Sentences with phrase «different antibiotics»

Each of these products uses a mixture of different antibiotics to clear the infection.
The researchers then delivered the gene pairs into drug - resistant bacteria and treated them with different antibiotics.
One doctor wanted to put him on three different antibiotics for a total of 140 pills in ten days.
In fact, the rate of infections resistant to two different antibiotics declined nearly twice as much as infections that could be treated with antibiotics.
The bacterial species grown are identified and tested for their sensitivity towards different antibiotics, the end result being confirmation of the presence of infection and a list of appropriate antibiotics.
There is a multitude of different antibiotics, each with a different group of bacteria they target, and each with their own set of side effects.
Furthermore, a person with Lyme disease may be co-infected with other organisms and co-infections often require different antibiotic therapy compared to Lyme Disease.
As different antibiotics are currently used to treat ASB, the benefit - harm ratio could have shifted since then — either in favour of screening or in favour of a watchful waiting strategy.
Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus: GAS) infections can usually be treated with many different antibiotics.
Crona began thinking about rank orders while working with biologist Miriam Barlow on the problem of antibiotic cycling, by which hospital doctors rotate different antibiotics to thwart patient infections.
While we can try throwing different antibiotics at any number of strange and unfamiliar bacterial infections, we have no similar sledgehammer for mysterious viral diseases, which each have to be studied carefully before we can even begin to figure out how to fight or prevent them.
Scientists at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel showed that bacteria with vastly different antibiotic sensitivity coexist within the same tissue.
(Certain different antibiotics used to be given to livestock to promote faster growth, but Topp said that in both Canada and the US, the regulations now prohibit that, and his experiments did not include those antibiotics.)
The study published today in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology helps scientists understand how different antibiotics affect good bacteria.
«Our data show that diet, gender, and different antibiotic treatments alter the gut microbiota as well as bile acid profile and have different effects on liver inflammation.»
Three genera of these solitary wasps cultivate defensive Streptomyces symbionts that protect the wasps» offspring from pathogenic fungi by producing a mixture of up to 45 different antibiotic compounds.
Because the bacteria produce a cocktail of different antibiotic substances, a protective layer is formed which prevents mold fungi from entering the cocoon and infecting the larva.
We put him on 6 different antibiotics twice / day and he is now in stable condition, devouring his canned prescription food, slowly gaining weight and even running around and snuggling with our 3 other rescue dogs (despite his cone).
If there are signs of resistance to an antibiotic, it is best to have a culture and sensitivity test done to determine the exact type of bacteria and to determine the most suitable antibiotic to treat it as just rotating through different antibiotics may cause more harm than good.
This prestigious recognition allows Dr. Martel to study three different treatments for gum disease in dogs: deep dental cleaning of under the gumline and application of two different antibiotic gels under the gumline after cleaning.
There are a few different antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis treatment, but the most common ones are metronidazole and clindamycin.
«I think that's key because knowing if a patient eradicated the H. pylori versus whether they still have the infection may indicate that they may have a more resistant type of H. pylori that didn't respond to the initial antibiotic and would require different antibiotics to eradicate it.»
Bandit had been struggling with a nasal infection for over 9 months with different antibiotics with no success.
If eyes and ears are infected (the conjunctivitis / otitis combo), then your child will be receiving a different antibiotic to take care of that bug (Augmentin vs. Amoxicillin).
You may need to switch to a different antibiotic.
At a Nevada hospital, doctors gave the woman seven different antibiotics, one after the other.
The destroyed bacteria may have had a resistance gene to a different antibiotic, say, vancomycin.
The research, reported in the journal Royal Society Interface, found that combinations of three different antibiotics can often overcome bacteria's resistance to antibiotics, even when none of the three antibiotics on their own — or even two of the three together — is effective.
In 2016, they reported that combinations of three different antibiotics can often overcome bacteria's resistance to antibiotics, even when none of the three antibiotics on its own — or even two of the three together — is effective.
«Different antibiotics might be more effective not just because of the effect on the pathogen but also because of the effect on the [body's natural bacteria].»
At least one kid was on five different antibiotics.
This system, described in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the week of Aug. 11, allows scientists to rapidly and systematically search for genetic combinations that sensitize bacteria to different antibiotics.
The reduced bacteria levels were similar to those found in mice treated by a different antibiotic known to be effective against that strain of TB.
A database detailing the responses of different strains to different antibiotics could allow Meredith's computer model to determine the most efficient regimen to keep total exposure to a minimum.
The treatment for common tuberculosis usually involves four different antibiotics to start, and gradually decreases to two.
«Because soil bacteria need many thousands of years to develop new antibiotics, the bacteria in that community don't encounter these threats anywhere near as often as disease - causing bacteria, which we regularly treat with different antibiotics
Its genes encode resistance to five different antibiotics.
Now the researchers are trying to create surfaces with many types of fungi, each producing a different antibiotic.
By sequencing all of the bacterial DNA in these fecal samples, the investigators identified resistance genes to 16 different antibiotics.
«Triple therapy,» the current medical treatment for H. pylori, involves the use of two different antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor.
Theoretically, continually exposing p.acnes bacteria to different antibiotics and giving it unique weapons could make it tougher and tougher and ever more difficult to wipe out with topical acne treatments.
I am allergic to 5 different antibiotics and immuned to 1.
After that the vet prescribed two different antibiotics, one for each bacteria.
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