Sentences with phrase «different calling»

The phrase "different calling" refers to having a unique or distinct purpose or passion in life. It means that each person has their own individual talents, interests, or goals that make them special and set them apart from others. Full definition
This has been adapted over many different Call of Duty iterations to make the games less frustrating.
Sit out on the balcony of your apartment and enjoy the birds with their many different calls.
I updated my resume accordingly to what the author had to say and over the past two weeks have actually received a number of different calls for interviews.
Resumes are written differently for different call center positions.
There will not be, nor should there be, the expectation that we will be altogether different people with altogether different calls.
They then identified three different call variants, and measured female preference for each one (equivalent to choosing a mate).
They choose to analyse calls for «apple» because this was the most different call between the groups.
Experiment with signup forms to ask your website visitors to subscribe, trying different calls to action and different positions on the page.
I was on multiple different calls for just over 3 hours and they wouldn't do anything to help me.
To truly maximize the amount of traffic that converts into a potential client lead, you'll need to test and measure different calls to action on your site.
Over the course of a day, you likely have many different call - handling needs.
There are as many different callings in this room as there are individual believers.
We've already received a dozen different calls,» says Curran.
Listing each blog post as a genre with a reason for posting it will help you vary the content you're posting and help you craft posts with different calls to action.
An interesting concept for a very different Call of Duty title with a more original setting and concept, but one which just didn't seem right for the Call of Duty franchise because of it.
The fourth tier is something completely different called Major Chef's Smart Choice.
The fourth tier is something completely different called Major's Chefs Smart Choice.
All three killer whales that had been housed with dolphins for several years shifted the proportions of different call types in their repertoire to more closely match the distribution found in dolphins — they produced more clicks and whistles and fewer pulsed calls.
Bats make different calls for socialising, navigating and hunting insects, with different species using different frequencies to detect their favourite prey.
Consider how different calls should be dependent upon:
More surprising, the region showed repetition - induced reduction of activity — or neuronal adaptation — in response to different calls coming from the same individual.
Cadamuro said, «We are hopeful that this broad approach to detecting signals means that the methodology would work even on different call networks from different countries.»
Douglas Nelson, a professor of bio-acoustics at Ohio State University reminds us that cats have evolved different calls to communicate with each other.
Since they haveseveral different calls, be sure to read the open call descriptions.
But there was an energy in meeting people who had come from across the country and hearing different calls of action which ranged from veganism to investments in renewable energy to revolution.
Ruby also understands that different calls go to different people and can route accordingly.
There are many different call recorder apps on the Google Play Store, so I'm sure this can lead to some confusion.
And since Google Home learned how to recognize up to six distinguishable voices, Google Assistant may place different calls when you say «Call mom» versus your roommate, based on your Google Contacts.
You'll find different calls to action from the ones in the sellers» section.
It occurred to me this morning while my illegal roosters were er - erer - ERRing (shut up shut up SHUT UP) that there appeared to be three distinctly different calls.
The usually docile cetaceans utter about half a dozen different calls, but the way in which each one does so is unique.
If we assume that Jesus was obedient to God's call in his situation, we can try to imitate him by being obedient to God's very different call to us in our very different situation.
«We don't believe that that the public is well served necessarily by having 27 different call centers» said Megna, who says right now, he can't tell lawmakers whether «two or four or five» centers are best, and who should operate those centers.
Adult monk parakeets produce nine different call types in various contexts, e.g. territorial defense, pair bonding and flock integration, which differ in temporal as well as spectral parameters (Martella and Bucher, 1990).
What do two disgruntled Scottish designers who want to do something different call themselves?
I do plan on making this recipe again — but with the millet flour next time so I can see how you intended it to taste — but thank you for the recipe — because I had no clue where to start — I reviewed atleast 30 recipes online for burger buns and all were different calling for almond flour and a bunch of other flours I have not used....
Since Activision now has three development studios doing different Call of Duty games, the cycle has now landed on series veterans Treyarch to show us how they plan to move forward.
I do nt think people realize just how many different calls, disruptions, and events principals deal with on a daily basis.»
Test everything: the colors of your ads, the headlines, various methods of social proof and different calls to action.
Three different calls to the group's landlord seemed to confirm that it had offices and staff (although oddly, no one was ever available to speak on the phone when Nielson called).
Instead of trying to find work at a marketing firm, Beresh made a decision to follow a different calling.
I have a different calling in life, but have been priveleged to witness many of the same moments in one's life where what you speak of becomes clear.
We are all working together to win the lost and God will manifest His manifold wisdom through the different callings and gifts in the Body.
Parish churches have a different calling; they provide a place for the people of the cities where Christians confront worldly temptations on a regular basis.
JWH, monastic life is a different calling.
I could not bear the smell, the sights, the truth of this place, and I saw babies the age of my tinies there, naked, hollering HEY YOU snapping sass, and all of my carefully reasoned understandings about how everyone has a different calling and some of us are just called to different things than poverty relief and caring for orphans stank rank like heresy.
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