Sentences with phrase «different diet compositions»

A number of studies have shown that variations in the human gut microbiome are associated with different diet compositions as well as a number of medical conditions.
Many different diet compositions were discussed to help women with PCOS, all with similar results.

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The differences in milk composition observed are actually due to the different diets of the cows (i.e. pasture versus concentrate feeding) rather than organic versus conventional farming systems,» according to lead investigator Don Otter, PhD, Senior Scientist, Food & Bio-based Products, AgResearch Grasslands Research Centre (New Zealand).
«We therefore had to use a different method, so we measured the composition of carbon isotopes — the ratio of protein and mineral content — in the fossilized sloth bones,» explains Bocherens, and he continues, «Our measurements show that Megatherium lived on an exclusively vegetarian diet
It is important to remember that the term «HFD» encompasses a wide variety of diet formulas and diets of different composition can be expected to alter the liver phenotype in various ways.
Third, diet composition was substantially different between studies.
A similar experiment was done in 2009, with researchers concluding 31 Comparison of weight - loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
The total energy expenditure from TEF varies based on the macronutrient composition of the diet because protein, carbohydrate, and dietary fat all have different TEF values.
Furthermore, the types of plant and animal foods that together comprise the macronutrient composition of hunter - gatherer diets are substantially different from those commonly consumed by Westernized societies.
«There are studies showing that what we eat can alter the composition and products of the gut flora — in particular, that people with high - vegetable, fiber - based diets have a different composition of their microbiota, or gut environment, than people who eat the more typical Western diet that is high in fat and carbohydrates,» [senior author Dr. Emeran] Mayer said.
Composition of diet counts — the low protein diet in the Bray study gave significantly different body composition and energy expenditure outcomes despite the same level of additionaComposition of diet counts — the low protein diet in the Bray study gave significantly different body composition and energy expenditure outcomes despite the same level of additionacomposition and energy expenditure outcomes despite the same level of additional calories.
«This is because the plant - based diet has a different composition.
Everyone has a different composition of gut bugs - these compositions in each person can change due to age, diet, or geography.
In 2008, Westman and colleagues compared two diets of vastly different macronutrient compositions in a population of obese type 2 diabetic patients (Westman et al., 2008).
According to current research though, TEF is proportional to the calorie content and vary with macronutrient composition (with the highest increase in energy expenditure observed with a high protein diet) and not meal frequency per se, as demonstrated by the equal TEF in different meal patterns under iso - caloric conditions (79,80).
The importance of calorie intake over nutritional composition was evident in the trial done on 811 overweight women and men, who were randomly divided into four diet focus groups with different nutritional compositions.
Looking at body composition from different diets and body types / genetics, such as ectomorphs and outlining nutrition tips for these and their history of use from natural bodybuilding legend Vince Gironda.
Although short - term randomized clinical trials have shown a beneficial effect of high protein intake, 3,4,20,21 the long - term health consequences of protein intake remain controversial.8,9,22 - 25 In a randomized clinical trial with a 2 - year intervention, 4 calorie - restricted diets with different macronutrient compositions did not show a difference in the effects on weight loss or on improvement of lipid profiles and insulin levels.26 When protein is substituted for other macronutrients, the dietary source of protein appears to be a critical determinant of the outcome.
Still, like all food choices, it's best to find the diet your pet does well on through trying different nutrient compositions and ingredients.
These differences are from diet, different oral bacteria and a different composition of saliva.
These findings show that there are differences in urine composition between different breeds of dog fed the same diet.
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