Sentences with phrase «difference in population»

The system accounts for differences in population location between day and night and irregular travel such as for business trips and vacations.
These variables were then weighted appropriately to account for differences in population so that an equitable comparison could be drawn.
According to the National Churches Trust, the rate of church closures in Wales is relatively higher than in England which differences in population size are taken into consideration.
I was hoping for some more detailed and nuanced information, for example differences in populations of available children, differences in ability to discriminate against certain kinds of potential adoptive or foster parents (e.g., single, non-Christian, gay, etc.), differences in whom prospective parents work with (attorney?
When sampled adequately, the genetic differences in populations dissolve into a continuum of variation.
The USGBC compiles the rankings using «per - capita figures as a measure of the human element of green building, allowing for a fair comparison of the level of green building taking place among states with significant differences in population and, accordingly, number of overall buildings.»
Because France was richer than Spain at this time and slavery was an integral part of its economy, it turned western Hispaniola into a center of slave trade with staggering differences in population: about 500,000 slaves in the western side of the island as compared with only 15,000 to 30,000 slaves in the eastern side.
«The new procedure is markedly better at finding differences in the populations than the classical approach,» says David Vendrami.
In this instance we did not detect a plating difference in the populations and approximately 16 % of the deposited cells survived to give rise to day 10 cultures (unpublished data).
Comparisons of subgroups always have limitations, but it does illustrate how differences in populations can have dramatic effects on test scores.
Differences in population growth rates are largely due to varying fertility levels.
In the 2050s, differences in the population projections of the four SRES scenarios would have a greater impact on the number of people living in water - stressed river basins (defined as basins with per capita water resources of less than 1,000 m3 / year) than the differences in the emissions scenarios (Arnell, 2004b).
This large range of estimates may be due to variations in the methods used to determine the presence of depression or degree of depressogenic symptomatology, as well as differences in the populations and samples included in the different studies.
20 If data is to be compared at an aggregate level, rather than by age group, age standardisation can be used to take differences in population age structure into account.
Next, we highlight the need to further investigate females and the role of sex differences in this population.
This non-parametric statistical hypothesis test can be considered as an alternative to the paired Student's t - test and can be used to compare repeated measures on a single sample to assess differences in the population mean ranks.
Rather optimistically, Price even argues that differences in population size alone account for «mighty minnows» outperforming the big five (UK, Italy, Germany, France and Spain) between 1997 and 2007.
I was hoping for some more detailed and nuanced information, for example differences in populations of available children, differences in ability to discriminate against certain kinds of potential adoptive or foster parents (e.g., single, non-Christian, gay, etc.), differences in whom prospective parents work with (attorney?
Some of the team's ongoing work uses biological samples from the roadkill snakes they find, to determine if roads are causing noticeable genetic differences in the population.
compiles the rankings using «per - capita figures as a measure of the human element of green building, allowing for a fair comparison of the level of green building taking place among states with significant differences in population and, accordingly, number of overall buildings.»
«One of the basic things you always have to do when writing about education results is to account for differences in the populations,» said Fredrik deBoer, Academic Assessment Manager Brooklyn College, in a phone interview.
We quantify the statistical significance of differences in the populations of different time periods using the block bootstrap resampling approach of ref.
And while the difference in population between Canada and some of these major countries may come to a relative halt, their cities are set to eclipse ours as they go through the same urbanization process that we have already benefited from.
This takes out the effects of inflation, exchange rates and differences in population.
What's the difference in the populations?
This difference in populations may influence the results of studies in those countries.
That difference in population pressures, along with Frances hunger to import more timber from Haiti, magnified the influence of geographic factors.
What was remarkable and joyous about this trip was the difference in population.
«The strength of our study is that we found similar findings on the effects of bullying on adult mental health in both cohorts, despite their differences in population,» Wolke said.
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