Sentences with phrase «different physical properties»

She is especially interested in nanoparticles with a complicated surface, consisting of different kinds of patches distinguished by different physical properties.
They confirm that massive galaxies already existed early in the history of the universe, but they also show that those galaxies had very different physical properties from what is seen around us today.
These new features don't just include different ball types, either; as the player moves on to more difficult levels, they will encounter metal and glass blocks with different physical properties, as well as pieces of machinery that move blocks around and require that the player use careful timing as well as an accurate aim.
For example, two well - known polymorphs of carbon, graphite and diamond, arranged differently, have radically different physical properties, despite being the same element.
The satellites are measuring different physical properties at different scales and are passing over Greenland at different times.
Important game features: * Full 3D graphics * Realistic physic simulation * 6 very different tracks * 3 vehicles (each with different physical properties) * Weaponry: mines and homing rockets * 2 acceleration mode (auto and by phone tilt) * 3 Difficulty levels
Knowing that uranium and thorium decay into two lead «isotopes» — which can be distinguished by their different physical properties — Soddy later measured the atomic weights of this stable element in ores rich in uranium and thorium, and found that they were 206.08 and 207.69, respectively.
Exploiting their different physical properties, the process can pull away the more easily separable compounds.
Similar OH line ratios for most sources suggest that OH has comparable excitation temperatures despite the different physical properties of the sources.
What might be unexpected is how adeptly the game blends movement along with liquids that exhibit a number of different physical properties.
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