Sentences with phrase «different kinds of light»

I went online in search of light options and was amazed by how many different kinds of lights there really are to choose from.
It has nothing to do with the extra-deep colors that tablet offers, but about shifting how the display looks in different kinds of lighting.
Check out the fascinating art exhibit constructed with different kinds of lights at the Elmhurst Art Museum.
But in order to create this extremely short wave radiation, Professor Andrius Baltuska's team (Photonics Institute, Electrical Engineering, TU Wien) starts out with a quite different kind of light.
Gravity accelerates the nuclei and electrons in the gas atoms, causing them to radiate different kinds of light.
Rail: What about the early works, say the «Water» series from 1999, in which different kinds of light reflect on the water's surfaces?
Can table lamps and wall sconces usually co-exist on the same wall or is this because it's a bedroom and they provide different kinds of light?
With the increasing consciousness about up - cycling and re-cycling, domestic glass bottles are now being crafted into different kinds of lighting solutions.
I love ~ the spaciousness achieved by sticking to one type of flooring and white for the walls throughout ~ the unfussy windows ~ how art work and objects seem to have designated areas that lend warmth without taking over ~ the blending of sympathetic materials with the outside location ~ the open plan living with different kinds of lighting that highlight and designate different areas.
She was way too busy shining a different kind of light to bother about such trivia.
Different kinds of light can disrupt your body's circadian rhythm, but with some thoughtful design, you can create a relaxing haven that encourages deep and rejuvenating sleep.
At one point in Love, Hate, and Other Filters, Maya's best friend Violet tells her that love is «a part of who you are, not an object you can film and capture in different kinds of light
Discover tips on how to make the most of London as a culture vulture and breakfast lover, and how to see Amsterdam in a different kind of light to the red variety we've all heard about.
Peterson talks through the importance of metering the subject for a starting exposure and then explains how to use various exposure meters and different kinds of lighting.
This is a different kind of light than the reflected light used by camera containing film.
MIT News says that the software can «tell the difference between every different kind of light, motor, and other device in the home and show exactly which ones go on and off, at what times.»
The website enables you to peruse certain pages of the document with varying magnification and, in some cases, with different kinds of lighting.
It has a similar 5.5 - inch, 1,920 - by - 1,080 LCD, although it's been enhanced with True Tone, which gives it better white balance in different kinds of lighting.
(it looks sickly it different kinds of light).
Inspired to clean till my home sparkles and also inspir d by the different kind of light filtering into my home during different times of day and different seasons!
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