Sentences with phrase «dietary folate deficiencies»

CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides biological evidence linking maternal MTHFR and dietary folate deficiencies to adverse pregnancy outcomes in mice.

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Since dietary supplementation with apple juice provides neuroprotection against ApoE deficiency, Aβ exposure and folate
Since dietary supplementation with apple juice provides neuroprotection against ApoE deficiency, Aβ exposure and folate... deficiency, we examined the impact of apple juice on PS - 1 overexpression.
Herein, we demonstrate that dietary deficiency in folate and vitamin E increased PS - 1 expression in juvenile and adult normal C57B1 / 6J and ApoE - / - mice and in aged normal mice.
A deficiency of folate can occur when an increased need for folate is not matched by an increased intake, when dietary folate intake does not meet recommended needs, and when folate loss increases.
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