Sentences with phrase «different kinds of arguments»

She introduced her sophomores to the rhetorical triangle, a lens used to analyze different kinds of arguments, with a Ram truck commercial.
It is a very nice summary of different kinds of arguments.
Yet one can perhaps make a different kind of argument, more policy based and purposive, that if people fear loss of rights then they will not naturalize, and so integration will be hindered.

Not exact matches

Despite a lingering argument over whether Bitcoin is more or less important than its underlying tech, Consensus 2016 saw keynote addresses and panel discussions on applications for blockchain or distributed ledger technology in cross-border payments, smart contracts, government, security, identity, the Internet of Things, and all different kinds of clearing and settlement.
But the socialist argument is that a different environment will elicit a significantly different kind of behavior.
As this summary brings out, Kim's argument involves treating two very different kinds of «observability» as if the difference between them were irrelevant.
That his concern is legitimate few will deny, and wholly apart from the theoretical issue noted above, this concern constitutes a strong practical argument for a liberal polity (which does no more than promote «some kind of equilibrium, necessarily unstable, between the different aspirations of different groups of human beings»).
I'll be open however to considering discussing the kind of issues with you should you take a different approach to the argument form authority should you show that you would like to do so.
Was he drawing a different tradition or was he developing his ideas through his polemics, kind of making it up from whatever argument carried the day?
1.12 Because these two arguments rely on different sources of state power, it is appropriate at the outset to review the distinction in kind between powers reserved to the States and those delegated to the States by the Constitution.
Everybody would be angry about the drug dealer - the point I was trying to make is that the reciprocity argument applied to him is different in kind from that applied to someone for whom «unearned wealth» accumulates independent of the taxpayer.
In effect the argument is that if you've been a soldier, and you have some of these kinds of symptoms, that you are very likely to be labeled as having PTSD; and in fact, maybe you're suffering from a completely different problem or something that's not even a really deep - seeded problem at all.
«Of course ultimately, we believe that what we're looking at is an argument for a different kind of dating interface altogether, one where people can connect over personality and humor in the first place instead of just mindlessly swiping through photos of potential matches.&raquOf course ultimately, we believe that what we're looking at is an argument for a different kind of dating interface altogether, one where people can connect over personality and humor in the first place instead of just mindlessly swiping through photos of potential matches.&raquof dating interface altogether, one where people can connect over personality and humor in the first place instead of just mindlessly swiping through photos of potential matches.&raquof just mindlessly swiping through photos of potential matches.&raquof potential matches.»
Should the argument be made that most superhero sequels open ahead of their first installment, Deadpool 2 is different kind of movie.
My argument here is that a «diverse provider» environment (where an area has an array of operators running an array of schools) allows for a very different kind of accountability system.
For instance, we do not observe the kind of massive surge in IPOs that we witnessed during the dotcom bubble or hear arguments that «this time is truly different».
This kind of argument has taken several different forms such as, climate policies simply cost too much, will destroy jobs, harm the economy, or are not justified by cost - benefit analyses just to name a few cost - based arguments made frequently in opposition to climate change policies..
Special preparation techniques before going to trial Before going to trial, the personal injury lawyers at Ketchmark and McCreight, P.C. like to invest extra time and money in the planning stages of any kind of personal injury claim, including vaginal mesh claims when necessary, and this is why we make use of mock juries and mock trials o help us test out different lines of arguments before using them for real in your case.
There is no basis in those circumstances for the argument that different views within the Inland Revenue Department on tax liability of transactions of the kind in issue can preclude an assessment by an officer who honestly takes one of those views.
Blocher argues that while this makes sense as a way of allocating decisionmaking authority between trial and appellate courts based on their relative strengths, he does not see how those arguments apply at all to instant replay in sports, which he characterizes as «just appeals of a different kind
If you think this line of argument seems silly, would someone please explain how this law is any different from the proposals of the so - called «gun grabbers» to require law - abiding gun owners to register their weapons, and to restrict the right to ownership of certain kinds of weapons that are clearly designed only to kill human beings on an industrial scale?
Personally, I'm very persuaded by the argument that there is a need in society for a different kind of law school, one that uses innovative approaches to build skills and provide hands - on experience, focused on the needs of the users of legal services.
One reason why reexaminations may result differently for third parties than for patent owners is because third parties might frame their requests differently from patent owners, using different kinds of prior art, different arguments, etc..
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