Sentences with phrase «different height effect»

Comparison of different height effect speaker solutions and how SVS Prime Elevation takes an innovative approach.

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A separate review by Ducharme and a different group of colleagues looked at 22 studies that tested varying the dose of steroids, and found that lower doses had less of an effect on height.
One of the largest studies carried out to date in order to determine mercury levels in umbilical cord blood samples and its association with different reproductive effects: measurements of fetal development (weight, height and head circumference at birth), placental weight, duration of pregnancy and risk of premature birth.
Swaisgood had previously shown that giant pandas pay more attention to handstand scent marks than those left by less acrobatic means, but he had never compared the effect of handstand marks of different height.
Altitude data of GTOPO30 was also included (, accessed January 2012) to accord for the variable effect of water and energy at different heights (Wright, 1983; Bhatterai and Vetaas, 2003).
For instance, researchers still don't completely understand the role of aerosols in the atmosphere, the variable effects of clouds at different heights, and the influence of feedback mechanisms such as the changing reflectivity of the Earth's surface and the release of gases from permafrost or deep seabeds.
As we saw in Section 3, the greenhouse effect theory predicts that infrared - active gases lead to complicated infrared cooling rates which should be different at each height (e.g., the one in Figure 9).
Modtran gives a rough interpretation of the effect of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (water vapour) and clouds at different heights.
The designers of the day specifically engineered this seemingly odd technique into the structure knowing in advance what the end overall «visual» result would be by creating pillars that are slightly different in height from one another to create the effect.
The width and shape is up to you — create impact with bigger bulbs or mix and match different sizes and heights for a unique effect.
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