Sentences with phrase «different baseline periods»

The trends are very similar, with the major differences being in how GISTEMP treats averaging of stations across the Arctic, and in the different baseline periods used to compute the «temperature anomaly».
David Rose has now corrected the caption for the figure clarifying that two different baseline periods were used.
Scientists from NOAA, WHO, and the UK Met Office use much of the same raw temperature data, but with different baseline periods or slightly different methods to analyze Earth's polar regions and global temperatures.
Each agency has slightly different methods of processing the data and different baseline periods they use for comparison, as do other groups around the world that monitor global temperatures, leading to slightly different year - to - year numbers.
NOAA scientists used much of the same raw temperature data, but a different baseline period.
Also the two figures use a different baseline period for the anomalies.

Not exact matches

Besides, Sephardic Jews are a group who spent a long period of time in the Iberian peninsula (until getting kicked out 1500 - ish), so it's hard to say that modern Sephardic Jews can be used as a baseline when trying to determine the «whiteness» of a Jew who lived 2000 years ago in a totally different place.
But they used a different baseline than NOAA, comparing temperatures to the average from the period 1951 - 1980.
This is greater for the data sets whose baseline period is distinctly different from the time period analyzed in this study.
In saying this, I do understand that different periods and comparisons are being made for scientific reasons, as per the 1 mth, 3 mth, 12 mth and 5 yrs running means on the Hansen page — and that also requires different baselines depending on what is being evaluated.
It doesn't disprove it, but your graph is definitely different than mine:) Annual (jan - dec) without any smoothing and using the full 1880 - 2014 period as a baseline seems to indicate something else.
Abt Associates applied the model to different periods and used a different baseline.
Different graphs — different baselines The graph above uses the average temperatures of the period from 1880 to 1909 as its 0 °C Different graphs — different baselines The graph above uses the average temperatures of the period from 1880 to 1909 as its 0 °C different baselines The graph above uses the average temperatures of the period from 1880 to 1909 as its 0 °C baseline.
It's because for the baseline period both regions have the same mean value so their distributions coincide, but for the later time period they have different means from having warmed overall by different amounts.
Moreover, different 30 - year periods have been shown to exhibit differences in regional annual mean baseline temperature and precipitation of up to ± 0.5 ºC and ± 15 % respectively (Hulme and New, 1997; Visser et al., 2000; see also Chapter 2).
The caveat to this is a different choice of baseline period could potentially change the nature of your results.
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