Sentences with phrase «different foods at»

During a battle, the player can throw different foods at the hostile Yo - Kai.
On a cruise, you get to sample a variety of destinations the same way you sample different foods at Costco.
Cats need different foods at different stages of their life.
Our Feeding Program & Tips Everyone feeds different foods at different times a day.
Like to try different foods at restaurants.
Not only does this feeding style encourage the whole family to eat together (which has plenty of benefits), but it also allows kids to explore different foods at their own pace (which aligns with Ellyn Satter's philosophy of the Division of Responsibility of Feeding) and takes the pressure off parents to make sure their kids eat certain foods like vegetables.
If you're anything like me, different foods at the grocery store are intriguing but not enough to get me to purchase.
If your family eats different foods at every meal, it will be much harder for you to stay on a gluten free diet and to remain positive about your new lifestyle.
See what an expert says about giving young kids different food at meals.
Choose another feed and offer a different food at that meal as well.

Not exact matches

For years I worked at different food concepts as a low - level employee, learning the ins and outs and trying to find one that matched the high standards I had acquired from my years at Erbert & Gerbert's.
At 29, Corrin is capturing an altogether different market share of users: those who desire fresh and affordable foods in a trendy setting.
The Impulsive Buy was the first to see the cheesy item being sold for $ 2.99 at one location, and Consumerist reportedly saw the food at a different location for 50 cents more.
Since opening two decades ago, Chipotle has pioneered a different type of restaurant — one that features premium ingredients and tailored orders at fast - food speeds.
And indeed here in the United States we look at a range of different measures of core inflation, for example, that take energy and food prices out of the overall index.
«What is perhaps different now is that the message that they're trying to create is not one just of low cost but that we are innovating, being creative, trying to meet consumer needs with new products but doing it in a value - oriented way,» says David Henkes, senior principal at Technomic, a restaurant and food industry consulting firm.
Also, pay attention to the types of foods that are cheaper at different stores.
That diversity is on display in a major way at the Los Angeles Times» second annual L.A. Food Bowl festival, which runs for the full month of May and includes hundreds of different meal events from high - profile chefs like Nancy Silverton (Mozza), Curtis Stone (Gwen) and Yoshihiro Narisawa whose eponymous Tokyo restaurant Gold said made him «shudder with pleasure» in his review this past month.
Court documents made public late on Tuesday show that Fresenius (NYSE: FMS) dropped its acquisition of Akorn after uncovering evidence that the generic drug developer submitted fraudulent data to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for at least six different drugs dating back to 2012.
Wall Street analysts said meaningfully different food product launches have been too few and far between at Taco Bell in recent years.
Well, I hope you don't wear clothes of different fabric, or farm (or purchase food from a farm) which puts different crops side by side, or mind if I buy your daughter at a decent price (though I don't know the going rate, but I could sure use the worker), or that you don't work on the Sabbath, or eat any kind of shellfish, or get a hair cut, or play football.
My busy family had fallen into a habit of complaining about food (if you can believe it), rushing through meals at different times («I'm starving!»)
The ark could not have contained more than a very small proportion of the animal life on the globe, to say nothing of the food needed for them, nor could eight people have attended to their wants, nor apart from a constant miracle could the very different conditions they required in order to live at all have been supplied.
I had to wait a while and save up money before being able to make recipes but I found that looking around at different places like health food shops, supermarkets, and even places like Amazon (sometimes even ebay!)
Foodland Farms sees three different kinds of shoppers in its stores: those looking for fully prepared, ready - to - eat food; customers who buy prepped product that they can cook at home; and those who want to make everything themselves from scratch.
Here are some posts I wrote on my favourite blenders and food processors at a range of different prices which might be helpful — and x
Hi Ella, I've been looking at the different food processors and one thing is not clear for me: does the Magimix work as a blender as well?
He introduced authentic Italian cuisine to Houston at a time when Americans had an entirely different perception of Italian food.
