Sentences with phrase «different angles in»

Nixie is an unassuming bracelet that snaps onto your wrist, but it can detach, take flight, and snap photos from different angles in an area, using Intel's Edison chip.
Experiment with different angles in trying to capture three walls (a wide - angle lens likely will be necessary).
He demonstrates this by pretending to move an imaginary Move at different angles in a bizarre manner.
There are also options for different angles in the settings to help automate that cinematic feel.
His stages are of a different kind, and require the player to move the Gamepad or use the right stick to rotate the cube - like stage to see it from different angles in order to solve it and collect the hidden stars.
Missions are much more like levels that players will play and replay from different angles in side quests, collecting all the loot and Jinjos — er, Kodama — that they can find.
The graphic narrative explores many different angles in a man's journey to start a life in a new land.
They have found ways to engage the triceps from different angles in order to strengthen them for a stronger bench press, with many of the exercises involving bands, chains, wood blocks and heavy weights.
In this technique, a transmission electron microscope is used to record images of a sub-micrometre-sized region from different angles in quick succession.
Listening to him explain iridescence, you can see how his scientific background factors into his art:» [Iridescence] is when you have small crystalline patterns at the microscopic level which break up the incoming light and distribute it a different way, and so you get light coming into your eye from different angles in just a planar surface,» he explains.
In real time, see it once, over in a blink — things that even «experts» don't agree on after the event with 26 different angles in HD slow - mo.
These tips for weaning baby from breast to bottle may not have solved the trouble you may be encountering, so it's important to tackle the issue from a different angle in some cases.
The episodes inform each other, but in unexpectedly complex ways; a scene remembered one way, in 1982, takes on a different angle in 1990.
View Alfa Romeo cars from different angle in order to get an overall sense of the design features, check out the interior photos, and see additional pictures of options and features.
The other reason covers can strike you as off without you being able to put your finger on it is if you have multiple images but the lighting is from a different angle in each one.
Over the next several weeks, we will come at the same question from a slightly different angle in a series of blog posts and provide an analysis of successful No More Homeless Pets campaigns — how they work, why they work and what distinguishes them from each other to achieve no - kill in their communities.
An item hits the ground in a slightly different angle in one of the simulations, bounces off to a different direction and ends up in a different place than in the other simulation.
Capturing the Essence of Glance Plus One Gallery exhibits hyperrealist art from a different angle in this selection of beautifully rendered flowers with a fresh twist; soft focus paintings that...
«Spotlights show the water reflection from a different angle in one large image on an opposite wall.
this week argues a different angle in the work - life balance debate.
Stephen Marche's column in The Atlantic this week argues a different angle in the work - life balance debate.

