Sentences with phrase «different beak shapes»

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Like Charles Darwin's famous finches, which evolved a wide range of beak shapes and sizes to exploit the different foods available in the Galápagos Islands, these cichlids represent a textbook example of what biologists term an adaptive radiation — the phenomenon whereby one lineage spawns numerous species that evolve specializations to an array of ecological roles.
Two species of finch in the Galápagos Islands diverged in beak shape as they adapted to different food sources.
If beak shape changes, he reasoned, it might mean that the bird can't sing the same old song — just as a flute and a tuba sound different.
There were also strong similarities with genes identified with beak shape in Darwin's study of finches — one of the best - known examples of how physical traits have adapted to different environments in the wild.
Birds» beaks evolving characteristic shapes to eat different food is a classic example of evolution by natural selection.
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