Sentences with phrase «different kinds of points»

There are two different kinds of points that can be applied to your driving record:
Capital One issues a few different lines of cards, and they earn different kinds of points.
But it was not known how effective different kinds of points were in causing lethal injury to prey.
KACZMAREK: The knee injuries are a bit concerning, but Paul is a different kind of point guard than Westbrook and Rose.

Not exact matches

Although members of The People's Vote are quick to point out that they're asking for a different kind of vote, pro-Brexit leaders in the Conservative party, which controls the government, say the public doesn't want to vote on Brexit again.
You may have noticed that your local grocery store stocks different kinds of eggs at different price points.
By that point, of course, CA had already gotten the bulk of its user data from Facebook users — most notably from their profile pages, where user interests and likes provided the company with the building blocks of personality profiles it created to help determine whether users would be susceptible to different kinds of political messaging.
And now, after watching the Standard & Poor's 500 - stock index fall by several percentage points since Thursday and bounce some of the way back on Tuesday, you have a different kind of fear: that all the stock market riches have been won already or that your emotions will get the best of you amid all of the volatility.
In his response, Austin made an interesting point: although there is certainly a distinction to be made between investments from private companies and SOEs, there is also one to be made between the different kinds of SOEs.
«Business was just a starting point from which he had this platform to influence leaders of all different kinds
Wells begins by positing two kinds of spirituality present within evangelicalism, distinguished in his view not so much by different doctrinal starting - points as differing priorities assigned to moral reasoning.
Perhaps the White Rose, in the limited space available in their leaflets, could do no more than raise the basic point that the Nazi policy of extermination of the Jews was of a different kind altogether from the earlier anti-Semitism, which for all its enormities would never have suggested that the solution to the so - called «Jewish problem in Europe» should be mass murder.
Jeff, I agree with your initial observation... and I guess for me this is also kind of the point in that, at some stage (hopefully), we are able to evaluate in a different way because we also become aware of all (or at least some!)
The wisemen's recognition of kingship in a powerless infant, the angels» choice of humble shepherds to whom to announce the news, Jesus» birth as an outcast in a stable — all these point to a very different kind of king, to a power and truth that transcend worldly power and the socially acceptable status quo.
The point here, however, is that the view that our Lord is absolutely different in kind from any and every other work and presence of God is impossible to maintain, and that for several reasons.
But the point is that IN THAT CONTEXT Calvinist theology was a much - needed pastoral and communal approach that helped people to break from the shackles of long - established systems of spiritual abuse by offering a different story to live by and a different kind of community to live in.
THE POINT is, please do NOT lump all the different kinds and groups of christians together!
The reintegration of science, metaphysics and theology lies in the direction of showing that observation gives rise to questions that science answers, but that these themselves raise questions that call for metaphysical responses, and that these in turn point to a different kind of explanation which, though ultimate, is also personal.
In the first section it pointed out that though church and mission could not be separated, they denoted, in the minds of many Christians, two different kinds of institutions.
To love eternal being as a different kind of being is to miss the real point about God's love, that it is manifest not only in his eternity, but in his temporality.
Clearly, the thinking which produced this kind of theological statement is very different indeed from that which finds expression in the Lord's Prayer (though it is worth noticing that the context of both is, up to a point, similar: «When you pray, say «Father.»»
Nobody has figured out how they can be worked by such a tiny brain, using six different kinds of silk, and reckoning angles and three dimensional forms so accurately from a point of view on a flat plane.
Then I saw the point of the organismic philosophers treating all grades of nature as different kinds of organism.
Then, I think, this Gospel goes on to lead the reader beyond the point where one is concerned with the physical body of Christ; and in the story of Thomas it shows that faith is not to be established by sight; that you have got to look beyond any objective truth of the kind which might be established by visible, tangible, corporeal manifestations: to look beyond that to something different.
Alise — To some extent I think that while big and small churches often have different positives, like the kind you point out, part of the reason why people like small churches is that they are less likely to fall into rigid or limiting structures.
The point being stressed here is that conscious experience is a radically new emergent in the evolutionary process, and required and still requires an extremely complex, even awe - inspiring set of conditions; and yet it emerged and still emerges out of entities which are not totally different in kind.
