Sentences with phrase «different dialogue options»

The game entirely consists of deciding what to say by clicking on different dialogue options appearing above the car itself.
You can also choose different dialogue options when talking to characters, and upgrade your conversational abilities so that you can convince them to do your bidding.
These can allow you to unlock different dialogue options or make some of the investigating easier.
The contact you meet is random and there are at least 5 NPCs you can encounter all with different dialogue options.
This means that on your second playthrough, you can purchase the machinegun, suit and coat — you can also take this as an opportunity to collect all of the butterflies for the second ending as well as possibly picking different dialogue options to unlock the trophy regarding that as well.
Different dialogue options will either make or break you with certain ghosts.
Some choices are admittedly inconsequential (different dialogue options, for example, can prompt only slight variations in response), and seeing that a trying exchange doesn't lead anywhere can take the magic out of the experience.
Different dialogue options will be available based on your decisions.
Different dialogue options are available and can change how you progress through the game, but for the most part, it's a matter of allowing you to get through a situation without fighting, or to pick a fight when one wouldn't normally exist.
Meeting a new party member comes about with some nice story and different dialogue options that add to the encounter.
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