their relationship witheating behaviors and weight change during 6 months of dietary energy restriction
This finding is similar to the decrease reported in a 1 - mo study of hyperlipidemic people without diabetes who consumed a 27 % - protein diet in which 11 % of total dietary energy from starch was replaced with vegetable protein (50).
This month's AJCN reports that an increase in dietary energy density over one eight - year study period found a 14 - pound weight gain among women eating the most energy - dense foods.
Fats and oils, sugar, refined grains, potatoes, and beans represented some of the lowest - cost options and provided dietary energy at minimal cost.
It is somewhat harder on physical energy, but I figured the longer term benefits of self - healing during the longer fasting hours will outweigh the short - term «suffering» (from reduced dietary energy).
Stressed and unhealthy fat tissue is also less able to accommodate more unused dietary energy.
Calorie restriction or Caloric restriction (CR) is the practice of limiting dietary energy intake in the hope that it will improve health and retard aging.
«The study findings provide clear support for dietary guidelines that advocate the benefits of replacing dietary energy from saturated fats with that from polyunsaturated fats, as well as from whole grain carbohydrates and plant source proteins.
While fat is the form of energy most readily stored as body fat, it's the last in line to be liberated when dietary energy is in short supply.
-LSB-...] Carbohydrates are our main dietary energy source and can be evaluated according to their glycemic response.
Food doesn't burn fat — a calorie deficit, i.e. a lack of sufficient dietary energy intake, induces your body to burn fat, and the concept of a «fat burning food» is thus oxymoronic.
Touted as one of the world's healthiest foods, amaranth is an incredible source of nutrients - particularly for children, who can get as much as 70 % of their necessary dietary energy from one serving.
Soft drinks are the leading source for calories in America, and the major reason why about 9 percent of average dietary energy intake in the United States now comes from fructose.
Within - and between - subject variation in energy expenditure measured by the doubly - labelled water technique: implications for validating reported dietary energy intake
The subjects in the Volek study were asked to maintain their current level of physical activity and to consume adequate dietary energy to maintain body mass.
[64] Dietary energy levels should be monitored and controlled throughout all life stages and activity levels of the German shepherd to assist in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorder symptoms.
Differences in the findings of studies in this area might be attributable to study design and methodology, diet format and formulation, dog population, and methodology used to calculate dietary energy content.
Undernutrition - The temporary or chronic state resulting from intake of lower than recommended daily dietary energy and / or protein requirements, through either insufficient food intake, poor absorption, and / or poor biological use of nutrients consumed.
The relationship between undernutrition and behavioral development in children: A report of the International Dietary Energy Consultative Group (IDECG) workshop on malnutrition and behavior
Contribution of discretionary foods and beverages to total dietary energy from the discretionary foods group
Consumption of dietary energy density (DED) has been associated with weight gain in adults.
Your body is a smart machine and senses a large decrease in dietary energy.
Dietary energy intake at the age of 4 months predicts postnatal weight gain and childhood body mass index
Food cravings and energy regulation: the characteristics of craved foods and their relationship with eating behaviors and weight change during 6 months of dietary energy restriction.
Results: Added sugars accounted for ∼ 14.1 % of total dietary energy.
Yet, in the UK we are currently failing as a population to meet the recommended intake of omega 3 fatty acids, this being 1 % of dietary energy.
The 2011 - 12 Australian Health Survey, conducted by the ABS, revealed that in Australia, discretionary food choices contribute the most to dietary energy.
Carbohydrates, in which primarily lactose, are the main source of the dietary energy.
For how long is exclusive breast - feeding adequate to satisfy the dietary energy needs of the average young baby?
At least half the dietary energy of children over six months old should come from foods other than milk.
Furthermore, «because some hunter - gatherer societies obtained most of their dietary energy from wild animal fat and protein does not imply that this is the ideal diet for modern humans, nor does it imply that modern humans have genetic adaptations to such diets.»
Dietary surveys in Australia have indicated that most of us consume around 35 - to - 37 per cent of our dietary energy as fat, with about 40 per cent of this being saturated fat.
These changes were not dependent of dietary energy intake and were apparently largely as a result of change in adiposity over the 5 years.
Diets are most commonly prescribed at a 3:1 ratio (3g of fat to 1g of protein plus carbohydrate combined, 87 % of dietary energy as fat) or 4:1 ratio (4g of fat to 1g of protein plus carbohydrate, 90 % of dietary energy as fat) or somewhere in - between; a lower 2:1 starting ratio is often used which is increased as tolerated.
The low glycaemic index treatment is more generous in carbohydrate which at 40 - 60g daily (including fibre) provide approximately 10 % of dietary energy, but only those with a glycaemic index of less than 50 are allowed.
At comparable amounts of dietary energy and total carbohydrate intake, women who died of inflammatory diseases had consumed a higher GI and less total fiber, cereal fiber, vegetables, bread and cereals, and foods rich in refined sugars or refined starches than women who were still alive at follow - up (Table 3).
Because of this, dietary energy is the only option remaining.
MCT is absorbed and transported more efficiently in the body than other types of fat and will yield more ketones per unit of dietary energy.
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