Sentences with phrase «different kinds of matters»

Keep in mind, the sales cycle may be different for the different kinds of matters your firm handles.
Both firms and corporations should have detailed information on the past cost of different kinds of matters.
Disciplinary Core Ideas PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter Different kinds of matter exist and many of them can be either solid or liquid, depending on temperature.

Not exact matches

No matter what kind of background you came from you are always capable of stopping the pattern from repeating by making a concious decision to do something different this time.
No matter what industry you're in or what size company you're leading, you're working constantly with different kinds of people.
Mainline Protestants (Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and the like) and evangelical / fundamentalist Protestants (an umbrella group of conservative churches including the Pentecostal, Baptist, Anabaptist, and Reformed traditions) not only belong to distinctly different kinds of churches, but they generally hold distinctly different views on such matters as theological orthodoxy and the inerrancy of the Bible, upon which conservative Christians are predictably conservative.
The ability to accept others for who they are, the ability to respect others despite them being different than you, and being loving and kind to others no matter who they is the sign of a true Christian.
The circumstances required for sexual reproduction (different in kind from what I mean by «metaphysical division,» although a different branch on the same path of interaction between matter and the élan vital) by more complex entities is of course still more particular (and improbable without the intentional element).
The reason it is so often a matter of dispute is that people differ in what they mean when they use the word, and since deep emotions are tied in with the conviction that the Bible is inspired, to doubt the kind of inspiration one believes in is apt to seem like rejecting the Bible outright or making it no different from any other book.
Its ontological root and ground is different in kind from matter, that is to say can only come about by the creative positing (Denzinger 20, 170, 2327) of a truly new, original and different kind of reality, and not as something derivative.
I do not propose to embark upon any analysis or defense of the very particular kind of optimism which does not for a moment claim that we are living in the best of all possible worlds, but only (a quite different matter!)
Of course, if there is nothing outside of the text, there are many different kinds of texts that are inscribed with meaning: not only the great diversity of printed matter but also culture and human beingOf course, if there is nothing outside of the text, there are many different kinds of texts that are inscribed with meaning: not only the great diversity of printed matter but also culture and human beingof the text, there are many different kinds of texts that are inscribed with meaning: not only the great diversity of printed matter but also culture and human beingof texts that are inscribed with meaning: not only the great diversity of printed matter but also culture and human beingof printed matter but also culture and human beings.
It follows from this hypothesis that the difference between Jesus and Christian believers is not a matter of degree but one of kind, i.e., participation in different structures of existence.
Leibniz strongly opposed the assumption and developed a theory of body, and matter, as composite, with the constituents entities of a very different kind, explicitly nonmaterial.
This is an important matter both within the boundaries of postliberal — or any other kind of — theology, as well as across the boundaries of theology and other intellectual endeavors which interpret the same phenomena that theology interprets, but in radically different ways.
I don't have a specific favorite cuisine — as a matter of fact, I like all kinds of different foods and I am never shy to try new stuff.
It's equally annoying to tell a different kind of birth attendant that what they do doesn't matter, just because it's different from what you do.
Still, we should not discount the significance of what Citizens United meant for independent expenditures, something that Justice John Paul Stevens argued comes close to direct contributions: «The difference between selling a vote and selling access is a matter of degree, not kind and selling access is not qualitatively different from giving special preference to those who spent money on one's behalf.»
Dark matter most likely includes several different kinds of particles.
For that matter, is limiting the sale of these foods outside of school different from limiting what kinds of movies they can attend?
It amounts to a kind of Noodle Theory: Throw enough different kinds of noodles at a wall long enough and eventually one will stick, no matter whether the noodle is buckwheat or soba or the wall is cement or wood paneled.
The case for dark matter began in the 1930s with a pair of papers by two very different kinds of geniuses, the buttoned - down Dutch astronomer Jan Oort (who also hypothesized the Oort Cloud of comets) and the explosive Swiss - American cosmologist Fritz Zwicky.
The new technique, called ramped pyrolysis / oxidation (ramped PyrOx or RPO), takes advantage of the way different kinds of organic matter react to heat.
Six years after the discovery of radioactivity (1896) by Henri Becquerel of France, the New Zealand - born British physicist Ernest Rutherford found that three different kinds of radiation are emitted in the decay of radioactive substances; these he called alpha, beta, and gamma rays in sequence of their ability to penetrate matter.
«To study warm dense matter, we need a different kind of accelerator, one that can deliver very high currents — a great many particles — in short pulses of moderate energy.»
Have been to the doctors, had ultrasounds of the breast, thyroid and the reason is because of Soy, which contains large amounts of ISOFLAVONES that mimic estrogen, am not saying soy is bad but I would suggest not eating too much of soy or for that matter anything, the idea is to have a wide variety of different kinds of foods in moderation.