Not exact matches

Which means that even in the world of advertising false teeth itself, there are multiple drill - downs, each one of which targets a different audience - which would treat every other ad for a dentist that didn't talk to their angle and desire would be totally ignored!
And most recently, United Airlines came under fire for forcibly removing a passenger from a flight when he refused to be involuntarily bumped — and you guessed it, the whole thing was caught, in several different angles, on cell phone cameras.
Doubling your users in the space of a year or reaching the million download mark sounds impressive, but if your announcement pales in significance to that of your competitors, then it might be better to take a different angle.
Changing Your Attributes: You don't necessarily have to think of yourself as an entirely different person in order to see a fresh angle.
«The angles and curves are meant to stimulate different uses of the space, such as reading, walking, meeting and discussing,» Winy Maas, co-founder of MVRDV said in a press release.
Zooming in on climate change, Proxy Preview highlights one new shareholder proposal «that raises questions about transporting oil and gas by train and several taking up different angles on deforestation that connect ecological and human rights impacts.»
One, it demonstrates a brokerage comparison opportunity from a different angle, and, two, supplemented by further analysis and estimation it can serve as a guide in selecting a brokerage as an investment opportunity.
And the NDP tried to move a motion to get Bill C - 27 withdrawn, because they sailed a conspiracy theory that somehow there was a conflict of interest with a bill that they opposed for ideological reasons, in order to come at a different angle of attack on it.
«What we try to do in the book is really break it down, and look at the market from all different angles, and see how investors are best served in playing the market, «says Comes, who adds that headlines about defaults and municipal bankrupcties actually can be a positive for investors.
I did notice however that the angle of attack is slightly different between the two razors, but once I dialed in the shave is super close.
However, if you've already chased them a couple of times and received nothing but stony silence in return, you might need to try a different approach, angle, or twist on the topic.
Two solarsystems born nearby each other can very well rotate in two different directions and besides that the two planes of rotation would probably be at some angle to oneanother.
Together they might be very effective in bashing Romney from different angles.
As our review of the CTS «Science and Religion» pamphlet later in this issue shows, we would have a different angle, particularly concerning the nature of the renewed concept of the «form» to which Fr Selman refers.
It can exhibit the «old» dogma from quite a different angle, and profoundly alter the concrete form in which it appears in the thought and especially in the life of the Church.
So the account of Noah in the Bible gets retold over and over again among many different cultures and societies and by the time you get it, the gist of the story is the same but some of the details have changed because someone somewhere decided to add an angle to the story that fits their belief in their god.
That is why he keeps on repeating the doctrines, and from so many angles, and in so many different ways.
The success of pigeons with cases of absolute value may be relevant to Richard Herrnstein's finding that pigeons possess natural concepts of person, wee, and bodies of water, in the sense of recognizing these objects in many different pictures even when the size or angle of the representation is changed or it is mixed with a bewildering variety of other objects (CVPC 550).
In Philosophical Fragments, which was published in 1844 along with The Concept of Anxiety, this same dynamic of creation is presented from a different anglIn Philosophical Fragments, which was published in 1844 along with The Concept of Anxiety, this same dynamic of creation is presented from a different anglin 1844 along with The Concept of Anxiety, this same dynamic of creation is presented from a different angle.
A different angle is adopted in a work of which nothing has yet been said, the Gospel according to John.
And yet, the teaching is oriented in a direction which differentiates it from rabbinic Judaism; the angle at which it touches life is different.
But from a completely different angle and perhaps a big spanner in the works, I read an interesting view the other day relating to Paul (like in the Apostle).
And Thank you TTM when you wrote: «You must go through it - whatever it is — and if it presents as an ocean, why not take time to float in it, to reflect in it, to see the sky and the shore from a different angle
You must go through it - whatever it is — and if it presents as an ocean, why not take time to float in it, to reflect in it, to see the sky and the shore from a different angle?
Another book in progress, tentatively entitled The Texture of Process Theism, approaches the problem from a different angle.
The Bible may be most helpful as it provides a perspective or angle that enables us to see issues in a different light.
In actual fact, he lacks that capacity for communion with God and his own fulfillment — which are the same thing, seen from different angles — and in his concrete humanity he is frustrated and, what is more important, he is responsibly aware of having made himself, by accumulated decisions, incapable of right relationships with his brethreIn actual fact, he lacks that capacity for communion with God and his own fulfillment — which are the same thing, seen from different angles — and in his concrete humanity he is frustrated and, what is more important, he is responsibly aware of having made himself, by accumulated decisions, incapable of right relationships with his brethrein his concrete humanity he is frustrated and, what is more important, he is responsibly aware of having made himself, by accumulated decisions, incapable of right relationships with his brethren.
Karl Barth understood this well when he wrote: «Strange as it may seem, it is still true, that those who fail to understand other churches than their own are not the people who care intensely about theology, but the theological dilettantes, eclectics, and historians of all sorts; while those very men who have found themselves forced to confront a clear, thoroughgoing, logical sic et non find themselves allied to each other in spite of all contradictions, by an underlying fellowship and understanding, even in the cause which they handle so differently and approach from such painfully different angles.
I found that putting all the bread flat as possible during the soaking period helped a lot, and tilting the pan at different angles over the course of a few hours helps distribute the custard better... and I leave it soak overnight, then pull it out for half an hour or so in the morning to let it soak up some more and get rid of the fridge chill.
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