Sentences with phrase «different beliefs such»

By different beliefs such as catholic, protestant, mormons and the list goes on and NO, these are not Jews.Afterall, it is said it would take the end of the Age to go over the House of Israel, the dispered, the lost sheep of the House of Israel.In a parable of the husbandman the Lord finally sent His son after they killed the prophets sent unto them and the Jews knew he was talking of them.

Not exact matches

It also means that morality provisions can not prevent employees from supporting a political party or practicing a specific religion, for example (although some employers, such as denominational school boards, have argued successfully that their religious beliefs allow them to hold employees to a different moral standards).
Zakaria wasn't suggesting ceding Western values and beliefs — but rather recognizing that prevailing attitudes on such issues as the environment, human rights, and social affairs are different in many parts of Asia than those that hold sway in the West.
From such opportunities we may sense that other lives, lived through beliefs different from our own, are nonetheless meaningful and partake of a general humanity that is worthy of legal protection even when undignified.
Politics are polarizing because the different opinions about the role of government and application of laws run such a wide — and impassioned — spectrum of beliefs and philosophy.
Fascinating, that the idea of sharing a meal between people of different faiths, getting to know each other, values, reasons for beliefs, the history, the personal stories of why their faith matters... and seeing the conversation of T.V. (which sounds very interesting to me) should provoke such unattractive comments is sad.
In other chapters, Wuthnow examines further significant questions, such as who goes to church or not, why different religious traditions are gaining and losing members, faith and the Internet, recent trends in religious beliefs and spirituality, the role of families in faith formation, and generational differences when it comes to religion and public life.
The development and the abandonment of certain beliefs are integral to this view of the status of religious beliefs.3 Such an interpretation is in stark contrast to the first one inasmuch as it has a different epistemological basis.
I have every respect to those angels and consider bringing such subject up as disrespect for what those do to our world with their kindness... Those nuns and popes were once my teachers in the kindergarden in Aden Colony of Southern Arabia although I was considered as Muslim from Muslim parents... so you can say I hold for them great respect although we are from different religions beliefs...!
Instead of just calling people names and trying to insinuate or directly call believers ignorant why do the atheist not just accept that some can a different belief and that such belief should be able to be discussed in a kind respectful manner.
The CNN Belief Blog asked some prominent voices with different views on religion how they make sense of such suffering, where they see inspiration amid destruction and how they respond to people who wonder, «How could God let this happen?»
That is, they are under both ethical and epistemic obligations to argue for the truth of what they take themselves to believe when they are faced with religious others who appear to believe something different and to act differently based upon such difference in belief.
If our most basic beliefs about the stuff of which nature is made preclude the existence of some other, radically different metaphysical stuff from which a transcendent deity might be made, then we must admit, as an inescapable consequence, that no such transcendent being exists.
The author examines the nature and character of atheistic humanism and non-Christian religions, and how such forms of religious belief are similar to and different from Christian belief.
Guess if you go back reading your history in Europe or in the MidEast you will remember that your ancestors were because of such wars and conflicts driven out or migrated in force measure to overseas for finding the land they were told that they can practice their religious or non religious beliefs and rituals... Since then from different continents for many years made of the few branches many more branches in Black and in White...
To illustrate this, if one day this country (or certain parts of the country) become a majority of a different religion (such as Utah is almost all Mormon), then their beliefs can't be forced upon you nor your children in state owned properties.
Though we are living in a different time and culture, we can assume that many of the similar behaviors and beliefs will lead to similar consequences, but such is not always the case.
Although «secular humanism» is a term used most frequently by Protestant Fundamentalists, it was Justice Hugo Black» in delivering the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in a 1961 case, Torcaso v. Watkins» who distinguished between «religions based on a belief in the existence of God» and «religions founded on different beliefssuch as «Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others.»
Ask the owner to do this instead of a mosque just for one religions culture.How a community of Americans with different ideas and religions can come together and voice their beliefs and why it is so.Support America its time we all get together on one page.Stop the hatreds and misunderstandings of one another.This would be not only a great time for it but a place such as a United Understanding of Religions building could surface.Now that would be a great way of continuing on after 9 - 11or... we can fight argue and fuss over things we understand not, with no one stepping up to find common ground.Which is it going to be?Hate or understanding?You have the moment, seize it for humanity.Not just one peoples.
Between the Bible, the Koran and the Talmud as examples, which of the many different items of religious fiction in the world should be the source of such belief?
But look at other Islamic Arabs majority countries such Egypt, Sudan, All North African Countries you would find Worship houses for Muslims, Christians, Jews and God know what else and been living for years in Peace and Respect until this Era since WW's + 1948 unjust decisions the world is changing badly separating brothers of one blood in different faith & beliefs become to doubt each other in to some race towards power and dominance over each other in to some Jungle Laws, this has brought negative feeling and emotions among all multi religion cultures that were living and trading in peace...!
I will start a movement, such as this ridiculous one, to remove the insulting bible from every hotel room as I am sure there are lots of people who do not believe or are of different religions so why should one belief be imposed over another?
