Sentences with phrase «different page numbers»

The resultant 50 combinations means that a given piece of text could be on 50 different page numbers depending on your personalized settings, so you can't point anyone definitively to the page you are reading from.
Different reading systems (iBooks, Adobe Digital Editions, etc.) have different page numbering schemes in their software.

Not exact matches

For instance, if a company has a different Twitter account for each of its products in different countries — and then different Facebook pages on top of that — the number of accounts the company has to maintain can add up quickly.
The basic search (illustrated in the image below) allows users to determine the number of inbound links to a page and the number of different domains linking to a page.
Lastest Results - The results for the most recent drawing is front and center on the Home page Prior Results - We list the results for every drawing in the history of Mega Millions Ways to Win - We list all the different ways your numbers can win Mega Millions Statistics - The number of times each number was drawn, most and least likely number combinations, and other statistics Jackpot Analysis - See what you'd actually bring home if you won the big one, for both the cash and annuity options Search Past Results - You can find out every drawing that your numbers have won a prize, and how much you would have won (or did win!)
Building links that point to different internal pages is also important so you can maximize the number of internal pages showing up in search results.
Looking at the numbers at AgoraPulse Barometer (a super handy Facebook marketing tool), we get a view of exactly how different Facebook pages fare with the reach of their posts.
Let me show you a really simple technique that you can use with the previous technique i showed you about using individual keywords instead of pasting a bunch of keywords and its really a one - click technique to get even more great keywords from the Google Adwords Keyword tool so I've already gone ahead and done a search for «fishing tips» just a single keyword if you didn't see that previous video you want to watch that because that's a really good little tip there i'll put a link in this video so you can click through and see that video number two in this series but once you've done your search will simply go down here to keyword options click this little pencil icon here and you'll see this option to only show ideas closely related to my search terms now everybody knows about this this year but a lot of people don't take the time to actually use it so if you simply just click the toggle their turn it on and then hit save what it's going to do is going to only bring back keyword terms that are closely related to «fishing tips» and here's one more hot tip for you it is specific to singular and plural so for instance if my original see keyword was «fishing tips» and I've selected to only show closely related ideas my results are going to have the word tips plural in them so if I will just take a second and remove that s after i've downloaded the file for «fishing tips» let's do that again «fishing tips» i've downloaded the file all my terms have the word tips in them now come right back up here i remove the s so singular and i search again now i'm going to get back results that have the word tip instead of tips and then because i have only show closely related ideas now just to show you a sample what will happen when you do that you remember this is the file i showed you in the previous video and you'll remember from that video that our competitors because they're just pasting in a bunch of keywords and hitting search they're getting back 706 results for this sample test here so they would get 706 keywords and that's what they would take off with them and start to decide which what pages they want to make for seo or how they want to set the pay - per - click campaign ok we're using these other methods taking a few extra seconds to really understand how the Google Adwords Keyword tool works and with this new method of both using singular and plural but selecting only show closely related ideas we now have for the exact same keywords we have 2867 keywords we got back so we're walking away with 2867 keywords our competitor for the very saying input terms is only getting 706 we're getting four times as many keywords for the Google Adwords Keyword Tool you can take this information and you can use it to really grow your business because there's some really excellent keywords that your competitors are overlooking simply because they don't understand how to use the Google Adwords Keyword tool so this has been helpful for you once you've used the google keyword planner to find lots of new keyword ideas what do you do with all those keywords the biggest problem is that you can there's so many keyword tools out there you can get hundreds of thousands of keywords by spending a day using the different keyword tools but what you do with all that information the answer is a cool tool called keyword grouper pro and keyword grouper pro is completely free there's not even an opt - in you simply download the tool now at the top of this video there's a link if you click that i'll show you exactly how to use keyword grouper pro it doesn't matter where you got your keywords from i'm going to show you how to take those keywords group them into tight groups and then you can set up your campaigns know exactly which groups represent buyers and once you know where the buyers are at you can simply focus your marketing in that area to make more profit in your business
But if the numbers were a little different (say subscribers read more than one page a day) then the two might be about equal.
Counting Printable Pack: 10 different counting activities on 53 pages focusing mostly on numbers up to 10.
