Sentences with phrase «differences found»

Although there are minor variations in coat type, head and body shape, and size, cats lack the depth and breadth of differences found in dog breeds.
At 3, 6 and 12 months, there were no significant differences found between the 2 groups.
I grew up loving my Mom's «recipe» and the only difference I found with these is that I did not make the homemade noodles.
Here, I'll focus here on differences I found when testing the two phones.
A recent review advises us to beware of the gender differences found in brain - imaging studies.
The sex differences found here are relative, not exclusive, and future research should attend to within - sex variability as well.
The main difference I found between the two is the upfront costs to the service.
The biggest noticeable difference I found when playing the game in career mode is the time spent in - between fights feels less then last the 2010 version.
Their reading and working memories were tested before and after by their parents at home and teachers in school — with no real differences found in the outcomes.
It is as natural process as any other differences we find in each other.
Analysis controlling for initial differences found several positive effects of program participation at the one - year follow - up.
I will explain what differences I found below and why you might choose one over the other.
That conclusion is fully consistent with similar differences we find in the historical record.
Of the more than 300 rare and low frequency difference we found, 74 appear to affect the structure of proteins.
Talk to them about some of the cultural differences you find interesting.
The only difference I found is that it makes a softer dough and, hence, requires additional flour.
Ortega underlines the fact that «an adolescent's level of fitness has been shown to be an important indicator of their present and future state of health, hence the relevance of differences found between southern and central - northern Europe.»
The post hoc Tukey analysis also con - firmed the statistically significant difference found between the iRest ® meditation and the sleep hygiene control groups (p <.03, Cohen's d = 2.37).
Now researchers are finding surprising ways in which dads make a difference
The zebrafish is a potential tool for testing one class of unique individual genetic differences found in humans, and may yield helpful information for the emerging field of personalized medicine, according to a team led by Penn State College of Medicine scientists.
Results indicate that youth released from PLL had lower rates of reoffending than those receiving standard aftercare, with statistically significant differences found for subsequent rates of juvenile readjudication.
Naturally, this explanation is speculative at best, as information about participants» romantic ideologies or belief systems was not collected and we can not know with any certainty the underlying mechanisms producing the ethnic differences found among the participants in this study.
We have a feeling that, by the time the game is released next month in Japan, both versions will be near identical; albeit with the usual differences found across both hardware platforms.
In 2008, a study in Personality and Individual Differences found that «morningness» correlated with agreeableness and conscientiousness, while «eveningness» was related to neuroticism in women and adolescents.
Vauxhall have a great range of vans built for hard work, and with the price guarantee, if you find the same van for less in 5 days we'll refund the difference
Here we observe a group of people with deep differences finding unexpected areas of agreement, and surprising friendships developing amid those remaining differences.»
More likely than not, however, the slight differences we find between Luke and Paul in their accounts of the same events are due to ignorance on Luke's part, his lack of knowledge of the intricacies of Jewish law and custom, and his failure to comprehend nuances in Paul's theological interpretations.
Couples who have a big height difference find this feature to be especially helpful as it allows each person to stride with ease and comfort.
«The small difference we found in the number of contacts is primarily due to a difference in the number of telephone contacts and not to actual visits to the GP.
According to a new study published online today in Science, the tiny differences found in previous studies may have resulted from a slight tendency on the part of political conservatives to «self - enhance,» or view themselves in an unrealistically positive light.
«No long - term survival difference found between types of mitral valve replacements.»
Such regions defy elucidation via conventional sequencing approaches, which simply can not detect extremely subtle genetic differences found hidden among the «mirrors.»
Read on to find the surprising factor that might make all the difference
They hypothesize that many of the bipolar - related brain and behavioral differences found in adults with bipolar disorder had their origins in adolescent neurodevelopment.
But the scant differences found so far «offer only slim hope that something useful will come out,» says Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, director of the Federation of American Scientists» Chemical and Biological Arms Control Program, who has closely watched the federal investigation.
The two types of blood vessels are sufficiently different, Ram says, for racial differences found in one not to be automatically present in the other.
A group of former and current Arizona State University researchers say chemical differences found between rocks samples at volcanic hotspots around the world can be explained by a model of mantle dynamics that involves plumes, upwellings of abnormally hot rock within the Earth's mantle, that originate in the lower mantle and physically interact with chemically distinct piles of material.
«Study debunks common myth that urine is sterile: Bacterial differences found in urine of healthy women and women with overactive bladder.»
Thus the more amino acid differences you find in the same protein taken from two different animal species, the more time must have elapsed since the two diverged from a common ancestor.
Where the mitochondrial DNA that Georgiadis analyzed provides just a single locus for comparison, Wasser's team compared up to 16 loci in each microsatellite sample — and the regional differences they found did not evaporate upon closer inspection.
«The main differences we found related to different feeding preferences were among the girls,» said Stallings.
The firing rate of STN neurons appeared to be more sensitive to the presence of mHtt, with lower firing rates in HET and HOM mice compared to WT counterparts; however there was no change in mean firing rate difference found for GP neurons between WT and HET.
But since it sold out fast, people who live outside of the US and have a huge time difference find it hard to buy so some opts to buy it from re-sellers.
A sub who has only been able to find tops but not doms and is looking for someone who knows and enjoys that difference
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