Sentences with phrase «different kinds of fats»

This is because the body tends to get rid of different kinds of fat in a predictable order.
Your dog requires a balance of different kinds of fats in his diet, primarily omega - 3 and omega - 6 fatty acids.
Obviously, there are plenty of different kinds of fat burning foods from natural sources that are wonderful sources of protein as well as healthful fats.
There are a number of different kinds of fats that should be included in your dog's diet, primarily a balance of omega - 3 and omega - 6 fatty acids.
While there are many different kinds of fats and oils, some are more delicate than others, meaning their beneficial compounds break down or oxidize easily, creating harmful chemicals in the process.
You can use a few different kinds of fats for pie crust, the most popular being butter, shortening (Crisco), or lard.
Polyunsaturated fats not only prevent your body from absorbing different kinds of fats, but also the vitamins that are fat - soluble such as vitamins A, E, and K.
Just as different kinds of fats have different effects in our bodies (e.g., saturated and trans fats are linked to increased risk for cardiovascular disease while omega - 3 fats decrease cardiovascular disease risk), some carbohydrates, such as whole grains, are healthful while others, such as refined grains and the foods made from them, are not.
I have been on a salmon kick lately, which is better than being on an Entenmann's Donut kick since they are both made up completely different kinds of fat; good fat's are made up of EFAs or Essential Fatty Acid's from the Omega - 3 and Omega - 6 family.
However there are different kinds of fats... the good, the bad and ugly.
Now, before you slap butter on everything, let's briefly talk about the different kinds of fat.
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