Sentences with phrase «different lumps and bumps»

There are many different lumps and bumps in the mouth.

Not exact matches

I have had many lumps, bumps, and cysts biopsied, but this pea was definitely different.
We all have lumps, bumps, bits we like, bits we don't like and everyone's figure is slightly different.
With different suspension settings for the petrol and diesel, the former felt a little firmer, while the latter was more composed over bad surfaces, ironing out lumps and bumps with finesse some other superminis struggle to match.
The point is that lumps and bumps in the mouth can look similar but due to different causes.
Is it cancer?As a dog owner, it can be helpful for you to understand the different types of lumps, bumps, and growths commonly seen on dogs.
A basic knowledge of different types of lumps and bumps on dogs will help you understand what your vet finds during the exam and ask educated questions.
They can look like lots of different non-cancerous skin tumors (particularly lipoma for mast cell tumors that are subcutaneous), so it is important to have all lumps and bumps located on or under the skin evaluated by a veterinarian.
Here you'll find many approaches that can help you determine the cause of the canine skin condition, including disorders that are common in certain breeds, problems seen in young vs. older dogs, and what different types of dog skin lumps, bump or lesions indicate.
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