Sentences with phrase «different author forums»

I have my beta readers (again, outside of family) from different author forums, and from twitter connections.

Not exact matches

Do a quick search for different eLearning authoring tools and more discussion forums should come up.»
This can require more work for the author (your posts should probably be original work for each different blog), but the momentum gained by posting on several different forums in a short period can help get your book out to many more people.
Regular commenter «Gyruleine» used to post as «Author on Vacation» at Dear Author, and is known to be a former romance author active on other forums under a different name Author on Vacation» at Dear Author, and is known to be a former romance author active on other forums under a different name Author, and is known to be a former romance author active on other forums under a different name author active on other forums under a different name again.
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