Sentences with phrase «different dress code»

Regarding the place or the situation, we are always going to find different dress codes, but the truth is that we all love to wear is what we feel comfortable with.
* Also my understanding is that office days and court days can have drastically different dress codes.
We both work, but in very different fields, with very different dress codes.
However, if a dress code appears to discriminatory, an employer will not be liable if they can show that the requirements are a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim and there is case law which demonstrates that having different dress codes for men and women is not automatically discriminatory.
When you've got two jobs (perhaps with different dress codes) the last thing you want to be doing in the morning is trying to plan what the day's outfit will look like.
Your outfit posts are always my favorite and agree with previous suggestions about including affordable pieces (Old Nave for the win:)-RRB- and also outfits for the office (and looking at different dress codes) and specific events.
I know there are so many different dress codes out there, but I narrowed it down to 3 of the most popular.
Different industries have slightly different dress codes, but even so, you need to err on the side of formality.
Different dress codes for men and women, or social media posts highlighting the youthfulness of your current (and desired) employees are great examples of practices which may require special consideration.
Each event required a different dress code.
Creating a capsule wardrobe is a definite must when you find yourself in a new role — whether it's your first «real job» after college, returning to work after having a baby, switching to a different dress code, etc..
For more info, check out this CF article that breaks down the different dress codes you might encounter.
Every office has a different dress code, and what works for me in my summer internship may or may not work for you, depending on your company's dress code standards.
One of the reason is I have a different dress code.
American men could survive a thermostat set at 75 degrees with a different dress code too....
Nonrevs are subject to a different dress code which includes no spandex.
Each company will feature a different dress code, so that's where choosing your job interview attire becomes more difficult.
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