Sentences with phrase «different piles»

Have students sort the words into different piles depending on some features certain words share.
You can get them in different pile heights and they will stand up well in high traffic areas.
For example, you might show him how you sort light and dark clothing into different piles before you wash it.
I kind of put them in different piles and tried to see what kind of sense I could make out of them.
I was digging myself out from many different piles of life's accumulations, as well as four feet of snow after a storm.
Two play modes will challenge you: Find the right piece from different piles or puzzle the pieces per drag and drop in classical mode.
And as I felt like I needed to stop rambling for ten minutes plus about my trash, I made different piles to film different videos in the time coming.
i.e. Love and work were in completely different piles.
The surface and finishings have been crafted though different pile heights and material compositions.
In light of this Bob Carter goes into a very different pile than the others...
By creating different piles for different needs, you can communicate the basics of budgeting: how much you have, what you're obligated to spend, what's left over and how to allocate it.
Simply sorting and separating the Legos into different piles serves as the foundation for valuable math skills developed down the line.
e., treating different piles of money with different intentions (as much as a classical economist might scoff at that),» Dubner says.
The color isn't the only difference, either; you should change the type of cleaner you use as well as your overall cleaning strategy if you're working with several different types of fiber and maybe even different pile sizes, too.
Continue walking and keep returning to different piles of feces over and over, repeating the off procedure until he gets the idea that you disapprove of his dietary interests.
❏ Play store Have your child put coins into different piles.
I remember spending days packing, trying to sort out clothes into three different piles — one to throw away; the next one to give away; and the final one to bring away with me.
Make 3 different piles!
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z