Sentences with phrase «difference in one's behavior»

They can make a world of difference in the behavior of even an older dog who has experienced some basic training, but needs a refresher course.
In that sense, the definition of income, and the offering of credits make a huge difference in the behavior of those taxed.
There were no significant differences in behavior problems for children of any race if they lived in stable single - parent homes or in stable married households.
They suggest that this might help explain differences in behavior.
If your pet is experiencing loss of appetite, lethargy, or any other difference in behavior, contact your veterinarian.
This is beneficial in that it can determine subtle differences in behavior and seizure alterations, he said.
We notice a big difference in her behavior if she doesn't get a walk and is more difficult to control.
Behavior evolves rapidly, so that two closely - related species may show dramatic differences in behavior.
Animals are considered to have personalities when individuals show consistent differences in behavior across time or situations.
This apparently minor difference in behavior can have catastrophic consequences for commercial fruit - growers, and has made the species into a crop pest.
For now the focus of the experiment is sheep, but the dogs could also guard cattle, although differences in behavior between sheep and cattle could make it difficult.
Since doing so, we have noticed a great difference in the behavior of even our most nervous patients visiting the practice.
Most experts say that there is little difference in behavior between a spayed female cat and a neutered male.
Those who know what a healthy pet acts, feels, and smells like can spot differences in behavior and bodies and determine whether a trip to the veterinarian is necessary.
Many owners of larger dogs, and often those thinking of caring for new dogs avoid smaller breeds, because of the perceived differences in their behavior, in relation to larger dogs.
These are people that know the injured party before and after the traumatic event and can describe differences in their behavior.
Response of families to two preventive intervention strategies: long - term differences in behavior and attitude change.
But they say the study indicates that exercising, improving nutrition and limiting stress may prompt «profound» differences in the behavior of genes.
We have recently had to put him on soy formula to rule out cow's milk protein sensitivity and it has made a huge difference in his behavior.
With hectic schedules, the subtle differences in behavior, attitude, appetite may be overlooked.
Some very elegant behavioral studies have shown that dogs spayed after having a litter, versus those spayed before reaching puberty, have no significant differences in their behavior and loving temperament.
9) Behavioral differences among breeds of dogs - current status of science - This blog entry analyzes a peer - reviewed research paper that highlights the current status of what is known about breed differences in behavior based on science (not bloggers, or hysteria).
What would be incredible is if we could correlate individual differences in behavior with specific abnormal metabolites,» James says.
Bailey and Zucker examined sex - typed behavior — that long, now scientifically canonical list of innate sex differences in the behaviors of young males versus young females.
«These are nice results,» he says, «and they show there's a methylation system present and that genetic methylation is associated with differences in behavior and development.»
Individuals with inflammatory bowel disease, for example, show differences in their behavior from controls, trying to avoid stress rather than dealing with it, for example10.
Schools will be reluctant to take these cases to court for they always face the risk that ED and DOJ will claim that the observed differences in behavior were themselves caused by racially insensitive or inappropriate district policies.»
But just as much of the racial achievement gap can be explained by out - of - school factors, so too, I suspect, can much of the racial suspensions gap be explained by differences in behavior that are driven in large part by those same background factors.
The app has an Away Mode for providing behavioral information when you're out of the house, a Guest Mode for tracking differences in behavior when your dog is with a sitter or at a kennel, and a Challenge Mode that has mini-games meant to encourage you to spend quality time with your pet.
To examine cross-cultural differences in behavior upon witnessing peer victimization and the reasons behind the behavior, this study evaluated the responses of early adolescents from both the United States and Taiwan.
Abstract: To examine cross-cultural differences in behavior upon witnessing peer victimization and the reasons behind the behavior, this study evaluated the responses of early adolescents from both the United States and Taiwan.
DUNE scientists will also look for differences in behavior between neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts, antineutrinos, which could provide clues to why matter exists at all and why matter and antimatter didn't annihilate each other after the Big Bang.
«Generally, men have a greater involvement in violence than women, and so it is not surprising that drinking alcohol exposes some of this underlying difference in behaviors
People of different ethnicities have differences in behavior therefore a different kind of participation and get a different reaction to certain situations.
Researchers suggest that general predisposition to obesity, socioeconomic status and cultural differences in behavior may play a role in the study's findings.
Written by an internationally recognized family expert and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Kevin Leman shows you simple things you can begin doing to make a HUGE positive difference in the behavior and life of your teenager in a week's time.
In the meantime, parents shouldn't be too worried: The average difference in behavior issues between kids with various types of fillings was so small that «they would not be noticeable for most children.»
The study of gender differences in the brain and the resulting differences in behavior dates back to the mid-1800s, with the classic experiment of German physician Arnold Berthold, who showed that testicular secretions were essential for the normal expression of male actions.
That notion got a boost last year when a team at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center observed a small but distinct difference in the behavior of certain matter and antimatter particles.
In addition to previous work on arctic ground squirrel hibernation and seasonal differences in behavior, the finding is helping his team figure out why males tend to be more susceptible to being eaten.
«Most differences in behavior develop through experience,» says neuroscientist Lise Eliot of Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago.
Furthermore, individual differences in neural distinctiveness predict individual differences in behavior across a range of fluid processing tasks.
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