Sentences with phrase «different priorities»

"Different priorities" refers to varying levels of importance or focus that individuals or groups assign to certain things, which can result in differing opinions or choices. Full definition
It stresses that animals can be both a nuisance and a benefit, serving several direct and indirect functions in urban ecosystems, each with different priorities at household, city and national level.
However, one thing must be noted that the statistics were also affected by age as women follow different priorities for finding their compatible match.
History has shaped cultural attitudes towards marriage over time, resulting in very different priorities in contemporary times, than in the recent past.
One thing that hasn't changed however, is that men and women have very different priorities when it comes to home improvements.
Of course, various people or adjacent countries might put different priorities on different goals.
In fact, the new generation of politicians has very different priorities about how they choose to communicate, and whom they choose to communicate with.
One often speaks, for example, of three waves — a fluid metaphor that already sets different priorities than for men.
The three companies are each large but also very different, and they may have different priorities about how to structure their health benefits.
It's natural to have different priorities as you get older and to place less importance on your individual social lives as you spend more time with your partner.
Security will fall in different priority levels for different providers.
Suddenly they find themselves surrounded by people with quite different priorities, who view the world through much different lenses, and who care about different things.
We take a firm stance with insurance companies and others who often have far different priorities.
Maybe my daughter is not ready for potty after all, or she just has different priorities now.
Potential savings are being identified in order to pursue different priorities.
Some people don't struggle with balance, or may not see it as an issue — we all have different priorities at different stages of our lives.
Remember that you are not selling to an individual; you are selling to a group of people with different priorities who each have a say in the purchase decision.
Her research suggests that men and women weigh different priorities when it comes to work.
Within the area, the person selects different priority points for information - gathering.
It's possible to want the same type of connection as someone else but to have vastly different priorities.
For both men and women, later life brings different priorities.
Dogs have different priorities compared to people, so your dog may care less about a traffic jam or a flight delay.
They have different priorities i.e. a work / life balance is important.
Your schedule may change constantly to accommodate different priorities and expectations.
When looking for a broker, salespeople have different priorities such as management support, commission split, training, the brand, location and the working environment.
Different families have different priorities on topics ranging from academics and the arts to questions of morality and religion.
If you and I went to a meeting at a workshop, we would likely come out of that meeting with different priorities, feelings and topics.
There are happy exceptions, but the relationships with big age difference will always have problems because the partners come from different generations, they have different priorities in life and different family values.
Different investors have different priorities when assessing a potential startup investment.
Other nations have had to set different priorities, and their revolutionary experiments represent an opposite one - sided - ness.
I live simply, and have different priorities for how to spend my money... education being a top priority for instance.
The current generation of medical school graduates, regardless of gender, has very different priorities.
Different recipients have also had different priorities about what data should be reviewed first.
Accrediting agencies are pushing for more resources to be devoted to particular programs, while faculty and student governments often have different priorities of their own.
I believe that it is naive of us to simply expect that young people will automatically buy - in to a political system that is dominated by a previous generation who held different priorities and values.
And that's exactly the way he wants it to happen because we'll bring -LSB-...] slightly different priorities, if not perspectives to add to that discussion,» she said.
All he'll say about local asks is, «We have some new people in office with perhaps different priorities and needs.»
In reality, however, you're probably expected to juggle many different priorities and deal with new demands in real - time.
My expectation would be that the courts decline to rule narrowly but will recognize that this was an attempt to balance between different priorities, all of which are important, some of which are statutorily and others which are constitutionally protected.
And both wait to see what, if any actions the federal Liberals take over an oil sands pipeline they've championed and a coast they've vowed to protect, along with electorates in two provinces with profoundly different priorities.
Mayor Dan McLaughlin said last year's budgeting process helped him and other officials see how a facilitator would help streamline different priorities within village departments.
As the electoral campaign has shown, these distinct demoi have not only different cultures, but also different priorities and preoccupations.
ALBANY — A tax hike on the rich, minimum wage increases and new government programs to help families pay for child care and family leave are on the Assembly Democrats» agenda for the year, advancing different priorities than Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and potentially setting up a clash on taxes.
The average Aston buyer has surely different priorities than Porsche's, the former will be LESS interested in lap - times or how fast its car goes around corners (at the end of the day this is the only key advantage of Porsche sports cars).
If it seems odd that the smallest mill gets seven cogs while the muscled ones only get six, it's down to different technologies reflecting different priorities.
However publishers choose to price their ebooks, there are also different acceptable prices for different genres or different types of content, as well as different priority prices for different authors and their work.
For me the election revealed a raw and urgent need for drastically different priorities, risks, and experimentation to advance a compelling conversation about race, politics, and class that we need in this new # 45 era.
There are all degrees of mixture and pied, mottled territories and subjects where different priorities drive emotions.
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