Sentences with phrase «dietary fructose intake»

But then there is research that fructose actually helps performance and regular exercise and consequent high daily energy expenditure may protect athletes from the negative metabolic responses associated with chronically high dietary fructose intake.
These results are supported by observational studies in children and adolescents that found an association between dietary fructose intake and both diastolic and systolic blood pressure (9, 10).

Not exact matches

Although the researchers controlled for body mass index and a number of dietary factors that have been linked to gout (such as alcohol, meat, seafood, and dairy intake), fructose consumption is difficult to untangle from other factors that can contribute to the disease, says Karen Congro, RN, director of the Wellness for Life Program at the Brooklyn Hospital Center, in New York City.
Because insulin and leptin act as key signals in regulating how much food you eat, as well as your body weight, dietary fructose can also contribute to increased food intake and weight gain.
To reduce your risk of numerous chronic disease, buck the incorrect dietary dogma that saturated fats are bad for you; instead, increase your intake of healthy fats (including saturated) and reduce your intake of carbohydrates (grains, sugar and fructose)
«They have major significance for cancer patients given dietary refined fructose consumption, and indicate that efforts to reduce refined fructose intake or inhibit fructose - mediated actions may disrupt cancer growth.»
Well, when compared to glucose, increased intake of dietary fructose inhibits calcium absorption and induces Vitamin D «insufficiency.»
An important but not well - appreciated dietary change has been the substantial increase in the amount of dietary fructose consumption from high intake of sucrose and high fructose corn syrup, a common sweetener used in the food industry.
Although our primary exposures of interest were GI and glycemic load as risk factors for depression, we also investigated other measures of carbohydrate consumption computed from average daily intakes of foods and beverages reported on the WHI FFQ, including dietary added sugar, total sugars, specific types of sugars (glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose), starch, and total carbohydrate.
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