Sentences with phrase «different audiences require»

Keep in mind who you are targeting your tweets to, as different audiences require different content and language.

Not exact matches

While Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms can also be powerful tools, they require a different approach when the goal is to engage the company's targeted audience.
Choosing the right message often requires you to target two or more audiences with very different interests.
What I've come to realize from hosting over the past few years in a variety of different venues, with the use of many ad - hoc kitchens, is that our audience — the over-extended student, the overtired first - year analyst, and the over-eager eternal dilettante (whose time is slightly more flexible)-- requires very few reasons to have fun.
The conventional wisdom is that research papers and review articles require different editorial styles, reflecting their different goals and audiences.
This kind of audience not only requires you to set up different environments with different access rules, roles, associated courses, branding and reporting, but also requires an LMS to be extremely lean and yet fully customizable, in order to avoid chaos.
Gain scores from pretest to posttest indicated that middle school students retained important information by interacting with the online material for as little as 30 minutes per adventure; however, gains for high school students were less persuasive, perhaps indicating a different learning tool or content is required for this age audience.
So that leaves one with two choices: Either pretend there's this mythical writing business where you don't have to be effective at marketing or invest time, money, and expertise in making your book selling business go, or acknowledge that writing is a wonderful passtime, but that selling books is a retail business that requires different skills, and that these days getting read by anyone (readers, agents, publishers) involves you figuring out how to find your audience and gain visibility — AKA marketing and promoting your books.
This helps attract a different audience, and focus the gameplay on something more kinetic than the lengthy hit missions that require more slow - burn stealth.
The people who want an explanation for lay people are focused on a different audience, which will require a different summary, but that shouldn't take away from the value this technical summary brings to a more sophisticated audience.
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