Sentences with phrase «different view points in»

Watch Dogs is an open world game with side activities, and everything else that comes with the stereotype that is «open world game», the difference here is that you get to hack the environments and you unlock more activities by installing back - doors in towers spread across the map which then will make more side - quests show up on the main map, easiest way to describe this is the Synchronization you do in different View Points in Assassin's Creed.
There is an intellectual seductiveness to the idea of one blazing sun of truth, seen imperfectly from different viewing points in human history, with the perception becoming ever more ample as the different views are correlated and added up.

Not exact matches

In business, being on the same page with all stakeholders, even those who view things from a different, even competing, vantage point is critical.
For me, though I learned a lot in college, the skill I continue to use on a daily basis in my consulting business is the ability to look at my own argument or point of view and examine why someone else might have a different perspective.
And a study from Columbia business school showed that creative directors of fashion companies produced more creative innovations after having spent a significant amount of time working in cultures very different from their own.The time diversifying their experiences expanded their point of view and forced them to problem - solve in different ways.
Advisers who work with Brandes are equipped with a so - called «IDEAS» script, with each letter identifying a different step in the process: Inquire about how the other person is doing; Describe things you hear; Empathize with the client; Add your own point of view; Suggest a solution.
A workplace rich in culture is what separates the leaders from the rest, recognizing that it takes a multitude of different points of view to fully comprehend the complexity of business challenges.
In fact, you want a coach who has a different perspective than you and who can help you see your life from a different point of view, one that could completely transform your life.
Although the regulatory saber - rattling in Washington might seem an inefficient means of creating policy, Valkenburgh, who holds a doctorate of jurisprudence from NYU Law School and was a 2013 Google Policy Fellow, believes this seemingly uncoordinated dance, with different definitions and points of view, to be in the highest tradition of American law.
But from our point of view, the world is filled with dislocations, and decoupling is likely in different interest - rate regimes and different currency regimes.
Today, summit participants have fanned out across Israel in five different tours to view Israeli's tech sector up close, meeting with leading public companies such as Google, Mobileye, Check Point and Evogene, as well as OurCrowd portfolio companies, BioCatch, eVigilo, Covertix, MST, and BillGuard.
If, according to her, her «down syndrome» baby is god's gift, and is normal in God's point of view, then why do we see her hatred and vitriole, when she talks about the same god - created individuals, who are also normal, but in a bit different way?
Wells begins by positing two kinds of spirituality present within evangelicalism, distinguished in his view not so much by different doctrinal starting - points as differing priorities assigned to moral reasoning.
From the point of view of the Christian tradition itself, such a renovation is not merely a capitulation to one more cultural expression, «but a new stage in the ongoing shaping of the gospel in different times and contexts.
The remarks Badian made some time ago in connection with the study of the deification of Alexander the Great are apposite in this respect: «Modern Jews and Christians, or modern rationalists, from their different points of view, have always found it difficult to believe that the ancient Greeks took their religion seriously since it seems so patently absurd.»
For this reason I would engage now in more detail with his presentation of a prominent philosophical tradition from the point of view of the different one presented by the Faith movement.
The point here, however, is that the view that our Lord is absolutely different in kind from any and every other work and presence of God is impossible to maintain, and that for several reasons.
I believe in God but im not going to put someone down or call them names because they have a different point of view then me.
The bigger problem however, is that most people relish in their ignorance and don't wish to educate themselves on different cultures and / or point of views and are content with their own hubris.
These two orientations stem not necessarily from different data but from a difference in fundamental point of view, as William James observed long ago.
He needs our view on salvation, wrath, and eternal rewards, and our case might be strengthened with his view of justification, while avoiding the mistakes he makes about works following faith... though really, his point about works is that they follow faith in the Holy Spirit... which is different, and which I could probably agree with.
Anyway., maybe my view is different and I am not condemning, but I am pointing out that when you state you have some special gift that makes you «special» and separate from the body of Christ and you pass correction off as that you do not hold the same accountability to correct view of the bible, then you are already in danger.
First, Wilberforce did not abolish the West African slave trade because he came to a different view from Paul, but because he held the same view as Paul (not least as expressed in 1 Timothy 1:10, which forbids enslaving people), a point which is clear from his writings.
Granted that he might have uttered similar sayings, with verbal variations, at different times and places, we have here a radical difference in points of view.
This relation of the Christian teaching to life (in contrast with a scientific aloofness from life), or this ethical side of Christianity, is essentially the edifying, and the form in which it is presented, however strict it may be, is altogether different, qualitatively different, from that sort of learning which is «indifferent,» the lofty heroism of which is from a Christian point of view so far from being heroism that from a Christian point of view it is an inhuman sort of curiosity.