No matter how healthy and fit you are, there's one part of the body that can get irritated during all kinds of different workouts; ones that use just bodyweight moves as well as kettlebell and barbell workouts alike: the wrist.
Family outing, birthday party, wedding, casual dinner — no matter what the occasion is, it demands a different kind of dress for girls.
Dressing for traveling is always a challenge: an early morning train ride, a freezing plane, a tropically hot destination... You get confronted with totally different kinds of situations and temperatures in just a matter of hours.
I have used a ton of different kinds of moisturisers in cream, lotion, gel and serum form, and no matter what type it is, a moisturiser has always helped my skin feel soft and supple, provided I...
Which normally, no matter the size of the purse, I'll have receipts for things I'll never return, napkins, a plethora of change, empty powder compacts, random flyers, at least 2 brushes, several different sunscreens, an empty water bottle (if I can fit it), every kind of over the counter medication you can think of and multiple sunglass cases..
Although he is selling more than 1000 different brands on his site now, but denim is such an old time classic and back to the basic kind of essential that everyone needs, no matter what the leading fashion is.
There are so many different kinds of people waiting to meet you on Sri Lanka Dating that we know its just a short matter of time until you find that special someone.
We have like - minded people from all walks of life that are interested in all different kinds of naughty adult fun, so no matter what takes your fancy - just fill in the above form and get the party started right now.
No matter what kind of races you're, the Black, White, Asian, Latina and Mixed race, it's a home of interracial singles or for those people who're interested in mixed races and different cultures.
The Walk is flawed — it tries to be three different kinds of movie (charming biography, heist flick, epic achievement story) and not every moment works completely, but it doesn't really matter.
How The Ghost ties in with Ant - Man and the Wasp is another matter but it'll be interesting to see the pair take on a very different kind of enemy and one that has two serious tactical advantages over being very small and very strong.
«A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, what sort of house I lived in, or what kind of clothes I wore, but the world may be a much different place because I was important in the life of a child.»
There are three major challenges for education today: 1) To become lifelong, beginning in the first year of life and extending to old age; 2) To go beyond curricula (subject matter) in the usual sense and to focus sharply on character (the kinds of human beings we want to nurture); 3) To prepare for a world where the landscape of work is likely to be totally different and changing constantly.
In this resource, pupils will learn... 1) to compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties 2) to recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter 3) the rock cycle and the formation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks 4) to understand how cooling and solidifying of magma results in formation of igneous rocks.
They reveal surprising ways music has mattered to students with very different kinds of challenges - attention deficit, cognitive disability, autism, trauma and neglect, brain injury, blindness, and hydrocephaly.
No matter what kind of help you're looking for we've got the perfect report writer for you, we've got professionals who specialize in just about any part of the process and have expertise in various different fields and reports.
As Seth Godin has talked about, the only way to compete (or even exist for long for that matter) is to get into the niches and play a different game with a different kind of reader.
Before I do that, though, I want to make it clear that while there are many different kinds of annuities out there, I believe that one type stands out when it comes to delivering retirement income you can count on throughout retirement no matter how long you live: immediate annuities.
No matter how unique Texas insurance is, the fact remains that no matter where you are or what kind of policy you are looking for, different companies are likely to offer you different prices for the same amount of coverage.
There are many different kinds of traders in the market, most experienced traders would attest that success depends on many factors including hard work, research focus, passion, commitment, determination, and confidence., Here, we explore 8 timeless rules that are an important part of successful trading, no matter the techniques, markets or time frames you trade.
It may not be the bustling tourist attraction that is Cancun, or have its fame for that matter, but it's kind of impossible to compare the two since they both offer so much, and yet are so different.
Located in Guilin central park - the botanical garden, Guilin Yi Royal Palace is a garden landscape view hotel which represents the Tang Dynasty imperial architectural style.The hotel is five - star hotel construction and is well provided with pleasant environment no matter inside or outside.There are 52 rooms with different styles and an independent villa in total, among which rooms on the first floor are provided with beautiful gardens and other rooms are designed with independent scenic balconies.Moreover, this hotel is well equipped with all kinds of facilities, but also is close to 101 pleasure ground and TOO Commercial Plaza, the biggest recreational and commercial district in Guilin.
There are different rarities to the cards, so getting the best ones are a matter of completing difficult tasks, and players can stack cards of the same kind to reap even more benefits and make their characters stronger than ever.
Though to be fair, it kind of doesn't matter what level you're playing since they are all more or less the same, just with a different coat of paint.
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