Sentences with phrase «different regimens»

Two groups of male vervet monkeys were fed on different regimens for six years.
It helps to document the effect of different regimens, as Eugene suggests, but I don't know that you didn't, and a subjective sense that something is working should not just be dismissed.
Additionally, several studies indicated that Met inhibitors should be used in the treatment of cutaneous melanoma in different regimens / combinations [55].
Both trials, administered by the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project, headquartered at the University of Pittsburgh, compared different regimens of chemotherapy following surgery.
Bodybuilders, for example, follow a very different regimen that focuses on muscle hypertrophy over strength.
Susie follows different regimens for every day of the week, depending on which skin concern she wants to focus on.
So fasting is effective, simple (one main rule — don't eat), flexible (lots of different regimens), practical (saves time and money), and virtually guaranteed to work.
Once they lost 10 percent of their weight (or more), she had them follow three different regimens, all with the same caloric intake, for four weeks each: a low - fat diet mirroring decades of dietary recommendations; a low - glycemic - index diet based on foods that are digested slowly, including nonstarchy vegetables, legumes, and fruit; and a low - carb diet similar to the Atkins regimen.
Should it be a different regimen for morning larks versus night owls?
Researchers will assess the safety and tolerability of the vaccine schedules and characterize and compare the immune response elicited by these different regimens.
Different regimens have different effects on the body.
I have 2 treatments left of a different regimen, you can do it!
We're forced to go to a different regimen,» Emory University Hospital medical oncologist Donald Harvey told Fox.
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