Sentences with phrase «difference for one's students»

Even small signals of inclusion can make a big difference for students who may be uncertain about their belonging in your classroom or at your school.
It's our job as designers of our learning spaces to be familiar with some of these key elements where we can make a positive difference for student learning.
Their enthusiasm to participate with you to improve their learning environment will fuel your own passion to make a positive difference for all students.
It makes a big difference for a student to say what students think; adults tend to listen to student advocates in a different way than we listen to each other.
Knowing the right test - taking practices can make a huge difference for students once they have their benchmark assessment in front of them.
That extra time would likely make a significant difference for every student, but particularly those who are struggling learners.
Especially in recent years, more research has become available about education initiatives, and we've learned quite a bit about the highest - leverage practices that make the most difference for students.
Community eligibility is making a profound difference for students and schools.
This is a remarkable difference for students who rank lower than their peers on a key enabling capacity.
Unfortunately, those options make little difference for those students either.
In reality, the release marked only the beginning of what it will take for the standards to make a measurable difference for our students.
New Leaders empowers school leaders to deliver breakthrough results and make a lasting difference for students.
Most importantly, students will share how these practices make a real difference for students struggling to overcome homelessness through education.
No doubt teachers can make a huge difference for students, but there are multiple, competing and sometimes contradictory priorities that teachers have to contend with.
Professional development has the potential to not only improve teacher practice, but to make a real difference for students.
Summary: This article talks about an advisory program called «PRIDE» which has made a significant difference for students in a charter school called Urban Prep in Chicago.
This college student shares how accomodations and supports can level the playing field and make a huge difference for students with ADHD.
Simple structures and checkpoints make an enormous difference for students as they progress toward a final product.
It was this kind of transformational leadership that made a concrete difference for students at one middle school in San Antonio.
Treatment - group schools need to at least outpace their counterparts in the control group over these two years for us to say that merit pay made a real difference for student achievement.
A teacher who acts as an advocate, or simply avails himself as a safe person to talk to, can make a tremendous difference for a student who is struggling.
The hope is that if enough of these efforts show sustained results, funding priorities may change, and programs such as Quiet Time could find a place next to blended learning, English - language learning, and other strategies that make a substantive difference for students who face a steeper path to success.
«In countries like France and the United States, perceived disadvantage is far greater than real disadvantage, and it makes a significant difference for student performance,» Schleicher wrote in the article.
Reality: PISA shows very clearly that poverty is not destiny, and that education and public policy can make a great difference for students that are disadvantaged.
But could it make a small difference for some students today, and a substantial difference over time, as more teachers learn about the Practices and faithfully implement them?
It's about making a life - changing difference for students by staying involved in all aspects of the work, ensuring that policies successfully reach classrooms, and keeping parents engaged in order to build lasting, systemic momentum focused on what's best for kids.
Victory Preparatory Academy is a finalist along with two other top notch schools that are making a meaningful difference for students.
Refinancing and consolidation could make a world of difference for your student loan repayment, just be sure to know what you may be giving up.
Our local and regional enterprise partnerships, like our affiliation with the Growth, Acceleration and Investment Network (GAIN), provide us with the capacity to make a highly visible difference for our students, local businesses and communities.
Attend to the differing manifestations of students» mental health in home and school settings, and the consequences of these setting - based differences for students, teachers and parents.
It was particularly striking that several of these mindsets made the most difference for students either in low performing schools or in lower socioeconomic quartiles.
But by setting a high bar and supporting rapid growth, we ensure that all Teaching Fellows enter the classroom ready to make a strong start and a lifetime of difference for the students who need them most.
«Schools that have got Gonski funding are already using it to make a positive difference for their students
The Federal Perkins Loan Program is one such financial aid option and it can make a big difference for a student who is going through an undergraduate or graduate program.
The authors note that the schools given the opportunity to participate needed to «out - pace their counterparts in the control group» over the program's first two years in order to demonstrate that merit pay made a real difference for student achievement.
The Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice recognizes 100 inspiring public school teachers each year, and celebrates four winners who are making a profound difference for their students and schools.
I think the performance assessments that should make the most difference for students should be developed by teachers to reflect state standards and the school's curriculum and provide flexibility so that students can show their capacity in multiple ways.
When it's real life, it makes such a huge difference for my students
There was no significant difference for students who entered the FTC program in high school.
Each one needs to interact with the other four in order to make a real difference for students.
All new teachers are enthusiastic and determined to make a difference for their students.
We will be checking back in with Renee and her staff at Warrior Run over the course of the next few months, as we learn how the new equipment will make a difference for students, as well as a special «Before & After» blog where we will see the difference the new equipment will make!
I also liked the messaged that although I probably won't make huge policy changes that effect the whole country, I can make a difference for the students I work with.
First dollar means the money comes directly from the state, where as in a last dollar program, the state would make up the difference for students after they receive state and federal aid, Kanter said.
WBFO's senior reporter Eileen Buckley says having a teacher of color could be make a big difference for a student's education experience.
Cuomo's program would meet the difference for students who are already getting federal and state aid but still can not fully meet their tuition obligations.

Phrases with «difference for one's students»

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