They say to respect and not ridicule different points of view, but with this kind of views, it is hard to respect anyone.
I must have had a really stupid look on my face, because she pointed at the other lunchmeat packages: «See, you've got your honey ham, your smoked ham, lots of different kinds of ham.
Only certain kinds of plastic are accepted by recycling programs because they melt at different temperatures (and the K - Cup is made of a high - melting point plastic).
If I wanted to be a disingenuous putz, I could pretend that comparison meant something (as if the bodies of a high schooler and a grown - ass professional athlete wouldn't be markedly different), and I could point out that Jones sure had a noticeable dip in production when he turned 32 and then suddenly got much better (as if that kind of variance doesn't happen in baseball all the freaking time).
Versatile DBs who can cover different kinds of receivers are everything, the equivalent of the classic middle linebacker in yesteryear, when it was all about hitting the point of attack in the run game.
This year, with a host of sophomores from a freshman team that averaged 105 points a game, the Sun Devils are even better and attendance is a different kind of problem.
Nakamura is a different kind of challenge for him than he's had in WWE to this point, and that works both ways, really: Nakamura has spent most of his time in WWE wrestling Dolph Ziggler or pinning Kevin Owens in tag matches.
My point is that there are many different kinds of attachment, and many different triggers for anxiety.
LYETTE REBACK: I'm listening into this and I'm just thinking like while this research to be pointing in a certain direction at the same time I have sixteen kids one born at twenty six weeks one born three weeks their early, all kinds of different experiences.
However, as Barry Reynolds quickly pointed out, there are many different kinds of tents: «Quite frankly Millets doesn't cut it.
Video often evokes a stronger emotional reaction than text or still images alone, making it a powerful way to tell stories or make a political point, but online video isn't television — the kinds of content that succeeds can be quite different, with authenticity (that word again!)
But the man who's picked fights with — and systematically disemboweled — every New York politician who's stood in his way (or who he's feared might stand in his way at some point) is up against a very different kind of obstacle this time.
Similarly it is one thing to point out that Corbyn «has spent his life fighting the injustices of capitalism, imperialism...» and actually having having policies which will chart the way to a different kind of society.
Video often evokes a stronger emotional reaction than text or still images alone, making it a powerful way to tell stories or make a political point, but online video isn't television — the kinds of content that succeeds can be quite different, with authenticity and topic typically more important than polished visuals.
Research of new drugs is a completely different kind of studies, so the point «legalize marijuana and we will discover new drugs» is moot.
Everybody would be angry about the drug dealer - the point I was trying to make is that the reciprocity argument applied to him is different in kind from that applied to someone for whom «unearned wealth» accumulates independent of the taxpayer.
Also, from Libertarian point of view, their insistence that minorities be treated differently than whites is a sign of TWO different kinds of racism, one against whites, another a subtle racism against minorities (also discussed in detaiol above).
Evalyn Gates, CEO of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, pointed out that many different kinds of organizations sponsored this march, showing how science is woven deeply into the fabric of society.
The UW team chose to study hunting weapons from the time of the earliest archaeological record in Alaska (around 10,000 to 14,000 years ago), a time that is less understood archaeologically, and when different kinds of projectile points were in use.
Sean Morrison, director of the Center for Stem Cell Biology at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, pointed out that pitting different kinds of stem cell research against each other makes little sense from a research perspective.
Nor is it known, definitively, whether different types of points were associated with only certain groups of people, or whether with the same groups used certain point types to specialize on particular kinds of game or hunting practices.
I don't think we know what they were fighting about, but at a certain point he got the middle part of his nose, I guess the bridge of his nose chopped off or badly damaged by his enemy's sword, and then throughout his adult life he had to wear either a prosthetic — I think that was the deal basically, he had different kinds of prosthetic noses that he wore and he was always like applying some ointment to keep the prosthetic in place, so his other enemies would make fun of him, you know, «Ha ha, you're that guy without a nose, aren't you silly?»
In MRI, for example, the pointing angle of the spin gives information about where in the body the atom is located, while the amount of spin (the amplitude) is used to distinguish different kinds of tissue.
The computers will then «learn» what kind of land cover, what timing pattern of greening and what human densities best predict bird presence, and generate a million more simulated observations for each species: points where it is predicted to be either present or absent at different times throughout the year.
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