10 different counting activities on 53 pages focusing mostly on numbers up to 10.
It has over 60 built - in songs, tunes and learning activities that teach your baby the first words, shapes, different colours, greetings, letters, numbers and counting, Spanish and more, while the pushable buttons, sliding mouse, pages to turn and levers to flip all aid in fine motor development.
I hear you grumble: Well with 42 page watchers and 922 edits in 9 years, it probably is true) Hunt is said to have «tried his hand at a number of different entrepreneurial business ventures including a failed attempt to export marmalade to Japan.»
Next Page: Where to go [pagebreak] Find the group that's right for you There are a number of different options available, most free of charge.
When making the formula for baby number one, I had different resources available to me (see my process for baby number one on the Homemade Baby Formula Testimonials Page).
This web page offers its users a big number of profiles, a fast and simple browser and different features.
It should just be a case of changing page numbers if you have a different textbook.
sign Location signs to put around your role play ice - cream parlour — such as ice - cream bar, drinks area, cutlery etc On sale here sign Menus to display around the shop Price cards + blanks to differentiate Large lettering, buntings, patterned and plain display borders Please pay here sign Thank you, please come again — sign Special offer signs Receipts to complete Taking orders pad Ice - cream photo flashcards showing different flavours — great for using during the role play Parking bay signs for customers Washing hands poster Money poster, coins border and quiz, pretend money to use Blank large and extra large labels to be used around the shop for anything needed Ice - cream parlour open and closed signs, opening times Messages pad Ice - cream related word mini cards — such as wafer, sprinkles, syrup etc Photo pack to use as inspiration Long banner «ice - cream parlour» with cute ice cream pictures Bunting banner with pictures of different ice - creams — looks lovely in your role play ice - cream parlour 10 multicultural face masks, Staff role play badges Alphabet flashcards, Colour flashcards, Number flashcards, ordinal numbers cards, Counting cards Colouring pages Word matching cards, picture matching cards Hand hygiene writing task Word search Write sentences worksheet Themed writing frames Work booklet cover to keep pupils project work together Acrostic poem task Addition game Blank thought and speech bubbles — useful for providing evidence of role plays Draw your favourite flavour ice - cream task Design your own menu activity Folder, binder, drawer labels to keep resources organised Resources sack tag
See comments on the bottom of the pages about assumptions etc and also the name of the tower the bell is housed in... This could go in a number of different directions!
The pack includes: Powerpoint - A Powerpoint about the festival of Hanukkah - when it is, what is eaten, how it is celebrated - the pages could also be printed off to enable you to create a class book for the children to read Photographs - Colour photos of a Menorah, a Dreidel, Hanukkah Gelt and people lighting the Menorah candles - great to add to your displays or for discussion Word cards Fact cards - Fact cards about the festival of Hanukkah Display banners - 2 different large titles for displays «Happy Hanukkah» and «Hanukkah» each with Hanukkah themed pictures Display border - A colourful display border with Hanukkah themed pictures - this can be printed as many times as you need to use on a display border of any size Writing pages - A collection of decorated A4 border pages - great for the children's work or to add to your writing area at Hanukkah Colour page border - A collection of colour A4 border pages - a great way to quickly display the children's work Colour posters - A set of A4 information posters with pictures of Gelt money, Menorah, Dreidel and Potato Latkes Display lettering - Large letters spelling «Hanukkah» which are decorated with pictures linked to Hanukkah - Great for a larger display Hanukkah story - The Hanukkah story for you to read aloud to the children Colouring posters - A collection of posters for the children to colour - these could also be printed smaller for the children to use on their Hanukkah cards Bookmarks - A collection of Hanukkah themed bookmarks for the children to cut out and colour Number line - A number line to 50 on colourful Dreidels Alphabet line - An alphabet line on candles - this could also be used for other festivals or a part of a birthday display Colour posters - A4 posters with pictures of images associated with Hanukkah Songs and rhymes - A collection of decorated song sheets with songs and rhymes about Hanukkah including two number rhymes Recipe - A photo recipe to make Latke cakes - a popular Hanukkah dish - the pages can be printed to make a book or used for displays Dreidel game - A Dreidel spinner to cut out and play the game of Dreidel Make a Dreidel - A 3D Dreidel spinner to make complete with instructions Hanukkah cards Acrostic poem Maths worksheet - Count the number of Dreidels Addition worksheet - Add the numbers on the Dreidels Menorah Counting - Worksheets to count the number of