Sentences with phrase «difference in students»

In higher - performing settings, district leaders understood that the reasons for differences in student performance, or in implementation of district initiatives, were particular to the setting.
But it won't see much difference in student learning, experts say, unless its teachers know how to use the digital content in their classrooms.
The type of teacher comparisons, whether within or between schools, generally has a larger effect on teacher rankings than statistical adjustments for differences in student backgrounds across classrooms.
We know from research that two bad teachers in a row can make a whole lifetime of difference in student achievement.
The evidence strongly indicates that money well spent does make a significant difference in student achievement.
There are, of course, dozens of strategies that could be incorporated into instruction that will make a big difference in student achievement, but which ones are the best?
He doesn't know if it can be explained by differences in students from year to year, differences in the exam or something else.
In my experience, I have always found a clear difference in student behavior between when I do this kind of reminder and when I do not.
At the eighth - grade level, a 21 point lead, roughly the equivalent of two grade levels, disappeared after adjusting for differences in student backgrounds.
We begin to address this issue by measuring principal effectiveness based only on comparisons of within - school differences in student achievement growth over time.
High - quality youth programs can make a positive difference in student achievement, social skills and risk reduction.
Simply reading to a student or playing basketball with him / her on a regular, reliable basis can make a huge difference in a student's sense - of - self.
This is a significant opportunity, given that the evidence suggests that teacher quality is the most important school factor in explaining differences in student performance.
«Many of the ways in which public and private schools differ reflect differences in their student population,» says the essay.
The right certifications and credentials, in the right healthcare fields, could have a profound difference in student academic success, as well as job opportunities.
The paper suggests that international differences in educational institutions explain the large international differences in student performance in cognitive achievement tests.
Our staff continually ask themselves the same question you might ask yourself: As educators, how can we make a bigger, better difference in student engagement and knowledge?
But the strategy chosen by the school did not appear to make much difference in student proficiency rates, according to the federal analysis, as they all made about the same progress.
These types of school - based interventions can also reduce racial, ethnic, and gender differences in student performance.
The researchers present convincing evidence that their estimates of teacher contributions to student achievement are valid and do not simply reflect differences in student background.
In this case, prioritize skills by focusing on the most important / foundational skills or those skills that will make the greatest difference in student achievement.
Allowing for possible differences in student bodies, those students opting out of government schools through a voucher program on average score better than those who apply for vouchers but do not receive them.
Before we begin, it's important to understand the key differences in student loan refinancing and student loan consolidation.
First, it attempts to assess what factors drive the observed differences in student achievement, but it does a poor job.
To my mind, the failure to find meaningful differences in student performance between charter schools that do and don't use computerized learning is significant.
The authors discuss the use of digital games and computerized assessment in the classroom to offer real - time feedback and differentiated instruction to address differences in student learning rates.
Our findings do suggest, however, that the specific measures of fluid cognitive skills we administered in classrooms as part our research were able to capture academically relevant differences in student cognition.
The socioeconomic differences in student performance are well - known and extensively documented.
Thus far researchers have focused on computing average differences in student achievement between smaller and larger classes.
This means that there is little difference in student performance across economic strata.
While test vendors provide estimates of split - test reliability, these measures do not account for potentially important day - to - day differences in student performance.
Special education teachers who study and address the unique differences in students are really a part of the whole learning puzzle — necessary to a student's future success.
«Of all the school - based factors, effective teachers make the biggest difference in student achievement,» she said.
It is easy to imagine the bias introduced by differences in students across classrooms.
There's another driver of discipline disparities that we must consider, beyond educator bias and differences in student behavior: the school - to - school variation in suspension rates.
In other words, charter schools and magnet schools will naturally have differences in student body composition due to their enrollment methods.
That is, assessing programs with value - added measures is easier than it is with test scores alone because the value - added measures account for differences in the students that teachers teach.
Thus variation in class size may be simply the result, rather than the cause, of differences in student achievement.
A computer network in the school has made differences in student attitudes and overall writing ability, according to Grignano.
Tracking not only changes our ability to account for differences in the students who teachers educate, but also the degree to which the curriculum aligns with the tests.
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