Sentences with phrase «different alleles»

The phrase "different alleles" refers to variations or different versions of a specific gene. Alleles can cause differences in traits or characteristics, like eye or hair color, in living organisms. Full definition
In humans, eye color is caused by different alleles of the «eye - color gene.»
The predominant modern su1 allele was found in all of the older Mexican cobs, but the younger New Mexican cobs had several different alleles, suggesting that this gene was still undergoing selection when maize reached North America.
It requires as input a list of chromosomes and coordinates, and returns the count for different alleles among the genomes it references.
The markers selected will have different alleles linked to the mutant and normal versions of the disease gene.
Microsatellites are highly polymorphic, having many different alleles, or forms.
Because previous studies had suggested that different alleles (versions) of the IL - 28B gene affect immune responses, the researchers determined which alleles the transplant recipients carried.
To understand how the different alleles influence the immune response to vaccination, the researchers next looked in more detail at immune cells from 47 of the patients (34 had two major T alleles, and 13 had at least one minor G allele).
Because of a lack of available antibodies and the inability to distinguish amongst various mutant forms of XPD differing only by single amino acid substitutions, we were unable to ascertain the relative amount of XPD protein from the different alleles.
Two elderly family members are unaffected despite having a compound heterozygote genotype with the pathogenic R304 * mutation and the A299V variant on two different alleles (6).
Although they are heterozygous at all loci for which their parents have different alleles, they are similar to inbred strains in that they are genetically and phenotypically uniform.
All the Labradoodles in the litter will have similar coat types (in this case, wavy and low shedding), the result of the combination of the different alleles of their two parents.
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