Menorah candles lit Cut and make a Menorah Number dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about HaNumber line - A number line to 50 on colourful Dreidels Alphabet line - An alphabet line on candles - this could also be used for other festivals or a part of a birthday display Colour posters - A4 posters with pictures of images associated with Hanukkah Songs and rhymes - A collection of decorated song sheets with songs and rhymes about Hanukkah including two number rhymes Recipe - A photo recipe to make Latke cakes - a popular Hanukkah dish - the pages can be printed to make a book or used for displays Dreidel game - A Dreidel spinner to cut out and play the game of Dreidel Make a Dreidel - A 3D Dreidel spinner to make complete with instructions Hanukkah cards Acrostic poem Maths worksheet - Count the number of Dreidels Addition worksheet - Add the numbers on the Dreidels Menorah Counting - Worksheets to count the number of Menorah candles lit Cut and make a Menorah Number dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about Hanumber line to 50 on colourful Dreidels Alphabet line - An alphabet line on candles - this could also be used for other festivals or a part of a birthday display Colour posters - A4 posters with pictures of images associated with Hanukkah Songs and rhymes - A collection of decorated song sheets with songs and rhymes about Hanukkah including two number rhymes Recipe - A photo recipe to make Latke cakes - a popular Hanukkah dish - the pages can be printed to make a book or used for displays Dreidel game - A Dreidel spinner to cut out and play the game of Dreidel Make a Dreidel - A 3D Dreidel spinner to make complete with instructions Hanukkah cards Acrostic poem Maths worksheet - Count the number of Dreidels Addition worksheet - Add the numbers on the Dreidels Menorah Counting - Worksheets to count the number of Menorah candles lit Cut and make a Menorah Number dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about Hanumber rhymes Recipe - A photo recipe to make Latke cakes - a popular Hanukkah dish - the pages can be printed to make a book or used for displays Dreidel game - A Dreidel spinner to cut out and play the game of Dreidel Make a Dreidel - A 3D Dreidel spinner to make complete with instructions Hanukkah cards Acrostic poem Maths worksheet - Count the number of Dreidels Addition worksheet - Add the numbers on the Dreidels Menorah Counting - Worksheets to count the number of Menorah candles lit Cut and make a Menorah Number dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about Hanumber of Dreidels Addition worksheet - Add the numbers on the Dreidels Menorah Counting - Worksheets to count the number of Menorah candles lit Cut and make a Menorah Number dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about Hanumber of Menorah candles lit Cut and make a Menorah Number dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about HaNumber dominoes Word search Worksheets - Match the Hanukkah words to the pictures, draw the Hanukkah pictures and fill in the missing words Writing activities - Worksheets to write the Dreidel instructions and writing about Hanukkah
Display pictures - Large A4 coloured pictures of things to do with bonfire night and the story of Guy Fawkes Colouring pictures - Large black and white pictures Display border - Each piece is decorated with pictures and can be printed as many times as you need for a display board of any size Songs and rhymes - Six decorated songs and rhyme cards related to Bonfire Night for the children to learn - 2 of these rhymes are number rhymes so would be great for your maths lessons A4 border - Individual A4 sized page with a border - great for adding work to ready for the display or for the children to use in the writing area Questions - Question cards each decorated with colour pictures Topic words - Words about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night each decorated with fireworks Fireworks - Colour photos of fireworks - great for discussion and displays Houses of Parliament - Colour photos of The Houses of Parliament Counting card - Rocket counting cards Dice game - Two different sheets with a black and white firework picture - roll the die and colour the correct part of the firework Literacy Worksheets - Various worksheets such as completing the sentences about fireworks, true and false worksheet about Guy Fawkes, describing fireworks, writing safety instructions Maths Worksheets - Make the rocket symmetrical, complete the addition and subtraction sums on the fireworks plus blank calculation sheets so you can differentiate the sums Ideas - An ideas sheet with lots of ideas to cover different areas of the curriculum when teaching about Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot Cutting skills - Cut out the parts of the firework and assemble - there are two different sheets Safety Posters - Eight posters about firework safety for the children to colour Picture dominoes - A colour dominoes game Guy Fawkes pictures - Pictures from old documents about Guy Fawkes and the plot Draw the fireworks - A colour and a black and white worksheet Size worksheet - Cut out and order the rockets in size order - in colour and black and white Matching pairs game - Match the coloured Bonfire Night pictures Rhyme - «Remember, Remember the Fifth of November» - A decorated rhyme card
