Sentences with phrase «different cell types in the body»

Stem cells have the ability to develop, or differentiate, into the many different cell types in the body.
Stem cells are specialized undifferentiated cells that can divide and have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth.
This will offer us unique insights into the relationships between epigenetics and gene activity and will help us to better understand the processes that convert a single cell into the many different cell types in the body
Because stem cells have the ability to develop into many different cell types in the body, researchers at USF's Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair, Department of Neurosurgery & Brain Repair have focused on using stem cells to restore function lost through neurodegenerative disorders or injuries.
Stem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into some or many different cell types in the body, depending on whether they are multipotent or pluripotent.
Many different cell types in our body have detoxification systems for neutralizing toxins.

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The goal here is to use «single - cell sequencing to understand how many different cell types there are in the human body, where they reside, and what they do,» as Nature reports.
The researchers thought this ability to switch between different cell types could explain why they can spread so easily around the body; switching cell type effectively disguises the cells in different tissues.
The majority of cells in the human body are blood cells, which comprise many different types that are continuously produced during the life of an organism.
Now a UC Santa Barbara researcher has added to that body of knowledge by determining how stem cells produce different types of «daughter» cells in Drosophila (fruit flies).
«From a health perspective, oxidative stress in the cells causes different types of damage in the body, for example, skin ageing or various infections, contributing to illnesses such as arthritis and Alzheimer's,» says Harri Latva - Mäenpää.
As «immature» somatic cells, stem cells can mature into different types of cells, thus making them responsible for the development of all the tissues and organs in the body.
While it is present on a number of different types of cells in the body, it is expressed at higher levels on metastatic tumour cells, including those which have spread from the lung.
So, at the dawn of our universe — and I have to emphasize our universe, because there could be others — so, dawn of our universe, physicists think there was one type of force, one type of matter and that as the cosmos expanded, as space expanded, it cooled and things started to condense out like snow flakes, and over time that single force broke, it differentiated; and something similar happens in the human body as we develop from a single cell; we differentiate, different tissues form in our bodies, different layers of tissues.
Almost all cells in the human body have identical DNA sequences, yet there are 200 - plus cell types with different sizes, shapes, and chemical compositions.
This causes the body's white blood cells to release type 1 interferon - alpha, a small cytokine protein that acts as a systemic alarm, triggering a cascade of additional immune activity as it binds with receptors in different tissues.
The organization of these tissues let different cell types work together, to enable organs in the body to perform their functions.
The central question is how, in the human organism for example, 100 000 genes have been orchestrated to yield about 250 different cell types, which then become assembled as the human body.
«All epithelial cells — and that's the cells that make up most of the organs in our bodies — can do this, so you could imagine that this type of local chamber could be forming transiently in many different parts of the body, whenever cells need to self - organise and communicate,» Gilmour says.
The body needs many different types of stem cells to replace sick, aging or dying cells in its many different tissues.
stem cell Special cells in the body that can make any of several different types of new cells, including blood cells.
July 2009 - Switching on the power of stem cells Cambridge scientists reveal how the protein Nanog gives stem cells their unique abilities Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research at the University of Cambridge have pinpointed the role of the protein Nanog in a complex process that gives stem cells pluripotency: the ability to produce all the different cell types of the bCell Research at the University of Cambridge have pinpointed the role of the protein Nanog in a complex process that gives stem cells pluripotency: the ability to produce all the different cell types of the bcell types of the body.
Pluripotent stem cells — those, like embryonic stem cells, that give rise to almost every type of cell in the body — can be converted into the different classes of retinal cells necessary for vision, according to a new, RPB - supported study from researchers at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y.
Hematopoiesis is the process by which the different types of blood cells are generated in the body (the term literally means «to make blood»).
They can turn into all the different types of blood cells in the body.
All cells in the human body contain these bases in exactly the same order, but different genes are expressed in different cell types, allowing them to carry out their specialized functions.
Myofibroblasts can proliferate elsewhere in the body as well — although they may arise from different cell types in different tissues — and fibrotic remodeling of the kidney, liver (cirrhosis of the liver) and lungs follows a similar progression, Genin says.
SLC16A11 belongs to a family of genes known to transport molecules across cell membranes, but the proteins that genes produce can perform many different roles in the body, and they can be active in some tissue types but not others.
Despite the enormity of the dataset described in this historic collection of publications, it does not comprehensively describe all of the functional genomic elements in all of the different types of cells in the human body.
In humans, there are many different types of stem cells that come from different places in the body or are formed at different times in our liveIn humans, there are many different types of stem cells that come from different places in the body or are formed at different times in our livein the body or are formed at different times in our livein our lives.
But it would allow so - called therapeutic cloning in which a patient's cells are coaxed to an embryonic state where they regain the potential to create all of the body's different tissue types.
It would allow us to identify which genes associated with disease are active in our bodies and where, and analyze the regulatory mechanisms that govern the production of different cell types.
Without maps of different cell types and where they are located in the body, we can not describe all their functions and understand the biological networks that direct their activities.
In the different cell types of the body, different protein producing genes are active or inactive, and many medical conditions also depend on altered activity of specific genes.
There are over 200 different types of cells in the human body, many of which can become neoplastic.
Other types of stem cells are capable of creating multiple different cell types, but not all the cell types in the body.
There are 10 to 1 more bacteria in our intestinal tract than there are human cells in our body, and there are about 400 - 500 different types.
You know, you can have like the turmeric that blocks something and there's also antihistamine, you know, as you explained there's many different types of inflame — inflammatory cells in our body and you know --
While all types are helpful in preventing unwanted oxygen damage to our cells and body systems, different types of antioxidants go about this task in different ways, and it is the combination of these types in cruciferous vegetables — including bok choy — that make them so valuable in terms of their antioxidant support.
There are five different types of white blood cells found within mammals, and the primary goal of each is to assist in protecting the body from invaders like bacteria and parasites.
This disease attacks many different cell types in a cat s body, causing a weak immune system and neoplastic (cancer) disease.
This disease attacks many different cell types in a cats body, causing a weak immune system and neoplastic (cancer) disease.
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