Sentences with phrase «different life philosophies»

Though the two men have similar beginnings, their destinies follow opposite paths and illustrate the often - unbridgeable divide between people with different life philosophies and roots.

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The postulation of extraneous organizational principles leads biologists like Monod to classify Polanyi's thought as vitalistic.2 (Vitalism is the philosophy of nature which holds that the existence of life is exclusively the result of some extra-material principle totally different from matter.)
If we now understand religion and morality as forms of life and experience that are quite different from that of science, the same can also be said of our understanding of philosophy and metaphysics.
Bonhoeffer speaks of different types: Aristotelian (man becomes a person by partaking of reason); Stoic («a man becomes a person by submitting to a higher obligation»); 4 Epicurean (man's life is heightened by pleasure, though it has a «defective concept of spirit»); 5 and the idealist tradition flowing from Immanuel Kant (the perceiving person is the starting point for philosophy).
Similarly — and our common sense, modern philosophy, and the vast bulk of scientists are in agreement on this — while life and non-life both involve chemical reactions, life is qualitatively different in some very important ways.
Thus, if we now understand religion and morality, say, as forms of life and experience that are quite different from that of science, the same can also be said, mutatis mutandis, of our understanding of philosophy and metaphysics.
Panikkar's theology is highly marked by his biography which laid the encounter of different religions and contexts in his cradle, as it were.40 He has faced this challenge and engaged in an intense study of languages, philosophies, theologies and sacred scriptures as well as living everyday life in many contexts.
We therefore need a different framework, rooted in the key sources of the Christian Faith, ecclesial, and transmitting the fullness of Catholic culture and life, as well as in a realist philosophy adequate for proposing the word of God (cf Fides et Ratio81 - 83).
«Our goal is to promote a whole different philosophy of how to live more softly on the Earth.»
I have no problems with parents or people, in general, choosing different philosophies on how to raise their kids or live life.
In humanitarian philosophy, the broad objective of action is to save lives, which can be achieved in different ways.
The idea of the program, which originated with Claudia Koch - Brandt (Mainz) and Joachim Herz and Nancy Street (UT Southwestern), is to give life science graduate students from both institutions the opportunity to work in a foreign laboratory, learn new methods and technical skills, and experience another country with, possibly, a different philosophy of science.
There was a completely different approach to life based on an ancient philosophy that was deeply rooted in one of the oldest cultures on earth.
Quite often people with different interests and philosophy of life find it hard to understand each other.
The two do not get together because of their completely different philosophies of life but only because Sutter Keely, a «D» student in geometry, opens her up to the pleasures of an intimate relationship.
Once more, it's a totally different narrative from the MCU's, but shares the common denominator of Thanos» philosophy of balancing life in the galaxy.
«For me the reason for encouraging learning outside the classroom as a key philosophy is that it enables students to apply their learning in different and real contexts and to broaden their horizons and aspirations for their future lives.
«Education for Life» NGO has a philosophy based to raise awareness to all different educational and social agents through a holistic and internationalist education.
Philosophical alternatives are rooted in philosophies about life and learning that are fundamentally different from mainstream schooling.
Each individual situation, chemical and hormonal balance, philosophy of life, and challenging cohorts are different and require individualized attention.
To help us better understand the modern world, this best - selling philosophy book has been split into different chapters, everyone with a own title and topic which summarize four different paths of life: Philosophical Path, Psychological Path, Political Path, Lyrical Path.
I was working for The St. Paul at the time (a Property & Casualty Insurer), and for an investment actuary like me, who grew up in the life insurance business it was interesting to see the different philosophy of the industry.
Some shelters run by a different philosophy, but ours is that life matters.
Training Styles and Philosophies Teaching, like most things in life, can be accomplished by different methods or styles.
They have been living and diving in the area since 1999, and they have a very particular philosophy that makes Two Fish Divers very different from any other dive center in the area, and perhaps elsewhere in the world.
We're constantly looking at different technology and experimenting with different elements of it, but we're not feeling virtual reality is currently in a place where it's ready to be released — as a product that fits with our philosophy of fitting in the living room.»
If you manage to convey the same creative vision / philosophy through each game, even if the games are different, as long as you don't abuse the players (in term of monetization or repetitive gameplay for example), people will keep following you, and hopefully one day you will earn enough money to live doing it.
One way to avoid the urge to keep up with the Joneses is to try keeping up with a completely different set of neighbors — the millions of people around the world who have adopted a philosophy of reducing the amount of stuff in their lives.
Every relationship has conflict due to different values, beliefs, and philosophies of life.
I bring much more of my personal life philosophy, particularly as it applies to earning a «living», along with a little quantum physics and spirituality (not religion, which is entirely a different subject).
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