Sentences with phrase «different amounts of calories»

These categories produce different amounts of calories, or food energy, that your body uses daily.
As such, you will burn different amounts of calories depending on the type of style you are using.
But did you ever consider that you could intentionally consume different amounts of calories on different days, shift the way that you monitor calories, and that might make it easier to follow your diet and make you a happier eater?
If you have 1 chocolate chip biscuit and 1 oatmeal biscuit then write that down do n`t just write 2 biscuits as each will contain a different amount of calories.
If you simply keep feeding your dog two cups of food per day you could end up giving him too many — or too few — calories since the new food could have a different amount of calories from the old food.
Your senior cat may need a different amount of calories and protein depending on body condition as he or she ages.
Your senior cat may need a different amount of calories than a healthy adult, along with differing protein and fiber content, depending on body condition as he or she ages.
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