The pack includes: · Two long colourful display banners of «Pirates» and «Treasure Island» each decorated with pirate themed pictures · A colourful display border to print out as many times as you need for use on a display board of any size · An A4 word card - great to use when writing · Topic words - great to add to display or use in the writing area · Word and picture flashcards · Pirate posters - pictures of different pirates · Colouring pictures - a collection of pirate themed sheets for children to colour · Phoneme coins - all of the phonemes from the Letters and Sounds scheme on gold coins - great for display or to hide in the sand tray for the children to find the «treasure» · Alphabet coins - lower and upper case letters · Bingo - a pirate themed colourful bingo game to make and play · Skull and cross-bone bunting · Pirate phrases on posters · A pirate profile worksheet - draw your pirate and then decide what characteristics your pirate will have - three different versions of this for differentiation · Songs and rhymes about pirates · Play dough mats - can you make 3 more pieces of treasure, can you give the pirates new hats etc · Colourful treasure to cut out and use on displays, in the sand tray etc · Board game - move around the treasure island answering questions along the way to try and reach the treasure first - two levels of maths questions are provided as well as blank question cards · Two pirate themed wordsearches · «My pirate adventure» worksheet · Wanted posters for the children to fill in · Writing pages - Four A4 pages with pirate borders for the children to use when writing · Design a pirate flag worksheet · Search for the treasure game - collect coins along the way to fill your treasure chest · Cut and stick treasure map · Pirate acrostic poem · Speech bubble worksheets - write what you think the different pirates are saying · Counting cards up to 10 - count the number of pirate ships, telescopes etc · Design a pirate ship worksheet · Describe the treasure worksheet · A worksheet for the children to draw and write what they have spotted through the telescope
The pack includes: Display banners - Two different colourful banners for your Halloween display Display borders - Various borders which can be printed as many times as you need for display boards of any size Pictures - Large colour and black and white pictures of things such as a spider, a pumpkin, a ghost etc - these look great on displays and the black and white version could be used for art work Matching pairs game - A Halloween themed game Bingo - A colourful Halloween themed bingo game A4 display borders - Work borders in colour and black and white for displaying work quickly or to use as writing pages Worksheets - Various worksheets with a Halloween theme - maths, writing, drawing Tracing - Various tracing worksheets to trace over the dotted lines of the pictures Counting cards - Cards up to ten each with a spider web and the corresponding number of spiders Alphabet - A colourful alphabet line on pumpkins Colour photos - Great for displays or discussion Face masks - Halloween face masks in colour and black and white of a witch, a pumpkin, a black cat and a skeleton Numbers - A number line to 100 on spiders Word cards - Topic word cards about Halloween - each decorated with Halloween pictures A4 word card - A colourful card with words and pictures which can be used when writing about Halloween Word searches - Two different wordsearches with words and pictures relating to Halloween Colouring - Various colouring sheets for Halloween Number rhyme - The rhyme «Five Little Pumpkins» - a lovely Halloween number rhyme with rhyme cards, props and facenumber of spiders Alphabet - A colourful alphabet line on pumpkins Colour photos - Great for displays or discussion Face masks - Halloween face masks in colour and black and white of a witch, a pumpkin, a black cat and a skeleton Numbers - A number line to 100 on spiders Word cards - Topic word cards about Halloween - each decorated with Halloween pictures A4 word card - A colourful card with words and pictures which can be used when writing about Halloween Word searches - Two different wordsearches with words and pictures relating to Halloween Colouring - Various colouring sheets for Halloween Number rhyme - The rhyme «Five Little Pumpkins» - a lovely Halloween number rhyme with rhyme cards, props and facenumber line to 100 on spiders Word cards - Topic word cards about Halloween - each decorated with Halloween pictures A4 word card - A colourful card with words and pictures which can be used when writing about Halloween Word searches - Two different wordsearches with words and pictures relating to Halloween Colouring - Various colouring sheets for Halloween Number rhyme - The rhyme «Five Little Pumpkins» - a lovely Halloween number rhyme with rhyme cards, props and faceNumber rhyme - The rhyme «Five Little Pumpkins» - a lovely Halloween number rhyme with rhyme cards, props and facenumber rhyme with rhyme cards, props and face masks
Note: The lesson is very reliant on the Oxford textbook, however all new textbooks should have the same information so it should be a case of changing the page numbers on the powerpoint if you have a different textbook.
