Sentences with phrase «different curing processes»

There are of course differences between different curing processes, but it's up to the people making the claim to have a credible case for the claim that these are differences that are relevant to the cancer connection and substantially protective.

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I had moments where I didn't carry a balance before, but this time was different, as I confronted all my financial demons and got cured in the process.
«Apparently, the comb jellyfish larvae are able to activate two fundamentally different regeneration processes, depending on the external circumstances,» explains Dr. Javidpour, «if the circumstances are not good enough for a complete cure, then at least it can save their own survival with a simpler process
George and his co-authors propose moving toward different types of metaphors — those that encourage use of words like «slow» or «postpone» rather than «prevent» or «cure,» and emphasize building «resilience» to aging processes in the brain rather than aiming at «absolute victory» over a disease.
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