But taken together, these stories, told from many different points of view, converge to give a distinct impression of a real person in action upon a recognizable scene.
You can describe it in an endless number of ways from different points of view.
In the end, however, Feezell's moderate view (which leans toward the «conservative view») is not too much different in practical effect from my or Hartshorne's moderate view (which leans toward the «liberal view») in that I am only delivering a carte blanche for abortion in the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our parIn the end, however, Feezell's moderate view (which leans toward the «conservative view») is not too much different in practical effect from my or Hartshorne's moderate view (which leans toward the «liberal view») in that I am only delivering a carte blanche for abortion in the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our parin practical effect from my or Hartshorne's moderate view (which leans toward the «liberal view») in that I am only delivering a carte blanche for abortion in the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our parin that I am only delivering a carte blanche for abortion in the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our parin the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our parin the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our part.
But the battle merely begins at that point, and we will mention several of those whose somewhat different and even later views seem to command a good deal of respect in various circles.
In Galatians 2:1 - 10 we seem to have an account of the same conference from a rather different point of view.
Almost thirty years had passed since the last major, comprehensive, and theologically self - conscious study of Protestant theological education.1 It is also remarkable, indeed unprecedented, that such a sustained debate emerged, not in response to one large study of theological education, but as a conversation among several quite different theological points of view.
This letter is no different from any song written in the past from the point of view of God or Jesus.
This debate about building a mosque near ground zero will have to be looked at in a different perspective, both from the Muslim and non-Muslim point of views.
Some of these pertain, Ford writes, to Whitehead's concept of God, showing that Whitehead experimented, at different points in the text of that work, with at least three distinct notions of God: (a) as wholly nontemporal and nonconcrescent; (b) as nontemporal and concrescent; and the view that we take as canonical, of God as (c) both temporal and concrescent.5
One of the deepest divides in our society is between those at the top who see reality comfortably from that point of view and those at the bottom whose experience is so different.
Phoenix went on to point out how the Church has often painted Mary Magdelene as a prostitute — in fact, Pope Gregory claimed she was a prostitute in 591 — and said he hopes the film provides a different lens for people to view women in the Church.
I am sure that point of view is very different from that of one who has lived through recent decades in China.
The point is if Christians reacted the same way Muslims do, we would all be uniting in a huge riot to string up and kill the writer of this story, along with anyone associated with them, or any one that shares a view point different than Christianity.
The information he receives and the total impact of the personality whose life is recorded in the gospels may astonish and disturb him; it may even lead him to look at life from an entirely different point of view.
Viewed by his minister, he ought to be seen for what he is — a man caught in a situation so different from the minister's that only by the most unusual discernment can he possibly look at the social scene from the minister's point of view.
The secular and sacred lines are drawn clearly, so that in multireligious India «this can mean either a fundamental separation of the state from religious activity and affiliation, or impartial state involvement on issues relating to religious interests of different communities.52 The problem with this school of thought from the point of view of religious (Christian) and ethnocultural (Dalit and Adivasi) minorities is obvious.
Throughout 1977 DCS staff, working with the panel, collected data on energy use and production, generated papers representing different points of view on basic energy questions, and held smaller consultations with subgroupings in the larger panel.
--- Yes, I do have very different points of view than NP, but he will be the first one to tell you that when he says the things in this blog, he isn't looking for the choir to endorse every one of his views.
«Whitehead's method of composing books did involve the interweaving of previously written materials; and some of those materials were written from points of view differing in their limitations of scope or in their explicitness; but all reflected one and the same system of thought, only adapted to different purposes.
Here we have again, from a somewhat different point of view, that interpenetration of individual and corporate elements in religion which we noted in the earlier literature.
These contrasting positions are, of course, simply the echo of views that have contended with each other at different points in Christian history and have been a staple of argument over the last several decades within the academy.
He writes that «When someone is so rooted in God and the Church he is not afraid to listen to different opinions; he can let himself be enriched by new points of view without losing his grounding in what is essential» (pp.96 - 7).
However from a food point of view, it signals a change to a whole different set of foods and meals that we haven't had in a while that I can't wait to have again.
There will be different views but at a certain point in time people will land at a certain number... because [the farm-gate price] is not so difficult to calculate».
I asked you to look at Untold Arsenal in order to get a different perspective on fans views, but you are so intent on trying to belittle others who are not of your persuasion you ALWAYS miss the point.
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