Sentences with phrase «dietary measures»

"Dietary measures" refers to specific actions or changes made to a person's eating pattern or food intake in order to improve their health or manage a specific condition. This can include things like eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing sugary or fatty foods, or following a particular diet plan. These measures aim to promote better nutrition and overall well-being. Full definition
Therefore, it can contribute towards targeted fat reduction within the framework of dietary measures.
CR is the only known dietary measure capable of extending maximum lifespan, as opposed to average lifespan.
Because of this, I am often asked what dietary measures can be taken to treat ADHD.
Fortunately, through dietary measures and nutritional support, we can unwind these vicious cycles.
Not all are onboard with this message, however, and say extreme dietary measures don't promote health.
We need to focus on the sensible, pragmatic management of our children's nutrition, not drastic and unsustainable dietary measures as suggested by the latest anti-sugar crusader.»
Yet, on the other hand, they concede that a discounting incentive could lead to an «overall increase in dietary measures such as saturated fat, sodium, or total energy intake.»
«While increasing intake of plant sterols is one of the most effective dietary measures to lower cholesterol, getting sufficient amounts in plant foods alone can be difficult,» Dr Clifton said.
So is there any «treatment» besides making sure your child does not get dehydrated and using dietary measures?
Your doctor may suggest medication or an enema to get things moving, then you can resume dietary measures.
The effect of social desirability trait on self - reported dietary measures among multi-ethnic female health center employees.
If dietary measures to lower phosphorus are not enough, your doctor may recommend «phosphorus binders.»
Treatment, though, is far more difficult and requires more emphasis on traditional stress relievers including meditation, yoga, massage, exercise, therapy (talking) and religion rather than strict dietary measures.
Calorie burn helps you lose weight, and it is even more effective when combined with dietary measures.
Nearly all the children in the study (about 91 percent) scored poorly on dietary measures.
But there are some dietary measures worth taking in cold and flu season, both to lower your risk of catching the virus and in decreasing the time it stays with you.
Radiation is a burden that fuels inflammation in our bodies, but dietary measures can greatly contribute to keeping us out of trouble.
I would LOVE to know if I can take dietary measures to prevent this.
* Dietary measures that include low fat, low sugar and low meat diets, plus strict avoidance of all junk foods, fast foods and fried foods.
A healthy diet, low in sugar and refined carbs, is still the number one dietary measure to treat or reduce the risk for diabetes.
I've disproved a lot of «common knowledge» about the dietary measures required to make physical changes.
• Assisted in euthanizing terminally ill animals by following humane procedures, under the direction of a vet • Asked pet owners probing questions to determine their pets» problems and ensured that all information is recorded properly • Provided basic education to pet owners in a bid to help them understand and carry out home care • Recommended products and exercises for optimal pet wellness, including supplements, flea control procedures and dietary measures
Recommended products to sustain optimal wellness, including vitamins and supplements, dental cleaning, flea control, geriatric care and dietary measures.
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