Sentences with phrase «different breeders for»

Having graduated recently, and gainfully employed, I have been looking at different breeders for a new pup.
Each breeder have his own policies regarding retired dogs, so prospective Maltipoo owners need to contact several different breeders for best results.

Not exact matches

«Importantly, for plant breeders, rice has an extraordinarily diverse genetic resource base that spreads across at least 24 different species of rice.»
We are transferring as many segments of different chromosomes as possible from as many different species as possible so they can be screened for any of the traits the breeders are interested in.
At the time the main concern for plant breeders was pollen movement between different strains of crops — if a variety of sweet corn was contaminated by pollen from a popcorn variety, then the resulting hybrid offspring would produce seeds that were unusable for market purposes or for selecting new varieties.
May pet owners or breeders have different opinions on how to select the most suitable substrate for the pet.
Some of the breeders, for many different reasons, are too impatient to start reproducing their young females.
Through the years, breeders have bred for different qualities.
Yes, the living conditions for animals in a puppy mill as compared to the facilities of a «responsible backyard breeder» may be quite different.
I agree that people should search for a responsible or reputable breeder, as described in this book, but what's written in this book is different than what the AKC supports in the real world.
Some breeders charge different rates for puppies on the «Main Register» as opposed to the «Limited Register».
I would add this to it: breeders are NOT taking homes away from shelter dogs because frankly, breeders and shelters are two different sources for pets that typically serve two totally different markets.
When you start looking around for a Goldendoodle puppy you shouldn't be surprised to find a wide range of different prices from various breeders.
While every breeder breeds for a different / unique purpose, they should be able to intelligently explain their methods to you.
So if the Vet finds any health issues with the puppy that you or the breeder has missed, you can take him or her back for a refund or to select a different puppy.
Looking for a website advertising thousands of puppies of all different breeds can be a bit of a lottery, not many reputable breeders will put their puppies on these types of site.
A dog's nutritional needs change over his lifetime — a puppy needs a different balance of nutrients than an adult or elderly dog — so talk to your veterinarian, breeder, or shelter for recommendations of the right food for your dog or puppy.
For many years, the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) only recognized two types of Angoras — the French and the English — because the other types were not different enough to be considered a separate breed.
It is not uncommon to find people breeding more than one kind of dog (for example, quite a few Akita breeders are also interested in Shibas), but a breeder producing litters of many different breeds of dog is not going to be your best source, and probably should be suspected as a puppy - mill or disreputable breeder.
It is common for each hip to have a different number outcome and averages are taken from the hip with the highest number when comparing against the breed, so when a breeder is making a decision about pairing their dogs together they need to go by whichever hip has the highest number.
Something was wrong with the puppy, and I told them to take it back to the breeder and switch it for a different puppy, which they did.
Radial Hypoplasia presents different issues for the rescuer / breeder.
Get yourself put on a few waiting lists for different breeders and then wait for them to contact you.
To get a «dry mouth» you have to intentionally be breeding for a different head and jowl shape than a proper Newf should have (and even then, there's no guarantee a puppy won't grow up to drool) which is a sure sign of a bad breeder and it almost guarantees that you're not really getting a Newf.
Different breeders will ask you different questions; no one has the same requirements for a pupDifferent breeders will ask you different questions; no one has the same requirements for a pupdifferent questions; no one has the same requirements for a puppy buyer.
The film shows two of the Kennel Club's Regional Breeder Assessors visiting two different breeders, and explores the various stages that take place during an assessment visit and what the Regional Breeder Assessor is looking for.
It's no wonder breeders wanted to duplicate this dog in different sizes for different needs.
The group also opposed warrantless searches of breeders» properties, different regulations for different breeds, the denial of licenses without the possibility of appeal and the fact that breeders will have to submit to and pass a criminal background check.
Some breeders favor different styles of Golden Retrievers and some may even have a personal preference for a lighter or a darker golden, but good breeders never focus exclusively on a specific colour, since this would unnecessarily narrow the gene - pool and may cause genetic predispositions towards hereditary health issues to become magnified over time.
Today, responsible breeders are looking for different characteristics, such as playfulness, willingness to please, and a friendly nature.
When some breeders pursue traditional, function - based goals while others breed to produce show dogs, pets, or dogs used for a different kind of function a significant divergence in type and behavior can arise between the different strains within the breed.
Info to come — buyers expectations, breeder expectations, finding the right homes for your puppies, testing the public expects, basic training, potty training those puppies, marketing and why it is important, contracts, puppy exercise, puppy socialization, appropriate toys and activities for the different stages of development, turning your kennel into something fantastic using the brood stock you have now, mentors and where to find them...
Though the competition is a great way to bring dogs and breeders to the Ag Center, Walters said it is also a good opportunity for members of the community to come see different breeds in action if they are considering getting a dog.
In your search for a puppy, you will run across different types of breeders.
There are as many different breeding programs and styles and purposes for the dogs being bred as there are breeders.
Breeders can safely expose puppies to handling for grooming or vet care, let other safe people and dogs interact with them, or expose them to different surfaces, objects or noises.
Breeders interpretations of what you are looking for and what you actually get may be very different things.Their definition of «sensitive» or «low exercise needs» may not be the same as yours.
Because her financial resources were stretched, and she needed to get both an airline crate for travel and a metal crate for use at home, she settled for the cheapest crates available, even though the breeder had recommended different brands.
This topic is for a different article, but safe to say there is a dearth of positive articles on purebred dogs or their breeders.
Every puppy pack is different depending on the breeder's intention, the dog breed, the price paid for the dog, etc..
Depending on the breeder, some will charge the same price for all colors; whereas others will charge a different price for rarer colors.
The database will also be searchable by dog breed and by geographic location, so that people looking for a new dog could compare average ratings of different dog breeds and find a breeder in their area with a track record of producing excellent companion dogs.
Show breeders and rescues seem to think their way is the ONLY way and have absolutely no tolerance for different lifestyles.
You can talk to or visit with different breeders to find one whose goals for their dogs meet your needs.
This is presently a hot topic among breeders, specifically a fad for something unique and different.
Also thinking about it from the other side, if you were a breeder, would you be happy to ship a puppy to someone you've never met before?One tip is to check what else they are selling as they often have several ads for different puppies that are popular at that time.
If you are looking for a Cavalier, you will find the dates of many different events, from Championship shows to fun matches where you can meet breeders, see from a hundred to several hundred Cavaliers, and ask questions of expert breeders and exhibitors.
However, for the Breed Club to get more accurate data, the testing needs to continue and for the breeders to get the maximum benefits, it is important to test the dogs that are actively used in breeding and coming from different breeding lines.
If you meet enough Brittanys from different lines, you'll find that what the breeders tell you is true - Brittanys are not a breed for generalizations.
We searched for a long time at different breeders and then came upon a website for a Weim rescue.
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