Sentences with phrase «difference series»

A "difference series" refers to a sequence of numbers where each number is obtained by subtracting the previous number from the next number. This helps identify the change or difference between consecutive values in the series. Full definition
In effect, a matrix of difference series is formed for a large fraction of all possible combinations of station series pairs in each localized region.
First of all, there are a couple major differences the series has done with this game.
They say: «The algorithm starts by forming a large number of pairwise difference series between serial monthly temperature values from a region.
The algorithm starts by forming a large number of pairwise difference series between serial monthly temperature values from a region.
The first in a live video series called «Walking the Talk» — honest conversations about diversity, identity, and listening across our differences
Tests for undocumented changepoints are then applied to each paired difference series.
Nevertheless, the large dip during 2016 in both difference series is clearly down to rapid Arctic warming, as the following chart showing temperature anomaly by latitude makes very clear.
Because breakpoints are detected through pair-wise comparisons, new data coming in may slightly change the magnitude of recent adjustments by providing a more comprehensive difference series.
I have completed some difference series analyses of replicate core samples from the Yamal and Schweingruber series.
The full matrix of changepoint dates is then «unconfounded» by identifying the series common to multiple paired - difference series that have the same changepoint date.
Since all difference series are comprised of values from two series, a changepoint date in any one difference series is temporarily attributed to both station series used to calculate the differences.
The difference series are calculated between each target station series and a number (up to 40) of highly correlated series from nearby stations.
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