Sentences with phrase «different angles when»

You might have spotted that we switched around the same 4 pillows for different shots (some formations work better than others in different angles when shooting).
Don't shy away from using colour or props, and experiment with different angles when taking your photo.
You might have spotted that we switched around the same 4 pillows for different shots (some formations work better than others in different angles when shooting).
Take a lot of pictures from different angles when using your smartphone camera.
A brand can be impacted from many different angles when a crisis hits — foodborne illness or otherwise.
If you are looking for a new variation of you traditional push up or just a different angle when targeting your upper body muscles, these are excellent variations for both upper and lower body strength.
Were you deliberately looking to come at superhero comics from a different angle when you came up with the premise?
But I took a slightly different angle when answering it, which I think answers the question while still staying true to our investing philosophy.
An early sequence involving swimming underwater didn't feel great and the camera jarringly cut to a slightly different angle when submerging and surfacing.

Not exact matches

And most recently, United Airlines came under fire for forcibly removing a passenger from a flight when he refused to be involuntarily bumped — and you guessed it, the whole thing was caught, in several different angles, on cell phone cameras.
The success of pigeons with cases of absolute value may be relevant to Richard Herrnstein's finding that pigeons possess natural concepts of person, wee, and bodies of water, in the sense of recognizing these objects in many different pictures even when the size or angle of the representation is changed or it is mixed with a bewildering variety of other objects (CVPC 550).
And Thank you TTM when you wrote: «You must go through it - whatever it is — and if it presents as an ocean, why not take time to float in it, to reflect in it, to see the sky and the shore from a different angle
Perhaps make holographic cards where when viewed from one angle they look like traditional Christmas Cards with conventional manger scenes... but viewed from a different angle, they have the alternative meaning
When a poll investigates these issues from another angle by requiring people to make an exclusive choice and to define priorities, the resulting answers are quite different.
Karl Barth understood this well when he wrote: «Strange as it may seem, it is still true, that those who fail to understand other churches than their own are not the people who care intensely about theology, but the theological dilettantes, eclectics, and historians of all sorts; while those very men who have found themselves forced to confront a clear, thoroughgoing, logical sic et non find themselves allied to each other in spite of all contradictions, by an underlying fellowship and understanding, even in the cause which they handle so differently and approach from such painfully different angles.
The semi-transparent triangles allow the bottle's colours to overlap in distinct ways when viewed from different angles
The Australian native really does has soft touch with his right, and his excellent body control allows him to score from different angles, even when he's under pressure.
But when there's video from 10 different angles it seems funny.
Now, there are some cases when you can get creative and shoot from a different angle, if it's not for the main product shot.
BlueSmart mia is a bottle sleeve that can help you angle your bottle correctly when trying different ways of holding baby during feedings.
When his larynx grows bigger, it tilts to a different angle inside the neck and part of it sticks out at the front of the throat.
When the larynx grows bigger, it tilts to a different angle and part of it sticks out inside the neck.
Pumpin» Pals super shields are a totally different kind of flange — they are angled and are supposed to mimic «a good latch,» thereby causing less (or hopefully no) pain when you pump.
Imagine what you do when you go shopping - picking up an item, turning it over, examining it from different angle — pictures tell a thousand words so use all 5 spaces!
I cried a little bit when this transition took place, but little lady was too excited to be seeing things from a different angle on our walks.
When you switch breasts, you give your child the chance to see things from different angles and explore with each hand, unlike feeding from a bottle, where toddlers tend to use only their dominant hand to hold it.
While you may choose to place an infant on the floor for ease of photographing her, there are times when you will want to prop the baby up and get a different angle, particularly if they are a bit older.
How easy is it to parent in an age when there are a million different sources of advice, all of it conflicting, all coming at you from hundreds of different angles?
When she repeatedly succeeds, move the toy to a different angle or further away to make it more challenging.
Well, it's a clever 3D printing technology that allows a picture to look entirely different when viewed from various angles.
The research team investigated what happens when different sized bodies collide at different angles at speeds ranging from 20 to 3,000 meters per second.
Listening to him explain iridescence, you can see how his scientific background factors into his art:» [Iridescence] is when you have small crystalline patterns at the microscopic level which break up the incoming light and distribute it a different way, and so you get light coming into your eye from different angles in just a planar surface,» he explains.
BLUE HUE Unusual among nature's blues, tarantula color doesn't change much when viewed from different angles.
«When you start to do systematic studies of biological systems and you gather information from different angles — meaning genomics, proteomics, and other approaches — and combine this information, you end up being able to do discoveries which would not be possible under each individual set of information,» says Figeys.
Using high - speed video and devices that monitor acceleration, they found that newly hatched birds could walk up slopes of 45 degrees in a large part by flapping their wings at a different angle than when flying.
When shopping online, we often have the option of clicking on additional product photos taken from different angles or showing additional features.
He reasoned that because a bird takes off faster and at a steeper angle when startled, these different wing mechanics might produce a unique sound that other birds recognize as distress.
When you pick up a mug, you rely on the ability to recognize exactly where the handle is and how it's oriented, in spite of the fact that mugs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and can be oriented to you in dozens of different angles.
Each velocity of the aeroplane and each height will, when substituted in the above equation, give a different triangle and, consequently, a different value for the angle, a. Substituting for every possible height and every possible speed will give a series of values for this angle which may be easily tabulated.
These skew terms cancel out when relating data sets taken at the same epoch and same orientation, but they must be accounted for when dealing with observations taken at different roll angles.
As different stacking patterns appeared when layers were displaced, variable spacings occurred between the layers at some specific twist angles.
That gives them slightly different hues when viewed from different angles.
When doing a cable fly, the height of the pulleys determines the angle of your pull, so by adjusting the height you can shift the emphasis on different parts of your chest.
Dave Asprey: It's interesting, when I was writing the Bulletproof Diet book, I really dug in on the butyric acid angle and found two different studies that talked about what many in the Paleo community all know, if you eat some kind of fiber, vegetables, or starch, then the bacteria in your lower intestine can make butyric acid.
While low bar back squats do target the lower body, the mechanics and joint angles trained during the low bar back squat are significantly different than those needed when doing front squats, cleans, and high bar back squats.
you can also ask an awful lot of yourself with the same weight kettlebell by tweaking the move just a bit every few times you do it, perhaps pressing from a different angle, slowing down at different parts of the movement, reversing the grip, grasping from the sphere when pressing, juggling, etc..
When it comes to anti aging I believe every little helps and needs to be hit from many different angles to truly be effective.
And we're all coming at it from different angles, but that's what's going to work, because when you've got everybody's input it gets stronger.
When different studies use the same joint angle for measurement, these can be compared to one another so long as differences between the populations tested are acknowledged.
Assessing four different bench angles, Barnett et al. (1995) found greater pectoralis major sternocostal muscle activity when using an incline bench of 0 (i.e. flat) and -18 degrees (i.e. decline) than with an incline of 40 and 90 degrees, with a narrow grip.
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