Note: The first two tasks are reliant on the Oxford textbook, however all new textbooks should have the same information so it should be a case of changing the page numbers on the powerpoint if you have a different textbook.
In this Number Sense practice pages students can understand and learn different ways of making numbers from 11 - 20.
A range numicon resources: small / medium / large numicon blocks to use for different activities or display, 2 dice with numicon pictures to use with board games, jigsaw cards to match picture and number, folder cover, board game, peg cards, worksheets to circle, full set of dominoes with numicon pictures, counting activity with flower gardens and a worksheet to draw and count, cut and stick activity, 4 piece jigsaws to match the number / blocks / pictures / numicon, game spinner, 1 0 sided dice, hopping and jumping game for indoor or outdoor use, large loop cards to 2 0, lucky dip game, full deck of cards to use for card games or matching pairs, more or less loop cards, number bingo with number on mats and matching numicon cards, numicon bingo game with numicon symbols on boards and matching number cards, dart board tally chart interactive game with animated Power Point, hook a duck game with numicon symbols of the base of the duck cards, treasure hunt game, display train — 6 A 4 pages in size with each train carriage containing a numicon symbol.
Aimed at: EYFS / Year 1 Content: • Teacher Notes (3 pages)- with suggested activities • 20 — Two - Colour Count Heart Shapes Cards • 10 — Three - Colour Count Heart Shapes Cards • 10 — Two - Colour Count Heart Cards with Number Track • 11 — Colour Flash cards with words • 1 sheet of four different colour number tracks Laminate the above and cut out the flash cards and number tNumber Track • 11 — Colour Flash cards with words • 1 sheet of four different colour number tracks Laminate the above and cut out the flash cards and number tnumber tracks Laminate the above and cut out the flash cards and number tnumber tracks.
* 12 cute Dinosaurs - A4 size showing a different number bond (including 1 blank) * 10 A4 pages with 2 speech bubbles per page containing questions, number sentences and editable blanks so you can add your own questions, learning intentions and text
As a class, count and record the number of ads of different sizes and the number of individual (1 - or 2 - line) ads that appear on each page.
