Sentences with phrase «different ages are»

The basic feeding for the bearded dragon across the different ages are the same.
Different ages are brought together.
The school provides «intragenerational associations» in which students of different ages are brought together to learn.
This only means that two people with different ages are in love and dating.
«Overall, these data suggest that individuals who graduate college around the same time but at different ages are currently faring equally well in terms of personal income,» Gallup writes.
If you are tandem breastfeeding, ie feeding two children of different ages this is again a good position to try.
And sometimes we realize, yes, our circumstances and such may have been specific to us, but the tumult of different ages was by no means unique but being part of the human race.
In an early study by psychologist Jeanne Gilbert, English speakers of different ages were asked to learn Turkish vocabulary words.
5xFAD mice at three different ages were compared to wild type littermates in regard to metabolic parameters and enzymes of the gut by... fluorimetric enzyme assay and western blotting.
5xFAD mice at three different ages were compared to wild type littermates in regard to metabolic parameters and enzymes of the gut by
Here a large number of Ukrainian women of different ages is concentrated.
The risk of presenting scripts by pupils at different ages is that it leads us to assume that pupils will automatically improve just by getting older.
That is why people of different age are striving for progress in studies.
The purpose of having trees of different ages is simply to have the ability to separate age and climate.
Differences in the average difficulty scores of children who started school at different ages were not statistically significant.
When parental imprisonment at different ages is examined, parental imprisonment only significantly predicted sons» offending when it happened after the sons» seventh birthday.

Not exact matches

Being a functional grown - up is something people manage at wildly different ages.
Even apart from the fact that they don't know what they're talking about because they don't know what's out there, the bigger issues are that: (a) almost all of these reports come back with a variety of related findings that may be precisely on point; and (b) the very age of the prior research may be invaluable if the new questions and inquiries have to do with trend lines, changes in attitudes or different behaviors.
For instance, if you have a product or service that is aimed at a particular age group, consider how you could adapt it so that it appeals to consumers from a different age group.
Every cycle is different, obviously, and the immediate reaction most people in this day and age having seen what they've seen in the last 30, 40 years, is that when the Fed hikes and they invert the curve, the situation is going to melt down, you're going to have a recession, and so on.
It was introduced to build on the existing Old Age Security, but structured in a very different way.
He says that while the basic blend for the Bow Street 18 is similar to Jameson's traditional 18 - year whiskey, the fact that it's a smaller batch aged in a different location gives the whiskey a distinctive taste.
It could be a human team with different skills, ages, sexes, races, and worldviews.
I am sometimes horrified by things people my age tend to say in social and business situations, especially when they express a disdain of modern technology or recall an earlier era as a golden age — usually everyone within hearing knows that the previous period was merely different, rather than glorious.
The same logic can be applied to those in different age groups, but it's best to start early to get the biggest bang for your buck.
And then when you lose your brother at an early age, all of a sudden you're sort of jolted into just a different world.
Almost 25 years ago, Boston Beer became the first brewer to age beer in spirit barrels, a now - standard practice that, Koch says, «everyone thought was illegal, because you couldn't commingle different types of alcohol.»
«The emphasis here is on things traveling parties with different ages and interests can enjoy together versus the kids going to camp while mom and dad lay on sun loungers,» she added.
You're no different than anyone else at your age.
It's important that when we talk about diversity that we think about it in lots of different contexts, including age, gender, of course, cultural and ethnical background, and also diversity in thought.»
But it will likely be a different story next decade when this age group starts shrinking, as occurred in the 1990s when the baby boomers approached middle age
The book exemplifies how people have gained and lost power throughout the ages, which is what I find really interesting: Learning from iconic figures from past centuries and applying them to our drastically different, hyper - modern business models of the present.
«When you're young you want to be careful not to lock yourself in to a level of expenditure that's going to be hard to maintain if you decide you want to do something different because, frankly, most people decide to do something different in this day and age,» she warns young entrepreneurs.
Each chapter comes with a lengthy rumination on the different ways humans prepare food, and how, in Pollan's view, those age - old methods have been corrupted by the modern, corporate food chain.
Greg Habstritt has been a life - long animal lover and entrepreneur, having been involved in starting and building more than 20 different ventures since his first venture at age 13.
While there's only a one - in - a-million chance of some random person being able to do this on your phone, Apple said Wednesday that the «statistical probability is different for twins and siblings that look like you and among children under the age of 13, because their distinct facial features may not have fully developed.»
They broke the adult US population up into 13 different age groups, and then projected what the overall labor force participation rate would have been if each of those age groups had the same participation rates that they did in December 2007, right before the start of the recession.
I have never hired anybody, whether it's a person of colour or a different ethnic background or age or gender, unless they're the very best person I can find.
«There'd be complete silence as all of these people of different ages and different backgrounds stood in front of those trucks, and one by one were taken away.»
While it is not directly related to replacement rates per se, the authors use pairs of cross sectional data from the GSS and from Statistics Canada's 1992 Family Expenditure Surveys and the 1998 Survey of Household Spending to illustrate that both real family income and real family consumption adjusted for household size tend to be hump - shaped with respect to age and peak in the 50s, while general satisfaction with life tends to stay relatively constant through different ages.
There are pros and cons associated with claiming at different ages, and everyone's decision will be different depending on their retirement goals, health, life expectancy, and their plans for providing for spouses.
As an aside my friend, Ken Miller, with whom I was having a very different discussion last week, just sent me one of his favorite John Galbraith quotes (from The Age of Uncertainty) that seemed apropos.
Some of the above is valid, but as an actual retirement - age retiree (68, minus 5 weeks) I have a different perspective.
To help out, we cover in this guide the different types of baby carriers and how these can be useful for handling babies of all ages.
Some publishing executives told Ad Age that they had anticipated a cushion of about 6 months after May 25 to become fully GDPR compliant with consent, which is significantly different than the «check this box» process that consumers have become accustomed to.
Height is a much better indicator for fit then age or weight since kids can grow at very different rates!
It might be worth it to you to buy lists in both age ranges, and prepare two different types of promotional materials to each group.
For Ad Age's music issue, Ad Age's Jessica Wohl looks at how marketers are pairing music and sounds with different tastes.
There is no easy answer to this question as everybody is of different age, intelligence, work ethic, and risk tolerance.
Stock market history is founded on an age - old practice of wanting to invest in an enterprise and make money off its performance, and today, that is no different.
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