Sentences with phrase «different reasons dogs»

There are a few different reasons dogs display inappropriate urination.

Not exact matches

You would advance your side of the argument more if you could give reasons why you HATE people who have a different opinion than yours.The wild monkey - dogs await your words of wisdom..
I don't want my kids to eat a hot dog while I am eating ethnic food — I want them to experience different types of food for a reason.
The reason, of course, is that human and dog descended from a common ancestor, the skeletal structure of which was preserved in its essentials in both lineages, while being repurposed in its details to cope with very different ways of life.
Müller and his colleagues think it's unlikely there'd be an evolutionary reason for female and male dogs to have different visual skills.
There are a few reasons behind the different outcomes for the wild dogs and cheetahs.
Dogs can bite for a wide range of reasons and in a wide range of different situations.
By offering the people who can't make it work with a standard sized husky a smaller alternative, we prevent dogs from going to the shelter for the reasons listed above, not because the behaviour of the dog is different, but because the behaviour of the people that own the dogs are different.
Dog's may lick their paws for many different reasons.
For this reason, we definitely need another controlled, large sample study where several groups of dogs can be compared using all different types of training methods, as well as dogs that are not going through the process of training.
Anyone who loves having a pet around the household either has a dog or a cat, and while dogs have their plus points, cats can be equally endearing, although for totally different reasons.
Each type of dog brush is used for a different reason.
Answer: Limping isn't a common symptom of poisoning but vomiting is - but dogs can vomit for MANY different reasons (dietary indiscretion, kidney disease, liver disease, poisoning, intestinal parasites, viruses like parvo, etc etc) The only way I can relate the limping to the vomiting is if she sustained some kind of trauma (like hit by car) and may have internal injuries.
Unfortunately, just like humans, dogs also suffer from different types of cancer and because of this they must be kept a close eye on if they begin to lose weight really quickly for no apparent reason, are excessively tired and start acting usually down.
Dogs vomit for MANY different reasons.
Answer: Dogs will cough for many different reasons, not just heartworms, but yes, heartworms are definitely treatable.
Other dogs struggle with reactivity to different things for different reasons.
An individual dog can be aggressive for a variety of different reasons.
However, there are different reasons for aggression in dogs, and in many cases this sort of behaviour is in fact the dog's way of trying to avoid causing or being injured.
Max is a very special dog for many different reasons.
Three different brands all with their own reasons for being in the top three, so plenty of choice and variety and top quality because of the natural ingredients and wholesomeness that dog owners rave about by witnessing their dog's enthusiasm for them.
It's unfortunate that the two previous people didn't have the same luck but any intelligent person can see that different dogs react differently to different foods for a whole lot of different reasons.
There are many different reasons that a dog might not be interested in food for training.
There is a list of different reasons why you would not use human shampoo on a dog — Here are the main ones:
Seriously, dogs bark for many different reasons.
Dogs bark for many different reasons and they bark according to how they were bred, as well.
Some dogs vocalize more than others and for different reasons.
Many dog owners with dogs that suffer from sensitive stomachs for different reasons say they have struggled to find a food their dog can eat, but this product caused no problems for their pets whatsoever.
Dogs come to us in many different ways for many different reasons, but we always do our best to make the best match possible between dog and adopter.
For this reason, dogs with seizure disorders should probably use a different flea control product.
Just over half of all cats and dogs in US households are either overweight or obese, reports the APOP 2009 National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Study, and the reasons our pets are packing on the pounds aren't that different from the reasons their owners are.
Dog genetic testing is performed for a variety of different reasons by numerous canine geneticists around the world, and every bit of information these animal scientists produce is valuable.
We receive requests on a daily basis from people with many different reasons for wanting to give up their dog.
There are a few different reasons why your dog likes to lick your feet.
Different dogs eat different types of feces for variousDifferent dogs eat different types of feces for variousdifferent types of feces for various reasons.
We recently moved and established care with a new vet today and after describing the issue they suggested a large amount of different reasons, a large amount of expensive tests and ultimately didn't give us much confidence it would result in us helping our dog.
That said, for those of us who have heard again and again that dogs are just domesticated wolves living in a «pack» of humans — and who hasn't heard that more times than you can count, thanks to the popularization of the concept on TV — it might be helpful to learn all the scientific reasoning behind how wolves and dogs are different (and how we misunderstood wolves and their pack interactions for a very, very long time), why those «alpha dog» approaches aren't the best way to relate to your dog (and in fact, can even cause more problems), and why alternate approaches like positive reinforcement and reading the body language of a dog as a dog and not a mini wolf do work.
Cats and dogs will exhibit begging behaviors for different reasons so it is important to understand what is truly driving your pet's begging behavior before you try to address the issue.
Despite what the salesman may tell you, no Invisible Fence system is foolproof — dogs can, and do, breach the barrier for a variety of different reasons.
Dogs can be incontinent for many different reasons, some of which are only relevant to senior dogs and wilDogs can be incontinent for many different reasons, some of which are only relevant to senior dogs and wildogs and will be
There are two different reasons that dogs will deposit urine.
However, the truth is that dogs are surrendered to shelters for many different reasons.
Due to the fact that there are many different reasons why dogs may take part in coprophagia, the first step in preventing or treating this condition is to determine what is causing it in the first place.
The reason for this is that the commercially available dog foods that we give to our dogs these days are much different to the foods that dogs were naturally meant to eat and this can sometimes result in an imbalance of enzymes in the dogs gut.
Coughing in Dogs Dogs can develop coughs for many different reasons and there are many types of coughs.
This is because it is important to be 100 % sure he has kennel cough - dogs cough for many different reasons, especially 12 year old dogs.
There are many topics covered and it is a good introduction to help training Dogs for a number of different reasons.
Puppies and adult dogs bite for different reasons.
So you need to understand which barking behavior you should control because dogs bark for different reasons.
The exact reason why they eat berries isn't quite known (it could be for nutrition, or it could simply be because they taste good) but domesticated dogs also enjoy different kinds of berries.
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