Sentences with phrase «different odorants»

By genetic manipulation, Bargmann and her team swapped the receptors for two different odorants between two neurons, and produced opposite effects to those that normally occur — a receptor for an attractive odor, now on a neuron that usually responded to noxious odors, caused worms to move away from the attractive odor source.

Not exact matches

Turin says the strongest tests of his theory so far come from studies in which researchers replace an odorant atom with an isotope of that atom, which has a slightly different weight and changes the molecule's frequency of vibration.
From there, they extrapolated how many different scents the average person would be able to discriminate if they were presented with all the possible mixtures that could be made from their 128 odorants.
The team performed a series of tests, including comparative Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis (AEDA) as well as sensory evaluation by a panel of 10 participants who had received extensive training in identifying different wine odorants.
Most scents are composed of many odorants; a whiff of chocolate, for example, is made up of hundreds of different odor molecules.
When Vosshall's team crunched these numbers, extrapolating how many different combinations of the 128 odorants an average person could differentiate, they arrived at an average of 1 trillion smells.
Then, as now, the prevailing notion was that the sensation of different smells is triggered when molecules called odorants fit into receptors in our nostrils like three - dimensional puzzle pieces snapping into place.
To first order, deuteration should therefore have little or no effect on the smell character of an odorant recognized by shape, whereas deuterated isotopomers should smell different if a vibrational mechanism is involved.
C. elegans has the ability to distinguish between hundreds of different odors due to a range of molecules — odorant receptors — on the surface of a cluster of neurons at the tip of its head.
A convenient way to address it is to test for odor character differences between deuterated and undeuterated odorant isotopomers, since these have identical ground - state conformations but different vibrational modes.
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