Sentences with phrase «different address formats»

From every point of view — it's got different address formats, it's got different wallets, it's got different way of transacting, different constraints, different servers you connect to — everything that matters in terms of technology, it is a different system.

Not exact matches

Also, when you develop the content, be sure to address your buyer persona's information consumption needs, and desired content formats at different stages.
You'll realize that a number of them look exactly the same, with different colour combinations and site addresses — but they feature the same people and the same rules and formats.
Differentiation can be addressed by readiness based on academic support needs, interests where applicable to the content (this could be difficult with truly abstract concepts), and / or learning profile through a variety of different product formats.
Regardless of the initial format, we eventually come together and view what has been done, address standards and scoring rubrics, decide how our «regular» schedule will change during that time, group students (it's different every time!)
In order to address the level of difficulty at the secondary level, the formats of the lessons take on different forms starting in Grade 6.
Publishers address publishing format fragmentation in different ways: some release an exclusive PDF or ePub or Kindle edition, targeting a specific format rather than designing for several.
The reason different rates were created for different formats, as a number of agents explained, was to address the different costs publishers took on in creating each format.
If you decided to publish in several different print formats, the only real question to address was about timing: how much time should elapse between the launch of the first edition and the release of the second or third?
@Jane: Thanks for addressing my question, but I thought the Kindle did not read adobe pdf as it's stated as such on your guide to the different formats and devices
In her artistic practice, she addresses interpretations and identifications encouraged by language and image in relation to different temporalities, employing translation and transformation and playing with formats and rituals of fabricating and perceiving art and in a broader sense meaning.
Elsewhere Costa has deployed coloured polythene bags (rubbish and recycling sacks from different London boroughs) to create geometrical wall pieces akin to Constructivist paintings; while in a series of small - scale paintings, he combines the methods and motifs of embroidery, collage and cartoons Quoting artistic precursors in seemingly degraded materials or formats, Costa playfully interrogates the «real value» of works of art, addressing the question of how unspectacular or even desultory materials might transmute into an art object and vice versa.
This is great because it lets you address what the judge is concerned about, but it requires a different preparation and some changes to the format of your argument.
These custom fields have many different formats, so lawyers can enter dates, dollar amounts, website addresses, and various text types.
On internet we have lots of different type of wallet and there has also category or different wallet and most important thing Bitcoin address identify by of 26 - 35 alphanumeric characters and start with the number 1or3 and there are three address format is in use
There are so many different formatting considerations to address that most people forget the most important part of the resume which is strategy.
There are so many different formatting considerations to address, which makes most people forget the most important part of the resume — strategy.
The format for including both addresses in your resume isn't much different than the standard resume format but it's essential that you handle it properly.
Education services include anticipatory guidance that addresses the parent - infant relationship, child behavior, and various developmental challenges (eg, promoting healthy sleep habits and discipline practices) and parenting education in different formats.
«However, unlike the LTB, which spends literally two - thirds of its operational hours and its taxpayers - financed budget adjudicating non-payment of rent (about 90 per cent of all filed LTB complaints are from landlords, of which about 75 per cent are for non-payment of rent), about 85 per cent of the IEU's complaints are from tenants» Perhaps something could be done to save tax paying public money by addressing «non-payment of rent» issue in a totally different format.
As opposed to trying to merge different formats from various MLSs, a feat that Milam says Zillow is aggressively trying to address and improve, brokerages need not fret over issues of accuracy when they are their own source of information.
Revamped in an entirely different format centered around hands - on workshops where REALTORS ® and industry and community members tackle issues together that matter most to REALTORS ®, as well as mini and hour - long sessions and workshops where you can address your real time challenges and answer your burning questions on - site, XCHANGE ’18 will provide instant value.
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