Word searches - 2 word searches with words and pictures Writing pages - a collection of photocopiable sheets with toy themed borders Writing worksheets - a collection of worksheets with toy pictures and lines below for writing My favourite toy - draw and write about your favourite toy Word mat - an A4 word mat with words and pictures to use for writing activities Number line - a number line to 100 on colourful toys Alphabet line - a colourful alphabet line Flash cards - word and picture cards of lots of different toys Design a toy - a worksheet for your toy design Colouring pictures - a collection of colouring sheets Tracing pictures - pencil control sheets - great for younger children Book cover - a book cover to colour to use to keep all the topic work together Bingo - print and make this colourful toy themed bingo game Matching pairs game - match the toys Number dominoes - a toy themed game Label the toys - label some different toys Counting cards - cards with numbers 1 - 10 and the corresponding number of toys Size ordering - order the Russian dolls in size order - in colour and black and white Literacy worksheets - match labels to toys, write initial sounds, write words to describe different toys Play dough mats - a collection of activity mats to use in the play dough area Old toys posters - colourful posters showing some old toys Old and new posters - compare the old and new versions of some different toys Baby and child toys - an activity to sort the toy pictures into ones you had as a baby and ones you have now and a worksheet to accompany the activity Our favourite toys - find out about and draw your parents favourite toy and grandparents favourite toy when they were little Push and pull - look at some different toys and talk about what force is used to make them move Write a story - a decorated worksheet for writing a story about your toys Make some toys - photocopiable sheets for making 15 different simple toys such as split pin puppets, a jigsaw, a marble maze, a die to use with the snakes and ladders board Toy shop role play pack - a full pack of resources to set up your own toy shop in the classroom Includes display materials, games, Literacy and Maths activities, story telling resources plus mucNumber line - a number line to 100 on colourful toys Alphabet line - a colourful alphabet line Flash cards - word and picture cards of lots of different toys Design a toy - a worksheet for your toy design Colouring pictures - a collection of colouring sheets Tracing pictures - pencil control sheets - great for younger children Book cover - a book cover to colour to use to keep all the topic work together Bingo - print and make this colourful toy themed bingo game Matching pairs game - match the toys Number dominoes - a toy themed game Label the toys - label some different toys Counting cards - cards with numbers 1 - 10 and the corresponding number of toys Size ordering - order the Russian dolls in size order - in colour and black and white Literacy worksheets - match labels to toys, write initial sounds, write words to describe different toys Play dough mats - a collection of activity mats to use in the play dough area Old toys posters - colourful posters showing some old toys Old and new posters - compare the old and new versions of some different toys Baby and child toys - an activity to sort the toy pictures into ones you had as a baby and ones you have now and a worksheet to accompany the activity Our favourite toys - find out about and draw your parents favourite toy and grandparents favourite toy when they were little Push and pull - look at some different toys and talk about what force is used to make them move Write a story - a decorated worksheet for writing a story about your toys Make some toys - photocopiable sheets for making 15 different simple toys such as split pin puppets, a jigsaw, a marble maze, a die to use with the snakes and ladders board Toy shop role play pack - a full pack of resources to set up your own toy shop in the classroom Includes display materials, games, Literacy and Maths activities, story telling resources plus mucnumber line to 100 on colourful toys Alphabet line - a colourful alphabet line Flash cards - word and picture cards of lots of different toys Design a toy - a worksheet for your toy design Colouring pictures - a collection of colouring sheets Tracing pictures - pencil control sheets - great for younger children Book cover - a book cover to colour to use to keep all the topic work together Bingo - print and make this colourful toy themed bingo game Matching pairs game - match the toys Number dominoes - a toy themed game Label the toys - label some different toys Counting cards - cards with numbers 1 - 10 and the corresponding number of toys Size ordering - order the Russian dolls in size order - in colour and black and white Literacy worksheets - match labels to toys, write initial sounds, write words to describe different toys Play dough mats - a collection of activity mats to use in the play dough area Old toys posters - colourful posters showing some old toys Old and new posters - compare the old and new versions of some different toys Baby and child toys - an activity to sort the toy pictures into ones you had as a baby and ones you have now and a worksheet to accompany the activity Our favourite toys - find out about and draw your parents favourite toy and grandparents favourite toy when they were little Push and pull - look at some different toys and talk about what force is used to make them move Write a story - a decorated worksheet for writing a story about your toys Make some toys - photocopiable sheets for making 15 different simple toys such as split pin puppets, a jigsaw, a marble maze, a die to use with the snakes and ladders board Toy shop role play pack - a full pack of resources to set up your own toy shop in the classroom Includes display materials, games, Literacy and Maths activities, story telling resources plus mucNumber dominoes - a toy themed game Label the toys - label some different toys Counting cards - cards with numbers 1 - 10 and the corresponding number of toys Size ordering - order the Russian dolls in size order - in colour and black and white Literacy worksheets - match labels to toys, write initial sounds, write words to describe