Sentences with phrase «differences between individual trees»

To account for size differences between individual trees, sap flow rates (SF, cm3 h − 1) were transformed into sap flux densities (SFD, cm3 h − 1 cm − 2), dividing SF values by the individual sapwood area.
Wegman's exposition glosses over the difference between an individual tree - ring proxy sample, and a series based on a collection of samples from one site or site cluster.

Not exact matches

This gets you into the RCS vs. corridor methods that are the difference between the Russians and Briffa's treatment of the individual trees.
The only mention of RCS in the Hantemirov's Thesis abstract is this sentence: To remove the age trend, a method of regional curves (Briffa et al., 1992), was used as which maintains the differences between the growth rate of trees that existed in various climatic epochs, i.e., allows to detect long - term fluctuations in wood increases, exceeding the lifetime of individual trees.
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