Sentences with phrase «different gene promoter»

We show different gene promoter sensitivities may make substantial changes to patterns of consolidation.

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The pilot project tested a dozen or so of the most commonly used gene promoters (regions of DNA that facilitate gene transcription) and segments of DNA that encode ribosome - binding sites (sequences of messenger RNA that control protein translation) to determine whether they behave consistently in different cellular contexts.
Just as engineers rearrange capacitors and resistors to create different electric circuits, researchers can arrange gene promoters and repressors — stretches of DNA that control gene activity — to create gene circuits with different properties.
PARTICLE acts in three different ways to prevent expression of the MAT2A gene: 1) by winding around the MAT2A gene to create a DNA: RNA triple helix structure locking down the MAT2A gene promoter, 2) by binding the messenger RNA product of the MAT2A gene and preventing it being used for MAT2A protein synthesis and 3) transferring MAT2A messenger RNA into intracellular vesicles that are subsequently ejected from the cell.
In particular, they examined different forms of the promoter region of the vasopressin V1a receptor gene (AVPRIA), known as DupA and DupB.
The two species» genes for the vasopressin receptor — which relays the hormone's message to brain cells — have slightly different «promoters,» the switches that turn genes on and off.
In two different experiments, Fukaya placed the enhancer either upstream of the gene's promoter, or downstream of the gene and saw that the different enhancer positions resulted in distinct responses.
For example, the BR biosynthesis gene, Dwarf4 (Dwf4), had opposite effects on yield in rice when driven by different promoters (Reuzeau et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2008) and the interaction of BR and GA mutants was developmentally context - dependent in maize (Best et al., 2016).
The composition of the 10 different polysaccharide biosynthesis gene clusters identified (7 with associated invertible promoters) suggests a mechanism of synthesis similar to the O - antigen capsules of Escherichia coli.
Single - cell experiments show that gene expression is random and «bursty,» Lin said, a feature that can emerge from slow switching between promoter states with different activities.
The webinar will cover different virus types, understanding the screening process, dosing, dystrophin constructs, promoters, and how does the virus and gene that is delivered integrate into the muscle cell.
Children who manifest higher levels of shyness or have 1 or 2 copies of the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene appear to have a different pattern of processing affective stimuli of interpersonal hostility.
Conclusion Children who manifest higher levels of shyness or have 1 or 2 copies of the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene appear to have a different pattern of processing affective stimuli of interpersonal hostility.
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