different toys Play dough mats - a collection of activity mats to use in the play dough area Old toys posters - colourful posters showing some old toys Old and new posters - compare the old and new versions of some different toys Baby and child toys - an activity to sort the toy pictures into ones you had as a baby and ones you have now and a worksheet to accompany the activity Our favourite toys - find out about and draw your parents favourite toy and grandparents favourite toy when they were little Push and pull - look at some different toys and talk about what force is used to make them move Write a story - a decorated worksheet for writing a story about your toys Make some toys - photocopiable sheets for making 15 different simple toys such as split pin puppets, a jigsaw, a marble maze, a die to use with the snakes and ladders board Toy shop role play pack - a full pack of resources to set up your own toy shop in the classroom Includes display materials, games, Literacy and Maths activities, story telling resources plus mucnumber of toys Size ordering - order the Russian dolls in size order - in colour and black and white Literacy worksheets - match labels to toys, write initial sounds, write words to describe different toys Play dough mats - a collection of activity mats to use in the play dough area Old toys posters - colourful posters showing some old toys Old and new posters - compare the old and new versions of some different toys Baby and child toys - an activity to sort the toy pictures into ones you had as a baby and ones you have now and a worksheet to accompany the activity Our favourite toys - find out about and draw your parents favourite toy and grandparents favourite toy when they were little Push and pull - look at some different toys and talk about what force is used to make them move Write a story - a decorated worksheet for writing a story about your toys Make some toys - photocopiable sheets for making 15 different simple toys such as split pin puppets, a jigsaw, a marble maze, a die to use with the snakes and ladders board Toy shop role play pack - a full pack of resources to set up your own toy shop in the classroom Includes display materials, games, Literacy and Maths activities, story telling resources plus much more
Have students use the chart to record the number of ads of different sizes and the number of individual listings on each page.
The pack contains: Display materials including colour pictures and arrows and a title page A long colourful display banner Power point A life cycle wheel to make Various life cycle sequencing worksheets such as a cut and stick sheet, a drawing worksheet and different writing worksheets Templates for craft work Writing pages which can be made into a book with a cover Duck fact worksheets A started worksheet to see what the children know and what they want to find out Vocabulary flash cards and also cards with words and meanings A themed word search A colourful picture bingo game A duck life cycle headband to make Labelling worksheets Photos of ducks and ducklings Photos of the different stages of the life cycle of a duck Various number activities Various other worksheets including describing a duck, missing words, sentence scramble, sequencing sentences etc Plus more!
This page uses a number of different graphs, maps and infographics to help students to explore the trends in energy production and consumption.
There are two pages where students are asked to decompose a number in four different ways.
This page contains a variety of reading incentive and sticker charts that record the number of books that your students have read, or the different genres of literature that your students have read.
Amazon has your book covers, as you put it, as different unique ASIN numbers, thus different pages on NovelRank.
Each edition has a different page count not because the length of the story has somehow changed, but because the number of pages a book contains is determined by that particular edition of the book's internal formatting.
Most digital books also don't have real page numbers, some apps support it and some companies support it, but its not a viable solution that works on different apps and across different platforms.
I am amazed by how many ebooks force you to use Adobe Reader's page numbering which is different from that of the actual ebook.
This makes rules very easy and quick to find, regardless of how the page numbers fall, and lets different editions of the same rules be referenced with the same numbers, so that two players with different editions can communicate easily.
Most of the time due to page size and screen size the ebook page numbers might be different from the printed version of the book.
Edge has a number of features such as two page spread, five font types, three different background colors and line spacing.
Hardback editions and paperback editions of a paper books often have different layout and page numbering.
Absolute page numbers would be used to refer to a particular portion of a book in a way that would be consistent on different screen and font sizes and independent of the format of the eBook.
PDF files are typically designed one for one with page numbers on the paper book but even there there may be different starting points so that the number numbers may be offset from the ones in the book.
In cases where multiple editions of the same book are available and the page numbering varies in the different versions, the publisher would have to decide which paper book edition to use as the source of the page numbers.
There are many different acceptable ways of placing the book title / chapter title / author name / page number on the header or footer of the page; I recommend looking at a few recently published novels to find a style that you like.
The payout rate is different every month due to factors such as KDP select global fund size and number of pages read in any given month.
And now this opens up a number of different topics for me to blog about in upcoming posts... 1) the creation and considerations involved in creating a graphic treatment for your company name by using ours as an example and 2) the details of adding a non-scrolling graphic to the background of your Twitter page.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z