If Mr wenger built a team who never lost it tells me he can build a team remember a team consists of 11 different characters with different back grounds beliefs and aspirations and problems with another 11 to back them up I remember years ago the press used to talk about arsenal and not having English players on the field never the less I know off our own fatalities as such we were somehow always coming up little short by injuries to such Edwardo vanpercie and even gas diaby ramsy rosiscky carzola and many more and others that did nt seem to gel well I am not blind and I know we are not doing well but to suggest that Mr wenger docent have a clue is totally preposterous and disrespectful
Interesting that the same child can have such different needs at different ages, and contrary to the stereotypical belief, it isn't a linear path from needing close proximity to needing or tolerating greater distance.
In 2013, the Department for Education (DfE) published advice stating that» There are many different actions that schools can take to meet this part of the standard, such as:... Use teaching resources from a wide variety of sources to help pupils understand a range of faiths, and beliefs such as atheism and humanism.»
The authors recommend that future research test mechanisms that may mediate intervention effects for different racial / ethnic groups, such as different informational needs, experiences, norms, or cultural beliefs.
It is my belief that novel insights regarding how such a network stabilizes, what is the magnitude and interaction of the different components and an ability to model such a system can help us sustain the oceanic wealth for the future generations.
But ladies, I ask you to please fear not, and read on... I have explained many times before (and had to re-explain to a few friends time and time again, as unfortunately this is a genuine fear that has been imbedded into minds from false beliefs) that resistance training will not lead to a muscular female who looks like a man Women are designed differently to men and as such we have a diffeent genetic makeup and our bodies contain different hormones which in turn, affect our ability to gain muscle.
As such, early online dating sites featured a real patchwork quilt of different lifestyles, ethnicities, religious beliefs and ages.
However, a reliable tip leads the Knight Ridder team, including an editor (Reiner) and a Vietnam veteran (Tommy Lee Jones), in a different direction with the belief that the Bush administration has ulterior motives for the Iraq invasion, and that such weapons don't actually exist.
She added that it had not sufficiently demonstrated it was addressing major weaknesses such as the need to safeguard pupils, strengthen the quality of teaching and addressing a culture of intolerance of people with different faiths, values or beliefs.
«Courses such as Holocaust and Human Behavior provide students the tools to engage in debate, form opinions and learn to make decisions based on mutual respect and understanding from those who may hold different beliefs
The two men share vastly different backgrounds and overall educational beliefs, leading the LA Weekly to characterize the election as a reform vs. union battle for the heart of the Democratic Party and the Los Angeles Times to call it «a prime example of the strange rift in education, in which liberal Democrats are sharply divided on such issues as charter schools, job protections for teachers, the authority of the federal government in schools and the value of standardized test scores.»
Going even further, given the IQ test's history of being used to further questionable and sometimes racially motivated beliefs about what different groups of people are capable of, some researchers say such tests can not objectively and equally measure an individual's intelligence at all.
Being treated in an adverse manner different than others, due to a group characteristic such as race, colour, religious belief or sexual orientation.
Of course it would be far better all around if Mark Zuckerberg and Eric Schmidt had taken a different approach such as banning only advertisements for ICOs, but that didn't happen so supporters of crypto aren't comforted in their beliefs that bitcoin is going mainstream in 2018.
• Highly skilled in creating workable and strategic soccer programs aimed at deriving the best from each player • Exceptionally well - versed in providing instructions to players to help them understand game play rules and regulations • Hands - on experience in evaluating performance based on devised metrics and providing suitable feedback • Demonstrated expertise in assessing strengths and weaknesses in each player and identifying areas for development • Effectively able to demonstrate soccer game play by breaking the task down into different sequences • Documented success in inspiring confidence and self - belief in players to ensure that they reach both individual and team goals • Proficient in developing knowledge of fitness, injury, sports psychology and nutrition to make athletes ready for soccer games and practice sessions • Focused on specific areas of soccer such as defensive and offensive play and goalkeeping • Able to develop training sessions for specific plays such as free kicking and corner kicking • Well - versed in choosing / recruiting team members and substitutes for each games, by identifying talent and enthusiasm in individual players • Deep insight into motivating team members and ensuring that the team is following tactics decided and practiced during practice sessions
Most practitioners of Biblical marriage counseling will add Christian spiritual beliefs and practices to these techniques, which is what generally makes such counseling different from its secular counterpart.
In many respects, such a belief may result from the accompanying belief that measures created in Western countries can be «parachuted,» in valid and reliable ways, into different countries and cultures.
He also cites those who went before him, such as the feminist psychiatrist, Karen Horney, MD, who laid a good bit of the groundwork for our understanding of the importance of «shoulds» in depression and anxiety and relationship conflicts, as well as the role of some of the Self - Defeating Beliefs, such as the Love / Approval Addiction and others, although she used different terms to describe these potentially destructive bBeliefs, such as the Love / Approval Addiction and others, although she used different terms to describe these potentially destructive beliefsbeliefs.
Apply skills to overcome cultural barriers such as language, religion and different belief systems.
Apply skills to overcome cultural barriers such as language, religion and different belief systems to improve session outcomes.
Working with Chinese buyers requires a different mindset, such as taking into account cultural beliefs and traditions, in addition to local market expertise.
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