Learning about different props and styling ideas left me inspired to be more inventive and creative with my food photography and it had me sitting at the edge of me seat all afternoon as I was eagerly awaiting the chance to apply what I had learned in my own photography.
The change was daunting at first, making over my diet and approaching food in a different way.
His poor little tummy sounds like a boiling pot and he is miserable The only thing that is different is the gelatin... I got most of the items at the health food store and they only had Beef Gelatin?
I made dinner rolls for the 1st time and they were a little denser than I wanted... was wondering if the xanthem gum was the culprit... so I looked up adjusting xanthem gum for dense bread and it brought me here... your article says if bread is rubbery it might have too much xanthem... I have perfected my cupcakes they are light fluffy and moist... and good enough that I was able to sell them at a local cafe for 3.00 a piece and could not keep up... anyway the xanthem gum measurements for cakes is supposed to be 1/2 tsp per cup and I only use 1/4 tsp per cup... so I am thinking if I reduce the xanthem in the rolls it would produce an airier roll... as everyone knows gluten free flours can be expensive... and I wanted to avoid making a failed batch as bread and cake are a bit different... the 1st batch tased great... just won't leave much room for food due to density... as is the problem with lots of gluten free stuff... am I on the right track?
If you're a frequent visitor here, you know my love of Greek food knows no bounds, I'll take any chance I can get to sneak some Greek food into my diet, and I'll also jump at any chance to take classic Greek flavors and turn them into something entirely different.
(Food blogger confession time) all those lasagne tacos pie things that have been all over the place (Pinterest and Instagram I am looking at you) have become so imprinted in my brain that I just had to make them — but of course I have to be different — so Yorkshire pudding pies they became.
For the uninitiated, The Secret Recipe Club is a group of around 100 food bloggers, separated into three smaller blogging groups, each of which post at different times of the month.
My point exactly because at that time I should have already known life would lead me in a different direction since the most interesting and exciting part of the trip was the food I had the opportunity to try.
We never ordered take out (I actually didn't even try Chinese food until high school — and it was at friend's house), we never went to ethnic restaurants, and we never experimented with different cuisines in the kitchen.
NIZO also said that the research is targeted at meeting the needs of different food industry segments that deal with cocoa - dairy, sugar and chocolate confectionery, biscuit and bakery, ice cream and desserts.
Healthy, gourmet, and all - natural are rarely terms we associate with the humble tortilla chip, but things are different at Food Should Taste Good.
So at the start of my journey a number of years ago, as I was beginning to experiment with different healthy foods, I discovered chickpeas.
Molitor's exploration into different flavors led him to Bluebird Grain Farms «organic whole grain emmer farro, which he discovered through Provvista Specialty Foods, which seeks to provide Portland restaurants with the best quality food products at a fair price.
We've pioneered a different model that delivers fresher, high - quality food from the farm to the kitchen, avoiding long and wasteful detours at costly grocery stores.
I've been a loyal fan since before they even had a storefront, way back when they were a food truck we had to chase down at different places in the city.
«When my brother and I took over, we looked at it and decided we needed to go in a different direction and put 100 percent of our efforts toward retail rather than the food service aspect,» Jack relates.
So we're doing a lot of different things with food and the dining experience at the theater.»
«We've got three different locations we're evaluating at this point,» Duffy says, noting that this will allow its clients on the West Coast to reduce the size of their carbon footprint as Biodegradable Food Service decreases the amount of transportation needed to move the products.
I got a look at my local health food market nut butter shelf for the first time in a long time and was amazed at the variety of different nut and seed butters on display.
Dolma is different kind of stuffed food and you can find more information at the following link:
Judges at the Scovies are provided with several different, thick coolants, such as yogurt and ice cream — the same cooling agents that members of the public should use when tasting fiery foods.
When consumers with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) examine a food package at the store, they may find information about the product's gluten content presented in several different ways.
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