Sentences with phrase «different people do»

I do believe, just like «Poly» relationships, different people do different things to spice things up when needed.
If boards don't spend time away from the business of the board, talking to each other, they'll never learn that different people do things differently.
I love seeing what different people do, to accessorize the same basics.
Thanks for this, it always helps to see how different people do on intro.
Saying it in a slightly different voice or in a different place or with different people does not make it more powerful.
Two different people did the ultrasound.
Different people did it in different ways.
So they had a different person do character portraits that clash greatly with the rest of the game's style.
That's the whole point to having lots of different people doing the work and using a very large sample size.
Different people doing similar jobs may have completely different ideas about all of these questions.
The teacher explained what the children would be learning in school this term and then asked the parents to talk to two different people they didn't know.

Not exact matches

Dealerships, like many businesses, are different: Departments don't always interact with each other, the people that previously owned the dealership may have run it very differently, sometimes people can have different agendas or different goals...
«We use so many different forms of communication where we don't have eye contact with people,» Sutton said.
We wanted to show how all these layers of people come together, with such different areas of expertise — how do these teams come together?
ShapeShift doesn't allow people to exchange cryptocurrencies into government - issued cash, but it does allow a person to change between different digital coins.
«People who sleep differently actually do need different beds,» says Helix Sleep cofounder Kristian von Rickenbach.
It can be a challenge to view a person who has always done a certain set of tasks or held one position in a different light, but you are doing your business a disservice not to create opportunities for advancement for your strongest employees.
«This year, a different challenge has sharpened: People across Europe and the U.S. have risen up and said, «We don't feel we belong, and we don't feel we're being heard,» explained Ngaire Woods, dean of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, who moderated a panel discussion on the «Fourth Industrial Revolution» on Tuesday.
«I think the assumption is we were trying to create a game machine and a tablet and really what we were trying to do was create a game system that gave you tablet - like functionality for controlling that system and give you two screens that would allow different people in the living room to play in different ways.
When I look back over my 30 years of experience, people don't work out for a couple of different reasons.
People say and do different things and make subconscious decisions they're not even aware of.
Does it therefore hold that these victimizers would have been different, decent people if they weren't powerful?
Usually, when we meet people who are different from us, in whatever way, we tend to treat them as inferior, even though we say that's not what we're doing.
As you can see, people on different tracks have different needs, so putting them all in one funnel is neither the most efficient nor the most effective way to do it.
How do I reach out and grab people in different ways because I'm never going to compete against the big category spenders?
By mailing these offers directly to people's homes or offices, it's able to reach a different audience than it does with its online efforts.
What tears them apart is people that don't get along with one another; they have different values.»
The one - size - fits - all model doesn't work because you'll have people with different intentions.
But to do it in a purposeful and fun way that still created brand engagement but it ultimately drove to conversion — because we drove a million and a half people to our site and we were able to tell deeper product stories and get them to think about our brand in a very different way.
What next generation leaders do to engage and motivate their teams in the best way possible is to build their own self - awareness and draw on a range of different leadership styles to adapt to the person and situation.
Using your product in a different way is something you have to allow people to do.
And are the brains of innovative individuals structurally or functionally different from other people's — that is, are they larger than average, do their synapses operate differently, or is their wiring denser or perhaps more sparse but faster?
Debunking the Myths Many people believe they don't have the innate qualities necessary to find success as an entrepreneur, and that self - made millionaires are somehow «different» from them.
As governor of the nation, Trump would need to surround himself with politically experienced people and be willing to work with both Democrats and Republicans who hold different opinions and values than he does in order to get things done.
While many people go for the full seven days, I previously did only four, so my experience may have been different from that of others.
«But very few people can take a frustration they have with an incumbent industry, think about how to apply technology to it in a different way, and then do it.
«What happens in the background is very different, and that's what many people don't understand of emerging market players.
We're growing up as a business and for some people, that's really different and some people don't like it.
They understand that what the company does, unless highly reliant on an individual (think Bernie Madoff), is different from the person that founded the company or is delivering the external message.
So as the idea developed, about 6 months after doing this kind of exploration where we'd meet continually with a whole bunch of different people, industry thinkers and stuff, it became clear that we could actually start a company around this and we could build the world's first social magazine.
Develop a team and disperse the responsibilities so that one person doesn't have to be stuck to the screen all day (different times of the day, different roles)
Happy people don't live drastically different lives.
Because when you can follow so many people and see what the people are doing it's great inspiration in many ways but it's also really hard to figure out, even more so, what you have to offer and what is different about you.
Bringing people together, doing interesting content and doing fun programs that can live on through social is something that we think is really different than how a lot brands approach it.
«The people who don't talk to us are significantly different than the people that do talk to us that they can throw a poll off by 4 or 5 points,» he said.
«A lot of people either can't or don't want to make the shift, because it means seeing things in a different light.»
The one thing that is different now from when I started is the emergence of websites who will put you in touch with people who will do a lot of this work for you and for a very low price.
«Often they don't consider visual presentation which, to be effective, needs to be customized according to interactions with different people or in varied situations.»
It was early validation that people really did want a different kind of vet service.
Whether you «tote the note» and guarantee credit to anyone, offer innovative leasing, do buybacks or have other financing alternatives, you'll find that giving people different, more convenient ways to pay can lend your product a convincing strength.
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